Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 175: As soon as I saw Lu Da's boss, the mold was insane!

God has the ability to automatically locate and move instantly, and is not restricted by space.

So my mildews came quickly.

Cen Xi just sorted out the cards for punishment and opportunity, and the students appeared.

Of course, only Cen Xi could see him.

When he first came out, he was full of self-confidence and full of energy, but the first second he saw Lu Jingyu, he persuaded.

Suddenly, senior, did you just tell me that the target person is this big guy!

"Hey, hey, hey ..." Mould looked at Cen Xi with an awkward look. "That ... I might have gone wrong, interrupted ... interrupted, goodbye."

Cen Xi glanced at the mold immediately, and she couldn't speak. Lu Jingying was still here. If she talked to mold, she would definitely treat her as a neurosis.

So, she can only take out her mobile phone and send WeChat to Mould.

[Jixi's Xiaoxixi: You dare to go, I'll break your leg, believe it or not! Say yes to help me! 】

Mould looked at the phone and looked at Cen Xi with an aggrieved face, and said, "It's not that I don't help you. My divine power is useless to him. Look at the gold and green light on his head. He, if I fight against him, I will be backstabbed. "

Cen Xi stared at Mould with a threatening look.

[Jixi Creek: When I win, I will buy you Haagen-Dazs. 】

Mould pursed his lips, and some heartbeats.

Haagen-Dazs ...

"That ... then I need two balls." Mould reached out and compared a number "2".

[Jixi Creek: OK! 】 Double ball is double ball, which is a matter of seventy to eighty dollars.

"No, three balls. I want three balls." Mildew thought about it and changed his mind. He wanted to eat a lot of flavors. Three balls.

Cen Xi glanced at the mildew. Damn, sit down and start the price!

[Jixi Creek: I'll buy you four balls! Less tm nonsense, hurry up! 】

"Let's go ..." Mould pouted, for the four-ball Haagen-Dazs, he could only try hard.

Lu Jingyu watched Cen Xi squeezing his eyebrows in the air, wondering for a long time.

That air is different from the air elsewhere ... Is it different?


After half an hour.

Lu Jingying has built his own house in many places, and he can get luck cards every time he draws. No matter how he rolls the dice, he can perfectly avoid the boundary of Cenxi without losing tolls.

As a result, in just half an hour, the gap widened significantly.

Cen Xi was clanging poorly, and Lu Jingying was rich in oil.

How can Nima continue to play?

Cen Xi's cold eyes glanced fiercely in the direction of the mold.

Folding his neck narrowly, he looked at Cenxi with an aggrieved look.

He swears, he really did his best!

However, his divine power really doesn't work at all on this big boss!

As soon as his black "color" of God's light rises, he will be destroyed by the golden light that is blind.

Senior, he really can't do God of Fortune!

In order to save his life, my mildew classmates think that when it is time to slip, you have to slip, and when do you not stay at this time?

So when Cen Xi went to see the mold, where was the unlucky child in the room, it disappeared long ago!

This unlucky child of the daddy, if she meets again next time, she will buy four **** of Haagen-Dazs to show him face to face, envy him not to die!

She didn't believe this evil. She lived for five hundred years, but she couldn't do God of Wealth?

Watching Cen Xi take the silver bracelet off her wrist, Lu Jingxi asked curiously, "What are you doing with the bracelet?"

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