Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 290: embarrassing

When Yefne desperately urged her suit to catch up, Clark, who was running in front, was puzzled. The ugly four-eyed giant pulled and twisted his facial features. After he abandoned his disguise and gradually collapsed his reason, he had begun to become harmonious. Monsters are no different and cannot think properly.

If Clark at this time is like a tyrant in Resident Evil rushing forward unscrupulously on the ground, then Yefne, who is chasing after him, is like a dexterous and light alien.

The female knight is not chasing Clark on the ground.

The reason is simple.

When driving on the highway, small cars will deliberately avoid dump trucks and large trucks. If anyone has seen the pictures of large trucks not braking enough to crush the car into iron, they can understand why. At the same speed, an object with an excessively large mass can absolutely crush an object with a small mass.

Right now, Clark is nearly three meters tall, and his muscles are directly swelled into a muscular giant. Stepping on the mud will make the ground sink deeply. Compared to Yefni, his physique is the difference between a dump truck and a car.

But in this world, it's not like being big can win.

When Homo erectus evolved in nature, the two most short-lived creations were throwing objects and flames. These two creations directly cut other species into dogs. Of course, extraordinary is another matter, and there are still some vague and subtle traces in the history of human evolution in this world.

Yefne is now using the strong strength of her upper body and the adjustable steam jets to run wildly on the roofs on both sides and cut corners to try to intercept Clark.

She had a brass-colored submachine gun in her hand.

This is a delicate creation hidden in an exoskeleton, and it is difficult for non-Extraor to control, because the lack of craftsmanship can only be made up for by the ability of the believers of the furnace.

Unlike Bill's [Manufacturer], Yefni, who is a [Spirit Waiter], is better than her colleagues who were promoted to Sequence 8 in the application and development of abilities. With the blessing of the steam inspiration officer, the information capture of polarized light, the full load of the Beyonder's body, and the spiritual warning that was forced to the limit, Yefni, holding a submachine gun, was bleeding Clark.

Da da da! !

Bullets were pouring down the roofs of the houses on both sides, Yefne moved like a knight in the old days, and the flame of the gun was that her sharp sword kept scraping flesh and blood from the four-eyed giant's body.

The female knight even let her bronze sparrow rush on it with a little burning medicine, in order to stop the giant from running wildly.

Thanks to the complex environment of Xiacheng District, Yefni was given ample leverage.

She wasn't safe in blocking Clark.

With three people on his body, Clark was able to free up one hand while running to dig up a palm of sand directly from the ground, and then hit him with brute force.

Although Clark lost his mind, he became more cunning according to wisdom.

If the body is contaminated with too much sand, the brass exterior will be filled with fine dirt, causing all the delicate transmission mechanisms to get stuck, so Yefni will no doubt be half useless. Yefne would love to stop Clark, but Clark seems to know her weakness well.

Rather, for the entire three teams, Clark, a clerk with ordinary qualifications, is very clear about their weaknesses.

The female knight's submachine gun is not powerful enough.

This is a helpless compromise. Before the quality of the internal gunpowder has been greatly improved, the submachine guns like water beads must make sacrifices in power in order to balance convenience and portability. By the way, this is Yefni. In order to make up for the weakness of [Spirit Waiter] in long-range firepower.

In addition, she also made a modification of her own.

The power of this swirl of water is not bad. It keeps opening blood holes the size of ping-pong **** on Clark's back, but the environment in the lower city is also helpful to Clark. Whenever he is seriously injured, he will be distorted in the wound. The fangs and mouths proliferated, and like a demon, they rushed into the roadside home to devour flesh and blood to quickly recover.

Yefni gritted her silver teeth after blocking it twice, and Shui Mu spit fire and gave up using the submachine gun to stop the four-eyed giant.

Unless it has strong firepower and can hit the key points all at once, Clark can directly enter a state of being seriously injured and dying.

For example, the big gun in Bill's hand is called anti-equipment.

Otherwise, it would be futile to cut his blood volume. The civilians in the entire Xiacheng City are blood bags of this demon. Besides, he has three people on him. Yefni, who is throwing the mouse, doesn't dare to really aim at Clark's head and pull the trigger. If she was swept to death, she would probably collapse directly.

Clark's madness in front of him, not to mention the root cause, but Yefne knows the origin.

Definitely the Robin thing.

The wind was whistling mournfully, and raindrops were constantly slapping on Ye Fani's face. There seemed to be liquid seeping out from her wide, moist blue eyes. It must be En The appearance of her gave her a new sustenance object, and gradually opened her heart to Mr. Xiao. Women's emotions are more perceptual, which means they are easier to be appeased. When she became more and more intimate with Lynn and even approached her lover, the female knight's psychological trauma was healed, and she decided to bravely undertake to remember the past and move towards the future. It is worth mentioning that if Lynn dares to be chaotic and give up, then Yefni will definitely blacken and torture him to death. The standard of this kind of chaos and abandonment is probably to end the righteousness, holding a woman in front of her, or showing affection.

However, the appearance of Lynn failed to cure Clark, or he almost succeeded, but failed for some reason, instead, Clark's obsession broke out, and he happened to meet the evil taste of close-up observation of [Zi Shui Bi]. Devil.

Clark's obsession is his brother Robin.

Robin, like Lynn, was a bright and outstanding teenager in the [Suppression Bureau] at the time. His mad death was a pity, and it made Clark feel guilty as a brother.

Why can't I find out that my brother is abnormal sooner? Why can't I persuade my brother to become a safe document like myself? Why can't I be more sharp?

Lynn's appearance almost made up for Clark's regrettable heart disease.

But when Clark discovered that Lynn and Yefne were showing signs of coming together, his condition worsened. His first reaction was a blessing, but then there was hatred for Yefne walking out of the past so easily, unforgivable for her forgetting Robin.

As for the resentment against Lynn, it was incidental.

Clark began to tear himself apart. He felt that Robin was still alive and that he was ashamed of him.

During the tearing, Clark regarded himself as a good member and acted very seriously and competently. At the same time, he regarded himself as a tester and attacked the person Yefne cared about the most.

It's really sad.

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