Chapter 344

But now Zhang, no longer indifferent calm before the complex, but is the face of remorse.

“I regret ah, I really special What a silly fork!”

Zhang angry shouted: “? I’m not so good place to stay in Hua Hin, do not have to be this broken place.”

Mr. Chang is now no longer feel big summer fruit branch this place is a good place.

He felt Huaxing here than it is fourteen hundred lump of feces.

And Huaxing after this was later bound to be more powerful if he was in charge of procurement Huaxing chip, that is not later earned pours?

Until now, Mr. Chang did not realize his mistake.

He does not understand how Huaxing against him, and how he treats Huaxing?

In Zhang’s eyes, perhaps only interest now.

Such a person, but also worthy of the location where Huaxing chip procurement executives?

At this time, there are those who regret the many employees Huaxing “critical moment” to leave, before they Huaxing the time, whether it is treatment, or status are very high.

Friends and relatives who are also very envious of them.

Originally Huaxing after they left, their relatives and friends will not say anything, but now I am afraid that they will become a laughing stock, right?

But this time already regret is useless, they can only reluctantly accepted this fact.

Let them Fortunately, Fortunately, they come out from Huaxing, there Jiuxing and other big companies are willing to accept them, so that they will not be too lonely.

Huaxing back to m6 smartphone conference site.

Upon hearing Chen Ye say, Huaxing m6 smart phone is equipped with self-developed Shenzhou VI bully mobile processor, but also 5nm process technology of the time, no matter the audience or among friends who live in the quiet after a few seconds, all thoroughly boil.

“FML, self-development Huaxing actually a chip, or 5nm, and Niubi.”

“I did not expect this, Huaxing regressed, President Chen rocks!”

“5nm ah, now the world’s top chip manufacturing process technology are still at 7nm, right? This is not rains it pours ah!”

“F * ck, I how nosebleeds? This is too excited yet?”

“Ha ha ha, then I can see who blocked our Huaxing Huaxing is the world’s most powerful mobile phone company, not one. …….”

People watch the press conference, some very excited, and some cried ……

But people understand that from now on, Huaxing the chip manufacturing process technology, could not be blocked, because there Huaxing own technology, do not need to rely on others.

They seem to see big summer ahead, under the leadership of Huaxing, become more and more stronger, more prosperous developed.

Until cheering for a long time, the atmosphere was gradually subsided.

And this time, Chen Ye before continuing to introduce mobile processor Fengyun Shenzhou VI bully, said: “We should all now know that the chip production are inseparable lithography, chip material silicon chips are also . ”

“And this chip, is not produced by the lithography machine, nor a silicon chip, but the carbon-based chips.”

Hearing this new term, between the audience and broadcast users, the vast majority have some fameng, carbon-based chips do not know what it means.

But including some inline chiefs, they hear the term when the two suddenly nothing left flash. .

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