Invincibility starts when I see the BOSS health bar

Chapter 510 Desperate situation strikes

The words of the vine gourd demon almost spoke to the hearts of other demon bodies.

Instead of facing the existence that can kill the thick-skinned big shield monster, it is better to surround and suppress these human remnants who are already at the end of their war effort with the large army.

Therefore, several demonic bodies also spoke in aid.

"That's right! Now this human team has been completely surrounded and has no chance to break through to the rear defense line. It is left with the fate of being slaughtered by others. Instead of spreading its strength, it is better to concentrate!"

"It's very true, the human who killed the thick-skinned big-shield monster must be very powerful, but he still acts as a monster behind instead of running away directly. It shows that he has blind confidence in his own strength, so we will let him go for the time being. One moment first. I believe that soon, he will pay the price he deserves!"

The thick-skinned and large-shielded demon was an existence that the Silver Lion King Demon was quite optimistic about, so when he heard that such an important subordinate had been killed, he was almost blinded by anger.

But when they heard what the Vine Gourd Demon and the others said, they gradually calmed down.

Who could be the leader of this demon alliance? After pondering carefully for a moment, he began to analyze the pros and cons in his mind and quickly made a decision.

"That's right. If you are assigned here, you may not be that guy's opponent, and the combat power will be suddenly dispersed. If another accident occurs, problems will arise in the good situation. It is far better to concentrate on solving this group of humans first, and then Let’s deal with the trouble at the rear. By then, that person will be unable to do anything alone. Facing our army of monsters, he will be unable to make a difference."

Seeing that the Silver Lion King Demon was so easy to talk to, several demon bodies secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The battle on the front line is clear. As long as we continue step by step, victory will be within easy reach.

On the contrary, it was the human on the rear front who could kill the thick-skinned and large-shielded demon. Apart from the Silver Lion King Demon, no one here could say that he could securely win.

Even if it's two against one, or three against one, you still have to fight hard, and you may risk falling at any time.

But on the front line, there is no such risk.

Therefore, they naturally hope to resolve the frontline matters first, and then the Silver Lion King Demon will take the lead to deal with the human who killed the thick-skinned shield demon. In this way, they will be foolproof and reduce risks to the greatest extent.

Although there was a brief interruption in the attack on the demon side, which gave the remaining human army some breathing space, everyone could see that everyone was in a very bad state.

The ocean of demons flooded in one after another, and from time to time there would be big demons interspersed among them, posing danger to the strong men of the remaining human army.

And if the strong human beings want to pursue the big demon, they will be blocked by the ocean of demons. The big demon can easily retreat to a safe place, so that the strong human beings dare not pursue it. Otherwise, if they leave the team, they will fight alone and wait for death. end.

The elder of the Xun family, Mr. Xun Taomu, was killed by the demon in this way.

He goes up.

Xunjia Miaozi was captured by the big demon. He rushed into the demon army regardless of the obstruction. He lost the cover of the human coalition and was soon overwhelmed by the demon army and died. Even Xunjia Miaozi, who was with him, also died tragically on the spot.

All of this was witnessed by Hai Kongxin with his own eyes.

This brutal battle surpassed any battle Hai Kongxin had ever experienced before.

He gasped for breath, and all the strength in his body seemed to have been drained, but it was not enough!

Because the demon's attack is still continuing, the mediocre warriors in the team have already reached their limit, and casualties occur from time to time. When the number of human coalition forces is far less than that of the demon, if a strong man of his level does not step up to fill the team's If you use the cave to resist the demons, then the entire team will be scattered and overwhelmed by the demons in minutes, and will soon completely collapse.

Not to mention that when the team's top warriors confront the most powerful demon on the demon side, they, the Wood Realm warriors, must also assist and cooperate. Otherwise, judging from Fu Lao's increasingly weak condition, he will be at risk at any time. They may all be defeated.

If Fu Lao is defeated and there are no generals in the army, everything will be over.

Keeping Fu Lao undefeated is the key to the human coalition's persistence until now. As for how long it can last, and whether there is a chance to break through the demon siege and find a glimmer of hope, Hai Kongxin doesn't know, or he simply can't allocate more energy. If you think about this problem, or even once you think about this problem, the belief and desire to survive that you have persisted in until now will collapse in an instant.

"I want to live... I must live... Humanity will win!!!"

Hai Kongxin roared and rushed to the front line of the team. The two brothers beside him had just retreated to the team to catch their breath. When they saw Hai Kongxin impulsively stepping forward, they immediately followed him to support him.

But Hai Kongxin did not notice that on the demon side, after several demon bodies returned to the attacking team, the offensive suddenly became extremely fierce.

He only thinks about fighting, killing, and breaking out.

However, the long battle, the depressing atmosphere, and the increasingly desperate situation prevented Hai Kongxin from realizing that he had actually gradually become numb.

So he didn't notice the state of his brother next to him.

So he charged forward like a wild bull, roaring, and unknowingly distanced himself from his brother.

At the moment when the tragedy happened, those neglected details, those that should have been sensed and responded to long ago, were all recalled one by one and injected into the mind.

But, it's already too late.


A moment of looking back.

Bah! ! !

A bloody claw penetrated the chest of his life-and-death brother, Hai Congbo.

Hai Kongxin's pupils suddenly shrank, and his brain went blank with a buzzing sound.

The moment the other brother of life and death roared towards the big monster.

Bah! ! !

Another life-and-death brother, Hai Songying, suddenly stabbed out sharp wooden thorns from the soles of his feet!

The sharp wooden thorns instantly penetrated Hai Songying's feet from bottom to top, and cherry blossoms bloomed quickly on his body, locking him directly in place.

As he roared in pain, he shouted facing Hai Kongxin.


Snapped! ! !

The bloody claws, like bloody afterimages, slapped Hai Songying directly on the face, sending Hai Songying flying away like a toy.

When he landed on the ground, his arms were twisted unnaturally, as if... he had lost his breath.

"no no!!!"

Hai Kongxin swished and shot continuously, popping out the iron beads, but it was already too late.

His gradually numb brain and sluggish fighting consciousness caused him to miss the best rescue time.

He took action with hatred, and although the two big monsters he fought grunted one after another, the next moment he faced them, the two big monsters jointly counterattacked!

Only then did Hai Kongxin wake up.

how come!

Why did two big monsters suddenly appear and attack together!

Previously, the big demons were all guarding one side! Wouldn't a sudden change in the attack rhythm mean that the offensive pressure from other directions has dropped sharply!

What are they doing!

What did the death of my two brothers bring to this team! You guys, give me some help! !

Hai Kongxin shouted with blood and tears and took action again, but faced with the two monsters joining forces, he was alone and unable to support himself!

But just then...

boom! ! !

In the rear battle line, a violent explosion suddenly occurred! !

The terrifying air waves spiraled into the sky, almost rising into the sky!

The vast number of monsters were like weak ants, spiraling up into the sky, screaming loudly, and clearing out a clearing in that area!

And in that open space, a human figure stood tall and towering among the chickens!

He seemed to notice the gaze here, and whether he was talking to the two big monsters or Hai Kongxin, the guy gasped slightly on the spot, then winked in this direction and said.

"Qi blast... Tian Xuan."

It's him! ?

The two monsters looked at each other, gave up chasing Hai Kongxin, and suddenly retreated almost at the same time!

They must report the information immediately! The believer who killed the thick-skinned giant shield demon and was killed by Taoist Priest Qingling but came back to life has already reached the front line! !

The sudden violent retreat of the two big monsters caused the pressure in Hai Kong's heart to drop suddenly. His tense nerves relaxed and he fell to his knees half on the ground.

Just his gaze, accompanied by the demons falling like raindrops from the sky, looked towards Fang Yu.

"How are you still alive?"

"Me? I was born with two hearts."

Across the falling demon rain, the two completed a conversation.

Before Hai Kongxin could say anything else, in Haikongxin's stunned eyes, Fang Yu had already raised his butcher knife towards the little demons who were wailing on the ground and unable to move.

The little monsters who landed were frightened.

They have seen big monsters chasing and fighting powerful monsters, but they have never seen that in such a tense battlefield, there is time to deal with small monsters like them, which have little impact on the battlefield and almost lose their combat power when they land. , to carry out extermination.

Who the hell is this? ?

D! ! !

The little demons were about to cry without tears. Those who still had some strength crawled towards their own army of demons and ran away to seek cover.


"Where to escape!"

"It's you I'm talking about! Look at my lightning whirlwind!"

"And you, pretend to be dead, right? Keep pretending to be dead! Pretend to be dead again! Die to me!!!"

"What are you questioning, what are you surprised about! You're just a little demon, how can you question me!"

"I, Diao Deyi, was born with two hearts. I am at odds with the devil!!"

Killing like crazy.

Really crazy.

A punch hit the fallen demon's head, and plasma burst out on the spot, splattering blood all over the ground.

After finishing off this monster neatly, he immediately turned around to chase the next monster. The efficiency of killing the monster was like a precise instrument. Even the amount of force exerted and the amount of effort it took to kill a monster were all subtle. It was as if he could see at a glance how close this monster was to death.

By killing like this, not only were the attacks deadly, but they were also able to save energy and increase their ability to continue fighting.

"This he so strong?"

Hai Kong was confused.

The defeated general before suddenly became so violent that it was simply outrageous.

What is this called?

A master of food abuse?

You can't beat someone of the same level, but you have a lot of experience in beating weak guys and you can do it with ease.

Hai Kongxin was about to be scornful when he suddenly realized that those two big monsters were scared away by Fang Yu.

In a sense, being a believer does have unique advantages.

Only when he saw the bodies of his brothers, Hai Congbo and Hai Songying, did he feel self-blame and pain.

He suddenly understood why Diao Deyi was so crazy and persistent in killing demons during the day.

Because right now, he also wants to kill all the demons in the world, leaving no one behind...! ! !

"He's coming to kill you!! That believer is coming to kill him!!"

Sheng Ying Man Flower Demon and Red Lotus Blood Leopard Demon shouted at the Silver Lion King Demon almost simultaneously.


The Silver Lion King Demon was stunned for a moment.

And in front of him was the elder Hai Jingfu who was already kneeling on the ground, with blood constantly spilling from his mouth, and his head being firmly grasped by the silver lion king demon with one hand!

That's right! It is Haijingfu who is the strongest combat force of the human coalition and the core of the entire human team!

He... lost!

He was defeated by his failure to understand the ever-changing battlefield.

But when the pressure in other directions dropped sharply and no big demon appeared, it was already too late.

The silver lion king demon, together with the other two demon bodies, cooperated with the ocean-like army of demons, and all launched a sneak attack!

Even if someone came to cover in time, Hai Jingfu, who was already at the end of his fight, still lost.

His consciousness was blurred, and he could hardly exert any strength.

He worked hard and he lasted long enough.

That was an army of monsters that far exceeded their human team in both quantity and quality!

He is really tired, carrying everyone's pressure and carrying everyone's hope, and has persisted until now.

Hai Jingfu is no longer young, he has reached the age where he should retire and enjoy happiness!

At this age, facing an army of monsters and struggling so far, he has already reached his limit.

If it weren't for a glimmer of hope, if it weren't for everyone's hope of living, he would have fallen half an hour ago.

Everything is just trying to hold on.

But now, despite the defeat, Hai Jingfu seems to have found relief.

Although I'm sorry for everyone, he may need to take the first step.

Bang! !

The Silver Lion King Demon crushed Hai Jingfu’s head and exploded it!


The people in the human coalition who witnessed this scene shouted out of control with bloodshot eyes, but it was meaningless.

As the headless corpse fell, the biggest threat to the entire human team had disappeared.

All that's left is how to clean up the battlefield.

The only variable left is a believer who suddenly breaks out of the battlefield and kills even the thick-skinned and large-shielded monsters.

But the current situation is different from just now.

Just now, there was a strong man in the human team who could compete with the Silver Lion King Demon. If the variable of believers was added, it would naturally become very troublesome.

But now, the situation has become, how to lead the demon army to crush that believer.

"Well come."


"Let us avenge the thick-skinned big shield demon and crush that little guy to death together!!"

The Silver Lion King Demon licked his blood-stained paws, his eyes deep and cold.


Several demon bodies really think they can't defeat the believers who can kill the thick-skinned giant shield demon.

But with the Silver Lion King Demon fighting against the enemy together, the situation is definitely different!

The level of the Silver Lion King Demon is not on the same level as them!

With the help of the Silver Lion King Demon Lord, mere believers are not a problem at all!

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