Invincible Level Up

Vol 4 Chapter 162: , the land of the sea

Starting today, you can give more encouragement, how much, how much I eat!

Thanks to ‘BlueBird’1888 for the reward and valuable evaluation vote, thank you for the third time of this week’s 打 ン ン ン メ , , , , , , , , , , 第三 第三 第三 第三 第三 第三 第三 第三

I will be on the shelves tomorrow, and the old cows will ask everyone to leave the guaranteed monthly ticket to the old bull. The old cow is thankful!


In the ancient war, the magic road collapsed.

The ancient trolls and powerful people used the supreme precepts to seduce the evil fires in the sky. The fires turned out of the sky and instantly turned the Mozu territory into powder. The remaining forces of the Mozu disappeared overnight.

Different fires are burning, the fire is rising all over the sky, burning the earth, and countless people on Tianyuan mainland want to do everything, but they can't stop it.

The sacred world, the ancestors of the meditation of the sea, traveled through thousands of stars, looking for ways to smash the fire, and after a decade, finally found the water of darkness, the traction of the sacred mind, the use of Supreme Dafa, the introduction of the Tianyuan continent, Pour out the fire, forming the current north of the sea.

Since then, the family of the sea has been born.

The people of the sacred sea live in the bottom of the sea, guarding the fire, and never come out.

Until 3,000 years ago, Luo Yi came to the world. At the time of cultivation, a large number of devil spirits entered the body, and the mind was born with demons. Without any consideration, regardless of the opposition of the tribes, it was a demon in the heart and jumped into the endless fire.

For three years, the Minghai people thought he was dead.

Who knows, but he burned the evil spirits in his heart with different fires, and cast the body of the flesh, refining the heart of different fires, and the strength reached the peak of the realm of Qiankun in just three years, only one step away from the realm of great perfection.

The flesh cast by the different fires is extremely powerful and reaches the great perfection.

Re-emergence, the means are fierce and incomparable. On that day, the princes of the dynasty were killed and they wanted to dominate the whole family and plot the entire Tianyuan continent.

Unexpectedly, the people were unanimously opposed.

Luo Wei was sexually and ferocious. For a time, the whole family of the sea was full of killings and endless killings.

In the short month of the Minghai family, more than half died. In order to preserve the strength, Ziyue, one of the two patriarchs, led the tribe to leave the country, but was chased by Luo Wei, so that only the purple moon was left. More than a dozen prostitutes, the elders died and died.

Another female red moon is the Virgin of the Sea, with the heart of the sea.

The Red Moon is a sacred woman of the sea. Only a few people know that Luo Wei does not know, and because of this, the Red Moon has escaped.

Red Moon, born with kindness, fears that the refining of the heart of the sea will only bring greater killing, causing the family of the sea to go to ruin, so for three thousand years, the heart of the sea has never been refined.

The heart of the sea is a meditation of the ancestors of the sea, and the power contained is equivalent to the semi-Saint-power, and the power is quite huge.

Luo Yan’s only taboo thing.

After he controlled the family of the sea, he condensed his body and suppressed the whole family. The real body was concentrating on cultivation, trying to break through the void as soon as possible, and sanctifying it. At that time, no one could stop him.

For three thousand years, most of the people of the sect of the sea have succumbed to Luo, and a small number of people have been resisting.

However, they were driven away from the most deserted edge of the maritime territory, and the conditions were extremely harsh and their lives were very difficult.

"Where is this?"

Qin Tian woke up, his eyes were slightly stunned, a little luck, and there was a burning pain in his chest. He took a few mouthfuls of cold and his face became very pale.

"You don't need to move your gas. You are injured by electric power from the 10th level of the sea. At this time, you should not move your breath. Otherwise, it will easily hurt the internal organs and leave you with hidden diseases."

An old, hoarse voice came, holding a towel wrapped in rags and gently wiping off the cold sweat of Qin Tian’s forehead, whispering softly.

When Qin Tian looked at his side, his heart suddenly became shocked. An old woman’s face was wrinkled like a piece of plaque, and her hair was like numbness and turbid eyes. When I saw it, I couldn’t help but feel tremble.

"My looks are very scary." The old woman hoarse, the crumpled face showed a kind smile, the smile was very natural, and did not feel inferior because of Qin Tian's shocked look.

Smile made Qin Tian again surprised.

Suddenly I felt just rude, and immediately said: "Grandma, you are not scary at all."

"Oh..." The old woman smiled happily.

Seeing it, she really likes to laugh.

Qin Tian was infected by her, and she smiled. She just smiled and immediately touched the wound. She couldn’t help but feel the cold sweat and the whole body shivered.

"Ha ha……"

The old woman laughed again, and the action was extremely skillful to wipe the cold sweat from Qin Tian. It was like doing countless times of such work. The look was calm but extremely serious.

"Grandma, where is this?" Qin Tian could not help but ask.

"The land of the sea." The old woman replied softly, and turned the rags tightly, then rinsed again in the clear water, wringed again, and wiped the wound for Qin Tian.

At this time, Qin Tian’s upper body was naked, and the chest had a long crack. The skin was open and fleshy, and the bones were visible. The ten-level electric power of the eDonkey was very strong. Qin Tian’s body could not bear it. This is still the power of the dragon’s purgatory. Heart, otherwise, he is probably dead.

"The land of the sea?!"

Qin Tian’s heart meditation, then secretly shocked, silently said: “The family of the sea?”

Look carefully, in a simple tent, the tent is ragged, and the crevices are constantly blowing into the loess. This is why the old woman has to wipe the Qintian wound.

The wind blew, the yellow sand rolled up, and a lot of loess fell into the gap in Qin Tian. The old woman was patient and clean, and saw Qin Tian’s heart was moved, tears filled, and she could not help but say: Thank you, old lady."

The old woman is still whispering and laughing.

Qin Tianyun was full of strength and endured the pain in his chest. He found a Pei Yuan Dan from the space ring, and immediately, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The old woman was shocked and looked at Qin Tian, ​​an incredible look.

"You,,, your, your wounds, recovered too fast." The old woman was surprised.

Under Pei Yuan Dan's service, the pain in the chest was sharply reduced, but the dark wound in the body was still aching pain. Compared with just waking up, it was much better at this time.

Qin Tian sat up Road: "Grandma, I just ate the remedy to help restore the wound medicine."

The old woman looked at Qin Tian's fast-healing wound and couldn't help but smudge it with her hand. For her, this is amazing.

It’s totally unbelievable.

Pei Yuan Dan nine products to cure the holy medicine, how fast is the wound healing?

Turning to the old woman, the two eyes became deeper, grabbed Qin Tian’s hand, and pulled out, directly bringing Qin Tian to the tent next door, pointing to the patient lying on the wooden bed and covering the wound, revealing the begging Eyes, excited: "Save, save, save him."

The patient's whole body wound has rotted, the body's breath is weak, his face is waxy white, and if he is not treated, he may not live for three days.

Seeing the eyes of the old woman pleading, Qin Tian secretly moves, can you not save?

Suddenly, once again pulled out a Pei Yuan Dan, raised the sick, opened his mouth and poured the medicinal herbs, and then released a weak Qigong to slowly urge the patient's body to accelerate the speed of drug evaporation.

In less than half a minute, the patient's face gradually became rosy, the breath gradually increased, and the size of the wound began to heal quickly.

The old woman stood on one side, her body trembled, and the tears of excitement flowed out.


The patient opened his eyes and looked at Qin Tian. Then he looked at the old woman and shouted excitedly.

Pei Yuandan's potency came out, and Qin Tianyi smiled back to the side, envious of his heart.

Suddenly, there was a footstep outside the tent.

Then Qin Tian’s heart was tight, and the heart secretly said: “A strong breath...”


[bookid=2153211,bookname=“The Best Escape”]

The special police pass through, there is a sloppy capital, of course, can not be wasted

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