Saitama was excited.

“Gojo Gojo…”

This obviously fluctuating mood, how long has he not tried!

The reason is simple, he has forgotten how long it has been since he met an opponent worthy of a fight!

Any enemy is a one-punch shot, and whoever changes it may be bored.

But now it’s different.

He obviously met an opponent who could fight!

Saitama’s fists clenched, and his eyes visibly lit up.


Without saying anything more, Saitama clenched his fists and flew towards Luo Hao again.

The terrifying power directly stepped on another big pit on the ground, and then the reaction force pushed Saitama’s body, like an arrow, towards Luo Hao.

Hell Blowing Snow and others were horrified to see it.

In the next second, with terrifying fluctuations, Luo Hao was shot away again!


Luo Hao’s figure was directly hit and flew obliquely into the sky.

But the next moment, he fell from the sky unscathed.

“It’s useless, there is an infinite distance between you and me!”

The boy looked down, the corners of his mouth upturned.

Hell Blowing Snow and the others’ faces suddenly showed great surprise again.

“It’s still okay!!”

“After suffering such attacks one after another, they were actually unharmed!”

“What does infinity mean, Gojo Gojo-san said it just now when he was fighting that weirdo.”

“It seems that that weirdo can’t hurt Mr. Gojo, what kind of ability is this!?”

And Saitama at this time couldn’t help but be stunned.

The successive ordinary fists actually had no effect on Luo Hao!

But the strange thing is that whether it is a punch just now, or a punch now, he has the feeling of hitting the entity.

What the hell is going on here!?

Luo Hao always had a smile on his face.

Needless to say, of course, it is still the credit of the unbounded technique.

Saitama’s ordinary fist is indeed very powerful, and in the entire one-punch world, few people can take it safely.

But as long as you can’t break through the infinite distance between you and him, you can’t hurt him no matter what!

“You are really strong, I am excited!”

“Continuous ordinary fist!!”

With Saitama’s current thinking, he obviously couldn’t figure out the trick of the Infinite Limit Technique, so he simply acted according to his usual fighting style.

One power down ten will!

And if one power does not work, then use greater power!


Saitama shot rocketially in front of Luo Hao again, this time with both fists in unison, directly bursting out a round of terrifying fist shadows, covering Luo Hao’s figure.

Luo Hao raised his eyebrows, but did not dodge, and still chose to hard connect.

He also wanted to see if there was a limit to the Infinite Limit Technique.

Can you continue the next, Saitama’s move continuous ordinary punch!

It’s too late, it’s fast.

Under the gaze of Hell Blowing Snow and others, Saitama’s fist shadow completely fell on Luo Hao.

At that moment, Luo Hao was hit by dozens and hundreds of punches, and the figure immediately flew out upside down again!

Immediately afterwards, Hell Blowing Snow and the others showed shock.

After receiving this continuous attack, Luo Hao was still not injured!

His figure flew up leisurely, silently declaring his strength.

Seeing this, Saitama’s face suddenly changed significantly.

His face began to become solemn, but there was a stronger fighting intent in his eyes.

“Continuous ordinary punches are useless? In that case…”

Similarly, I don’t know how long Saitama hasn’t used consecutive ordinary punches against his enemies.

Those opponents are all done with one punch, and naturally they can’t use continuous ordinary punches.

But now, Saitama used continuous ordinary punches, but it was still ineffective against Luo Hao!

Realizing this, Saitama couldn’t contain his excitement, and some blood boiled in his body.

Immediately, he stepped on his feet and shot at Luo Hao again like an arrow.

This time, Saitama was obviously really moving, and his figure broke through the air, and he actually rubbed out amazing light flames.

It was like a brilliant meteor, approaching Luo Hao.

“Seriously… One punch!! ”

Luo Hao’s smile, which originally appeared because of the unrestricted technique once again blocking the continuous ordinary punches, suddenly froze.

At this moment, he felt a strong threat!

But soon, Luo Hao smiled again.

Wasn’t that what he wanted?

“Come on, it’s okay, I’m the strongest!”

In an instant, the unbounded technique is stretched to the maximum!

At the same time, “Cang” and “He” also followed, using Saitama to form a containment, and Luo Hao himself to form a defense.


In the next second, another earth-shattering bang exploded.

Hell Blowing Snow and others were shocked.

At this moment, what they saw was a ruined wreckage!

The entire city of A was actually destroyed!

The power of this blow is simply terrifying beyond description!

Looking at the confrontation again, Hell Blowing Snow and the others froze again.

I saw Luo Hao, who had slammed Saitama’s extremely terrifying punch, actually did not fly out upside down this time!

Instead…. Still standing tenaciously in place!

Of course, Luo Hao at this time, his handsome face was not without shock.

All because the “So” and “He” he had just released were dispersed by Saitama’s serious punch, and the seemingly indestructible Infinity Technique Defense also fluctuated violently at this time.

It was as if the infinite distance had been shortened by endless power.

But soon, the corners of Luo Hao’s mouth twitched again.

“It’s not polite to come and go, Saitama…”

“You can pick me up too!”

The words fell, and the terrifying gravity and repulsion swept out at the same time!


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