Iron Dynasty

Chapter 1165: Imperial promise


Franz couldn't believe his ears. Now Austria needs military assistance the most. If it can get help from the Empire, it will no longer be a problem to thwart France and Prussia's conspiracy to divide Austria.

Excited, Franz just wanted to agree, but he immediately thought that there would be no pie in the sky, so he said: "Is the empire so helpful to Austria, is it just out of good intentions?"

"Of course not." Tang Wenjie's expression was still very indifferent. He said: "In addition to the military defense treaty, the empire hopes that the countries that organize the Vienna Convention can trade freely and eliminate tariffs and trade barriers."

Franz was taken aback. Tang Wenjie's remark seemed fair, but it was actually very unfair, because now even fools know that the empire has strong industrial capabilities and industry and commerce.

Once the tariffs are lifted, a large number of cheap and high-quality imperial goods will flood Austria, and Austria can only sell some agricultural products to the Empire. This move is almost equivalent to asking Austria to unilaterally cancel tariffs.

Tang Wenjie watched Franz's expression. Of course, the empire would not kindly help Austria. His goal in coming to Europe this time was just to establish another form of colonization, economic colonization.

Given the empire’s strong industrial capabilities, any seemingly equal economic treaties are actually unequal, because these countries simply cannot compete with the empire.

Walking back and forth in front of Tang Wenjie, Franz lost his thoughts. If the conditions of the empire were not agreed, Austria would face the situation of being divided.

By agreeing to the conditions of the empire, Austria will be looted in trade, but even so, the interests of the Austrian royal family will not be harmed.

Even if they directly participate in trade with the empire, the royal members will be richer. In this case, signing a treaty is very cost-effective.

Thinking of this, he said: "I sign!"

Tang Wenjie stood up and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, from now on the Empire and Austria have become members of the Vienna Convention, and more countries will join in the future."

Franz is a very practical person. He said: "So how does the Empire prepare to help us tide over the difficulties." "In Suez, two thousand kilometers away from Venice, there are 10,000 soldiers from the Empire. They took a steamship for three days. You can reach Venice. "Tang Wenjie's words are very powerful.

Franz laughed. Tang Wenjie's words were already very straightforward. If France and Prussia do not retreat, the empire will fulfill the treaty and intervene in this war.

"If so, I will first announce the signing of an agreement with the empire. If they do not listen to dissuasion, then I hope that the empire can help us repel these invaders." Franz said.

"Of course." Tang Wenjie said with a smile.

Then the two discussed further on the issue of the agreement, and agreed on some of the details, such as provisions such as which country will provide supplies for fighting on whose territory.

Successfully established the Vienna Convention Organization, Tang Wenjie returned to Suez again, and Franz could not wait to announce the military defense treaty of the Vienna Convention Organization.

In Paris, Henry threw an Austrian newspaper on the ground and stomped heavily.

After the end of the French Civil War, Henry successfully took over France and achieved his goal of being Emperor of France.

But he did not expect to face imperial constraints in the first war after his official coronation.

"Your Majesty, the Chinese Empire is too much. During the French Civil War, they seized all of France's colonies, which caused a heavy loss to France. We must make serious representations."

Henry nodded. He didn't tell anyone about his dirty deal with the empire. Now all French people think that the empire took the opportunity to get to the bottom.

This is also the reason why the empire was quickly spurned after France's popularity.

"Any force that stops the French people will be destroyed, the former British, now Prussia and Austria, if the empire tries to intervene in this just war against Austria, our soldiers will make them pay the price of blood." Henry Gao Shouted.

The Louvre is full of new aristocrats who have benefited from the civil war. They are now very enthusiastic about the war, because it was the war that allowed them to get huge profits.

In Europe, Austria has the largest land area, but Austria, which is backward in firearms, is obviously unable to maintain its own territory. This is naturally a natural fat in the eyes of the nobles.

The victory of the civil war, combined with the victory of the wars of Prussia and Austria, made Henry a little arrogant.

For him, there is no enemy that France cannot defeat.



Ferrie II also got news from Austria.

"Vienna Convention?" Ferre II smiled disdainfully. "Does Austria think that a newspaper can scare us?"

"Perhaps this is a lie at all." A general said, "Will the empire fight us for an Austria? If France and we are fully enlisted, the two countries will be able to send at least 800,000 troops to attack Austria based on their presence in the Mediterranean. Can 10,000 people stop us?"

"Impossible!" Ferrie II was very confident. This war with France fully proved the superiority of their firing guns on the battlefield. Although they suffered 30,000 casualties, Henry sacrificed more soldiers.

Therefore, he firmly believes that Prussia's current military strength is enough to fear any country in the main European battlefield. As for the warships on the sea, he does not care. Prussia is a land power and does not need to fight against the empire on the sea.

After thinking about it for a long, he decided to ignore the so-called agreement signed between the Empire and Austria, and some even wanted to test the strength of the Empire on the battlefield.


In Vienna, Franz received news of Prussia's southward movement and France's continued eastward movement shortly after publishing news of the Convention in the newspaper.

The actions of the two countries have proved their choice, and now Franz is somewhat fortunate that he signed the treaty at the beginning, because the two countries are determined to annex Prussia.

Giving up the illusion, Franz began to call for help from Suez. Now only the Empire can stop the expansion of France and Prussia in Europe.

After the news of the help was passed, Franz fell into a nervous waiting, but only ten days later, a battleship full of imperial soldiers appeared in the port of Venice.

He was ecstatic when he heard the news, and the facts proved that the Vienna Pact was not a dead letter of the Empire.

The empire is using actual actions to prove its respect for this agreement.

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