Invincible Undead Legion

Chapter 2600: One to one or four to two (below)

Once Jiang Mo's tactics were displayed, he couldn't stop immediately.

Around the eight characters, he began to use suppressive attacks. To be honest, Jiang Mo was a little bit uncontrollable at this time. People must be walking around the corners, and it was the first time to use Jiang Mo. Out of control.

But this is out of control, not a mistake. Jiang Mo is still very sure of this attack method. The so-called out of control means that Jiang Mo's moves have begun to appear chaotic, and there have been various slow half beats in the connection, but because the speed is too fast , This has formed a strange afterimage.

After the fight, the attacking action appeared.

This is something that even Jiang Mo didn't think of. Jiang Mo then quickly recalled his steps, because this was a very important discovery. Can people still attack at super speed?

Jiang Mo thought for more than ten seconds, and realized that it was because he was too anxious when he made a mistake just now, so he was anxious to catch up with his moves and avoid stepping out, but the attack did not keep up.

Therefore, at that moment, Jiang Mo was particularly focused, hoping that he could catch up with his moves.

At this moment of concentration, Jiang Mo launched a super shadow speed attack.

"Is that so?" Jiang Mo once again focused his eyes on everything, he only focused on his own attacks, not considering other factors.

Outside the field, everyone watching the game opened their mouths wide. They didn’t know how fast Jiang Mo was. However, Jiang Mo’s figures became fantastical images on the appearance of the two of them. The characters are constantly doing different actions, but in the blink of an eye, they disappear and change.

When the characters appear at all the surrounding points at the same time, it is as if there are more than a dozen or even more than two dozen people besieging the two in the middle.

"Boom bang bang...!"

The two people in the middle couldn't feel anything at all, only heard all kinds of beating sounds in their ears, they had been surrounded and beaten, and there was no time to shoot.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Mo stopped abruptly, and he was a little unstable.

He quickly used his supernatural power, sucked the ground, and firmly controlled his feet.

"How do you feel?"

Jiang Mo looked at the opposite side, his eyes were full of disdain. In fact, Jiang Mo's eyes were spinning around the world at this time, and he was almost right. He had been steadying his body. At this time, he was pretending to be calm, but just give him After ten seconds, everything is not a problem.

"Puff...!" Bagg opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood, and his whole body suddenly fell to his knees.

Afterwards, he fell to the ground at one end.

"Bag? Bag?" Hayer looked at his brother in pain.

"Puff...!" He also spouted a mouthful of blood. During this period of time, how many times the two were besieged by Jiang Mo, Jiang Mo didn't know. Anyway, they were almost beaten all over the body!

Because of the release of the divine power, he was beaten out of touch and couldn't be connected at all, and he died suddenly.

"Who is this kid?" The statues on the back were all shattered, and the ancestors came out one by one.

They saw more clearly than Jiang Mo, and more clearly than Bai Qi and others.

Just now, the divine power of these two people was interrupted, and several times they could not even release the divine power. Has this guy's offensive speed broken through the realm of God?

"Boy, who are you?"

Just behind the thirty-six ancestral guards, another guy flew out, staring at Jiang Mo with his eyes.

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