"I can help your apprentice suppress luck."

"But it's not without consumption, right? Daoist Qingxu." Li Heng smiled slightly and began to hint.

Qingxu was stunned when he heard the words, and instantly understood what Li Heng meant. He sighed in his heart, knowing that there was no such a good thing, and he must have to pay something.

"Let's talk about it, layman."

"As long as it's not something that is scarce, my Taoist sect can still get it out, and I won't treat laymen badly."

Li Heng nodded, it seems that this old man is very good.

"Then Li told the truth."

"Daoist Qingxu, do you know the "Pure Yang Soul Training Secret Technique"?"

Although the pure yang soul training secret technique has been upgraded by him to the residual pure yang scripture, after all, there is still a residual character, not the complete pure yang scripture, so he intends to ask this Qingxu veteran.

Maybe he can know some information.

"Pure Yang Soul Training Secret Art? Such a familiar name."

Qing Xu frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"I seem to have seen this name in the catalog of Sanqian Daozang. It seems to be the Taixuan Department. Layman, why are you asking this? Do you want this pure yang soul training secret technique?"

He opened his mouth in doubt, then shook his head again.

"That really disappointed the layman."

"Although my Daoist sect is known as the Three Thousand Dao Cang, and it has all the Taoism and Taoism in the world, most of the Dao Cang has been lost. For example, the Taixuan Department has disappeared hundreds of years ago, let alone the records in the Taixuan Department. Pure Yang Soul Training Secret Art."

Hearing Qingxu's words, Li Heng nodded without wavering.

This situation was also expected by him, after all, when the Chunyang soul training secret technique was first appraised, the information bar showed that the Taixuan Department had been lost in a hidden place.

So he didn't have much hope for it.

But now that the identification function has been upgraded to the level of the Great Innate, perhaps he can identify new key information again to see where the hidden place is.

"So that's it. Does the priest know about "Three Flower Records"?"

Li Heng continued to ask.

"Three Flower Records? Is this also my Taoist practice?"

"In my memory, there is no such name as Sanhualu. However, the secrets of cultivating the three flowers of essence, energy and spirit are recorded in a daozang called Jindanji."

Qingxu frowned, and finally recalled some information.

However, he immediately shook his head and smiled wryly.

"On this point, the layman may be disappointed again. Because the surviving collection of golden elixir in my Taoist sect is missing the part of cultivating the three flowers, and only the second half of the five qi dynasty is left, which is quite tasteless."

He was a little emotional.

There are so many incomplete exercises in Taoism. Some exercises seem to be very strong, but unfortunately they are incomplete and cannot be cultivated at all. A lot of information was lost in the great turmoil.

There is no three flowers gathering at the top, only the part of the five qi dynasty?

Li Heng raised his brows lightly, what a coincidence.

He just happened to be short of the Five Qi Chaoyuan.

"It doesn't matter, I also ask the Taoist priest to pass on the remaining golden elixir collection."

Qingxu was surprised when he heard the words, "Do you also want the incomplete exercises?"

Li Heng nodded.

"That's fine, I agree to this."

Qingxu looked happy, and quickly agreed.

He is still not good at making decisions about the complete exercises, but the incomplete ones are tasteless. Although he is not a real person of Yuanshen, he is also the backbone of the Daoist sect of Dan Chenglonghu, and he can still be the master.

But he also thought of a possibility.

Afterwards, his eyes were burning, and he spoke again, "Dare to ask, Layman, did you obtain the cultivation secret method of gathering three flowers on the top by chance? Don't worry, our Taoist sect will not forcibly take it back."

"If you have the Three Flowers Juding part, I hope to trade it over, what do you think?"

Since that turmoil.

Daozang is lost, scattered, and incomparably incomplete.

Therefore, Taoists of their generation will also travel the world, explore many forbidden places and relics, and shoulder the important task of completing the Taoism and revitalizing the glory of the Taoism.

Li Heng was slightly surprised, thought for a moment, and spoke.

"I don't care, but I need to ask someone else."

"Also, what are you going to trade with?"

"What does the layman want?"

Qingxu asked rhetorically, if he couldn't figure out the other party, then it's best to let the other party negotiate the conditions, so as not to change.

Li Heng was naturally aware of Qingxu's thoughts, but he didn't bother to care, because he did have something to ask, so he asked again, "Does the Taoist priest know the true source of the five elements?"

"The true source of the five elements? The poor will naturally know."

"This is a general term for five different origins of the five elements. But these things are extremely rare and precious, and generally exist in various forbidden places. Do laymen want to collect these things?"

Li Heng didn't hide anything and nodded.

The five-color divine light has a great reputation and deserves his attention.

"This is a little troublesome. Although our Taoist sect has many branches, as far as my branch is concerned, there is only one thing from the origin of the gold line, which is still placed on the mountain gate and has not been taken."

Qingxu frowned and said.

Li Heng smiled when he heard the words, knowing that this needs to be increased.

"I will use means to suppress luck for the noble disciples, and I promise that as long as there is no great change in the world, there will be no chaos. At the same time, I will return the Sanhualu to the Taoist sect. In exchange for these two conditions, I will get the training part of Wuqi Chaoyuan, and all How about the true source of the five elements?"

Although Sanhualu still needs to ask Mr. Meng.

But with his personality, he would definitely agree. After all, he is not at a loss. At most, it is the exchange of information.

Qingxu was startled when he heard the words, "Layman, are you serious?"

"Really." Li Heng replied lightly.

With a guilty look and an overjoyed expression, just when he was about to directly agree to come over, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, he couldn't help frowning, counting his fingers, and suddenly froze, with a wry smile on his face.

"Layman, it looks like it's not working."

"This condition is not enough?"

Li Heng frowned.

Although it is easy for him to use the essence of the Great Sun to suppress luck, for others, it is a peerless opportunity, and not everyone is qualified to touch the Great Sun.

"It's not that the layman's conditions are not enough, it's that the conditions on the poor side are not enough." Qingxu replied with a wry smile, cold sweat broke out in his heart, fortunately he just had a whim and calculated it with his fingers.

Otherwise they will be in bad luck.

Taoists and Buddhists pay the most attention to cause and effect.

His apprentice Qingfeng is the one who bears the fortune of the world, and now his luck is chaotic and his potential is low. But if Li Heng helps him to suppress his luck, it will be a soaring sky, and he will be a great favor to Qingfeng, which is equivalent to owe Li Heng a huge karma.

How can the great cause and effect of this day be a book of incomplete exercises, which can be repaid by the origin of the five elements of five different attributes?

If he hadn't woken up just now, he had really reached this kind of deal with Li Heng. Then in the future, his apprentice Qingfeng will have a huge cause and effect to pay back, and he will be entangled at that time, causing even greater disasters.

At the same time, he was also secretly surprised, feeling that this matter was unreasonable.

Even if his disciple owes great fortune to this layman, even if he owes great karma to this layman, the big deal is that after his luck flourishes, he will use his own luck to slowly bless him and support this layman, and it will be fine to pay off gradually.

But why do disasters happen in the calculation?

Could it be that his apprentice's luck can't repay this kind of karma?

Or does it mean that this lay Buddhist will have strong achievements in the future? He even surpassed his apprentice, thinking of this, Qingxu couldn't help being startled, thinking to himself how is it possible?

My apprentice is qualified to carry the destiny.

He slowly hypnotized himself to calm himself down.

Li Heng looked strange when he heard this.

He dared to think that he would not succeed in being a good person.

Naturally, he also knew that helping Qingfeng to suppress luck would be a great favor to the man who carried the great fortune of the world.

But he didn't repay the favor, he only mentioned a few conditions, just wanted to do an experiment to see what would happen if the cause and effect were not paid off, and to study the cause and effect mechanism of this world.

By the way, it is also an investment, to see how strong the Universiade can be, and whether it can give him something in return. But I didn't expect that this old man would not let him invest, and he insisted on paying off the cause and effect?

Could it be that he thought of all kinds of possibilities and meditated.

"Layman? Why don't you raise a few more conditions?"

Qingxu asked tentatively, and Li Heng came back to his senses.

He could figure out that he owed Li Heng a lot of karma, but he didn't know how much, so he simply asked Li Heng to make a condition himself, as long as he could pay it off.

"Here, let me think about it."

Li Heng thought for a while, and felt that he didn't lack a lot of things, but the ten times the energy and blood needed for the rule comprehension function gave him a headache, so he opened his mouth immediately.

"Among your Taoist sects, is there something that enhances qi and blood?"

Qingxu was taken aback when he heard the words, and answered quickly.

"Yes, there are many tiger and wolf pills in my Taoist sect, which can increase one's qi and blood by five or six times, ten times, or even a hundred times. But for the hundred times, if you eat one, you will explode and die."

"That's good, as many of these tiger and wolf Great Dans as there are."

Li Heng didn't care about the so-called aftereffects of taking drugs, or the danger of exploding to death. Just kidding, he is now the Holy Body of the Great Sun, and the possibility of exploding is very slim.

What's more, he is not a fool, he knocks a hundred times when he comes up.

Although it is a three-point drug.

As long as the poison is refined, it is no longer poisonous.

If the purity is not high, then it is afraid of poison.

Qingxu was startled when he heard the words, looked Li Heng up and down, and then looked at the beautiful and heavenly-scented peacock next to him, thinking in his heart that this layman is not false, why do you need so many tiger and wolf pills?

But in order to pay off the cause and effect, he also agreed.

Then he calculated carefully, and he still owed cause and effect.

Then he looked at Li Heng anxiously, hoping that he would put forward conditions, and that Chunchun would treat herself as a rich boy. Seeing this, Li Heng was not restrained, and put forward various conditions one after another.

For example, there is a visualization map about cultivating the eyes.

It is like a treasure that assists in comprehending the principles of heaven and earth.

For the sake of her disciples, Qingxu could only agree to all of them.

At the end, Qingxu's expression was overjoyed, and he could feel that the karma was about to be paid off, probably only the last condition was missing.

Qingxu looked at Li Heng, who thought slightly.

"Well, let me borrow it from your apprentice."

Outside the shield.

The injured Xuandao had recovered his vitality and returned to the bell tower.

And many congenitals stayed where they were, thinking about what the two sides were talking about inside. It was so secret that even the congenitals of their aristocratic families were not qualified to know?

Suddenly, the golden light shield shattered and turned into fragments all over the sky, splashing around, and slowly disappearing like rain.

They saw Li Heng and Qing Xu smiling and saying goodbye.

Qingxu stepped into the void and disappeared, while Li Heng and Peacock turned their heads to look at them, followed by the Qingfeng trail with the great fortune of heaven and earth.

Then they walked towards them together.

"Everyone, it's time to settle the ledger."

Li Heng looked at the talents of many aristocratic families with different expressions.

Said with a smile.

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