Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 314: He is a good person!

In front of the clock tower, all the birds were silent, and everyone looked at Yang Zhen and Advantech girl with a horrified face. What everyone did not expect was that Advantech actually said these words in front of so many people.

It's Su who loves Yang Zhen. This remark is more confounding and unacceptable than the Admiral girl who loves Yang Zhen.

Su is so talented and prosperous, he has already condensed the inscription of talent at a young age, and now he has successfully condensed the seventeenth mandarin. How can such a gorgeous woman look like an ordinary person?

Now this young man named Yang Kang is just pretending to be tall and clear. Everyone on the scene can see it, can't everyone see it?

It must be that Yang Zhen was pretending to be in a puzzled position, and confused Su everyone, so that Su everyone would have a little misunderstanding about Yang Zhen, which led to the situation today.

Just when everyone wanted to expose Yang Zhen's face, the girl Yan Hua suddenly said with a smile: "All Su people are in a good mood today, so they decided to open the clock tower, and all Daoists can enter the clock tower to be present. At that time, everyone in Su will appear in person. You Daoyou solve problems!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone stood together and cheered.

No matter whether Su everyone really took a fancy to Yang Zhen, people who can't enter the bell tower nowadays can also enter the bell tower to see Su everyone's style, and everyone is excited together.

Besides, all the people of Su were eager to ask, how could it be that Yang Zhen was so casual, and it must be that Yang Zhen's maverickness made Su everyone a little interested. As long as everyone followed, they could expose Yang Zhen's ugly face.

A person who didn't dare to take Gan Bailin's provocation, how could He De let Su take a different look?

Everyone looked at Yang Zhen with gloating and gloom, and Gan Bailin looked gloomy, and showed a dark smile to Yang Zhen.

Under the leadership of Advantech Girls, everyone present entered the clock tower. Even Yang Zhen was dragged by Xue Zonglin and pulled into the clock tower.

After entering the clock tower, Yang Zhen was suddenly taken aback. This clock tower was even bigger than he had imagined, and the surrounding walls were lined with rows of bookshelves. There were thousands of books on the forest. This was just level one.

On the wall behind the bookshelf, there are countless talent inscriptions, each shining brightly, obviously protecting these books.

Everyone in the Soviet Union really deserves to be a bookworm, and actually has so many books in this clock tower. If you have read all these books, this member of the Soviet Union is really amazing.

So far, even Yang Zhen had a hint of curiosity about the Su people. How a woman could actually achieve this degree.

Seeing Yang Zhen interested in the bookshelf, Advantech said with a smile: "These collections are collected by Su from all countries. It can be said that Beiyu's collection is second only to the existence of Ling Xue Gong."

Yang Zhen was taken aback, and asked, "There are more places in the Ling Xue Palace to store books than here?"

Advantech smiled and said, "The Lingxue Palace is where the world's talents are gathered. The disciples are all from all over the mainland and naturally have their own unique characteristics."

Yang Zhen suddenly realized that this spiritualist palace is worthy of Mo Chifeng's existence.

This made Yang Zhen feel ashamed. If he had such a mentality and perseverance when he studied, he wouldn't even learn math badly.


On the second floor of the clock tower, a woman dressed in white snow wears a faint atmosphere of a book, and she smiles with a sense of natural nature. The eyes of the phoenix turn around, and the skin on her face can be blown, especially A lip lip, slowly opening and closing, makes people salivate.

The woman was holding a fine wolf and small compilation brush in her hand. She was painting. On a white piece of paper, a lotus flower was drawn with anger. It looked like a real thing even from petals in the distance. The above-mentioned Zhaolu are crystal clear and seem to drip at any time.

Beside the woman, a little girl stood in the place with surprise and admiration, and said crisply: "My elder sister's painter is the best one Xiaorou has ever seen, there is no one!"

Hearing this, the woman showed a smile on her lips and shook her head. "Little girl, you don't have to compliment me so much. In your heart, I'm afraid that Yang Zhen is the most talented person!"

If Yang Zhen was present at this time, he would certainly be able to be surprised. The little girl next to everyone in Su was not someone else. It was the one who was working painstakingly on Guishe Island, but in the end he was unable to complete the faucet.

The giant dragon painting that did not complete the faucet was finally painted by Yang Zhen as a faucet, condensing the celestial phenomena, which caused shock to the whole turtle snake island.

After hearing all the words from Su, Xiaorou looked down and said, "Sister is making fun of Xiaorou again!"

All of Su smiled and said, "Speaking of that, I am also very interested in that Yang Zhen, but this person's reputation doesn't seem to be very good. Now people in the entire Tieling City are looking for him, it seems very troublesome!"

Khan Rou shook his head hurriedly and said, “It’s not like that. Sister, Brother Yang, although...though he is a bit maverick, but he is a good person. It must be that the two-legged cat is talking nonsense, which will cause misunderstanding. Let your sister... also be affected."

Su everyone shook their heads and said with a sigh: "The world is more chased by fame and fortune, and the most vulnerable to rumors and whispers. This is not too much interference for me, but you can't talk in my ear within a day. Ten times, the name Yang Zhen, I was curious and wanted to meet this person, so it was very difficult in this case."

Khan Rou froze, biting his lip, but he was helpless.

Su everyone slowly opened another picture on the chopping board, a vivid dragon leaping on the paper, but the dragon head, but it looked weird and looked quite funny.

Watching and watching, Su everyone suddenly burst into a smile, the surrounding environment suddenly brightened a little.

Su everyone looked at the painting with a curious look, and said with a smile: "What kind of person is it? It can be painted like this... such a unique painting, Yang Zhen he... he said this thing Called the faucet?"

With a nostalgic smile on his face, Khan Rou nodded and said, "Yes, I just don't know where Brother Yang is After seeing that day, Xiao Rou heard that he went to Donglin Island, but when I went to Donglin Island, I heard that he had gone to sea and never saw it again."

Su everyone turned around and said to Khan Rou: "You are talented, but you haven't formed your own faction yet, so that you and Ning Bailin become the top of the list. It's true that you are aggrieved. Wouldn't you blame your sister?"

Xiao Rou shook his head and said, "How can Xiao Rou blame her sister? Not only that, Xiao Rou can fully understand her sister's intentions, and she will not disappoint her sister's expectations of Xiao Rou."

Su everyone nodded and said, "On Beiyu, or even the entire mainland of Youzhou, only the place of the Ling Xue Palace can make me wait for the highest cultivation of talent. Now the Ling Xue Palace has urged me a few times. ...Don’t stay at the Cultural Institute, go with me!"

Kian Rou nodded and said, "Xiao Rou is willing to go together, but why is her sister suddenly interested in Yang Kang?"

A smile flashed in Su's eyes and said, "I just think he is an interesting person. In this case, he can't move, and it must be a personal thing. It may be a good thing to see the last time. It's a pity that I'm afraid I can't see Yang Zhen this. People."

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