Invincible God King

Chapter 49: the first

Biquge, the latest chapter of the invincible God King is updated soon!

Chen Xin'er smiled and looked at the trapped Chen Yu, with an expression of winning.

"It's too early for you to be happy!" Chen Yu smiled indifferently, and the dragon shape around her body suddenly shrank, all of which got into his body.

Chen Yu's response made Chen Xiner hesitate.

Isn't he dead? !!

How can you stop the fire from attacking without the qi body? !!

However, the next moment, when the fire and phoenix in the sky folded their wings and were going to surround Chen Yu firmly, they saw Chen Yu's body glowing with red light.

A domineering breath emanated from Chen Yu's body.


With a rage!

Chen Yu not only stiffly resisted the flames of the sky, but also punched backhand, directly blasting the phoenix into a shard!

This punch shocked the audience.

So strong flesh! !! !!

Everyone present felt the goosebumps straight up when they saw Chen Yu's hard blow against the fire.

This requires not only a strong physical body, but also great courage.

Even if someone was able to handle the fire phoenix and fins, they might not dare to fight hard.

It's like cutting a knife in front of you. It's the same when you open your eyes and close your eyes, but many people's first reaction is definitely to close their eyes.

Faced with the killing, he did not change his face. This kind of warfare by Chen Yu made many elders in the stands look bright!

Geniuses are not easy to find, and geniuses like Chen Yu who are not afraid of fighting are even harder to find.

"Chen Yu, yes! It is rare to be able to cultivate such a powerful body at such a young age!"

"Unfortunately, Chen Xiner is better than this. Although he smashed the opponent's sword soul, his energy has also been consumed seven or eighty-eight. And just now he resisted the blow of the Phoenix and the damage to the physical body was also Very big ... "

"This choice is not really appropriate!"

"But if Chen Yu does not choose this way, it will be difficult to reverse the passive situation."

"Unexpectedly, Chen Xiner not only cultivated well, but even the combat layout is so exquisite. It seems that the winner has been divided!"

"This situation has a lot to do with Chen Yu's lack of fierceness in the beginning. If he had attacked Chen Xiner from the beginning and did not give Chen Xiner a chance to sword, I am afraid it would be another scene at this time ..."

"Yeah, Chen Yu is in trouble because of her soft-heartedness. But that's fine, at least when he learns to fight, he must not stay."

The elders in the stands whispered to each other.

It seems that the end of this battle has already been set.

Just then, a loud noise burst suddenly above the ring!

Chen Yu, show off!

The boxer walks on the dragon and walks on the clouds.

Suddenly, in the air, wave after wave of powerful force, soared into the sky.

This blow is like a dragon rising for nine days!

"Howling !!!"

Long Yin, shocked the audience.

The disciples who were low in training were even deafened temporarily by the sound of this dragon's voice.

Chen Xiner also seemed to see that this was Chen Yu's exhausted blow, which was very powerful.

If it is hard to resist, it is likely to end in a loser.

So, at this critical moment, Chen Xiner suddenly disappeared from the spot and avoided Chen Yu's strongest blow.

Later, she appeared in another corner of Yantai. Seeing that Chen Yu was out of this circle, she seemed exhausted and exhausted.

"Brother Chen Yu, offended!"

The words fell, Chen Xiner's long sword took off and pierced Chen Yu's back.

And her figure turned into a streamer, attacking Chen Yu from the side.

At this point, Chen Yu's strength has consumed 90%, but it is the weakest moment.

Moreover, at this time, Chen Xiner had no interest at all and attacked Chen Yu with a double-sided attack.

No matter how to resist, Chen Yu will be hit by Chen Xiner.

"The big picture is set!"

"Chen Yu is really strong, but in this test, Chen Xiner is the better one ..."

However, the two elders have just finished speaking, but the situation on the court has changed!

All the white light bloomed from Chen Yu's body.

The sight was like a flash in the pan, beautiful, dazzling, and eye-catching!

The moment when the flower blooms is also the moment it dissipates.

However, with Xinhua disappearing, there is also Chen Xiner's hand sword!

"Yuhua bloodscape!"

Although Chen Yu is only 10% left at this time.

However, even if he had only this success, it was enough for him to release the flying knife.

At this moment when the sword came out, Chen Yu's body once again appeared a mysterious and mysterious breath.

"Mysterious will, see through!"

At this time, Chen Yu's eyes flashed a strange red light again.

With the help of mysterious will, Chen Yu saw through Chen Xiner's moves.

Dozens of flying knives converged into a line and burst out, intertwining into a dense net, covering Chen Xin'er at once.

Instantly, Chen Xiner was like a fish, caught in a net, trapped in the knife light.


Chen Xin'er was trapped by Daoguang and was immediately taken aback.

Seeing that the main points counted by the whole body were locked by Daoguang, Chen Xiner also knew that he had failed and was convinced to take it orally.

"Brother Chen Yu, I confess to losing, and please show mercy!"

Hearing that, Chen Yu is also a little bit.

The blade of light flashed across Chen Xiner.

"Sister Xiner's strength is also extraordinary, this time I was lucky to win."

Chen Yu's voice was slightly agitated as she spoke.

Because he knew that after defeating Chen Xiner, he was the first person among the ordinary disciples of the Chen family.

This made him take a step closer to the family's top three rankings!

Today, with his strength, he is enough to enter the top ten of the family.

When Chen Yu stepped down from the battle platform, the crowd automatically separated a road wherever he went.

These ordinary disciples of the Chen family showed awe and even worshipped.

Even Chen Rui, statements, and others who have repeatedly opposed him in the past have bowed their heads and dare not think about it.

When Chen Yu walked to the center of the crowd, suddenly, in his light, he saw a desolate girl.

Chen Ran!

At this time, Chen Ran looked dim and lost his eyes, and did not notice Chen Yu's eyes at all.

Seeing Chen Ran's expression, Chen Yu shook her head slightly.

From today, he and Chen Ran will be two people in different worlds.

Chen Ran can only look forward to his existence.

This should be the best punishment for this woman!

From then on, there will be no such woman in his field of vision.

Because, his ambition is to martial arts ninefold, become sect, and be sanctified.

It is even possible that he wants to move towards a wider and boundless world.

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