Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 304: free, online only

"Watson, wait outside."

Following Sherlock's command, the iron door of the prison, which was a luxurious room compared to No. 63, was opened. Mr. Detective with a pipe walked in at a somewhat leisurely pace. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lynn lying on the bed, looking at the newspaper in his hand boredly.

Looking faintly worried about the news, Lynn glanced at Sherlock indifferently at the same time.

After entering this prison, Sherlock walked over to the toilets and meals on his own. When he saw that the [Suppression Bureau] provided Lynn with such treatment, he didn't even put the Mojin handcuffs on. He couldn't help but feel The corners of his mouth are upturned, and he doesn't know what he is sighing in his heart.

"It's more comfortable here than where I live."

Sherlock leaned against the cabinet gracefully, and looked at Lynn with his arms folded.

Lynn was in a bad mood. Hearing Mr. Detective's sarcastic words, he couldn't help but pouted and retaliated unceremoniously.

"How about you live there? I don't think the five-member committee will be stingy with the small request made by the [Fate Organizing Bureau]."

This sentence is a pistol with a stick.

The behavior of the little gentleman lying on the bed at the moment is in line with the mentality of a prisoner. In a prison cell, it is the mind that can sharpen one's mind the most. If there is nothing to hold on to, unless the willpower is super strong, it is easy to be completely depressed.

Sherlock's eyes with little warmth did not heat up because of Lynn's sarcastic words. To scold someone, you have to catch the other party's sore feet and scold them to break the defense, otherwise it is a low-level scolding. For example, in Chinese culture, there is no future. It is very vicious and immoral to catch a person and scold them. The group of people shouts the words that start with Ni.

"Mr. Lynn, if I were you, I wouldn't treat the censors like this, especially when he decides whether you can leave here smoothly."

Lynn shook the newspaper twice and made a crisp sound, looking like he couldn't eat it.

His eyes were still on the official statement of the Organ newspaper about the incident last night. The language conveyed by Lynn's body was a bit of a performance. Naturally, Mr. Detective understood his language and quickly pulled it out. He came to the bed with a chair and sat down.

"Then, the hero of Stim, the review will officially begin. Regarding what happened last night, I hope you can cooperate with the investigation. Our time is limited."

Sherlock looks businesslike.

He pretended to cough twice, and then the pair of sharp pupils with no temperature fell on Lynn's face, as if to accurately pick out all the real thoughts in his heart.

"First of all, let's talk about your feat last night, hero of the citizens, please tell me why you took someone desperately into the lower city last night?"

As soon as Sherlock asked casually, he gave Lynn two sets.

One is how Lynn knew that there was a problem in the lower city, and could accurately find the key node of the problem. The other is whether Lynn, knowing the upper levels such as the [Fate Weaving Bureau], tried to intercept the divinity in this matter. From this moment on, it has been an official question. To be recorded, if Lynn's answer is wrong or provoked, he will definitely suffer a big loss in this kind of question.

When it comes to intrigue, Lynn has learned a lot along the way, and he is absolutely vigilant about Sherlock, the genius detective, and quickly figured out the clues he set for him.

"One hundred and forty-five years ago, in the War of Two Graces, the royal capital was defeated by Gao En's warlord, and no one in the great royal city dared to go out to fight against it. Only Viscount Russell led his troops to help like an iron armor to block the front. He and Gein There is a record in Emperor Si's meeting with the civil servants: For the interests of the country, we can sacrifice our lives and death, but we can't do it if it is beneficial, and avoid it if it is harmful to ourselves."

Lynn pushes back Sherlock's question with an allusion.

If Sherlock dared to question it, then for Lynn, he had caught the pigtail, and waited for him to find the countess to settle the account after he was released from prison.

You don't need a reason to be a hero, you need to be a coward. These words were very beautiful, Sherlock was stabbed by Lynn, and then he complied with no change in expression.

"It makes sense. This is a perfect knight, a noble gentleman, and those bad guys should be hanged. I am very honored to be able to see a real knight in today's age of knights."

The decline of knights is also an allusion. It is almost a lament that with the advancement of muskets, knights can no longer dominate the battlefield as they used to. Behind this allusion, in fact, when the knight faced the lack of morality, he insisted on the morality of the knight without hesitation, and the meaning that Sherlock wanted to express to Lynn was naturally very obvious.

"So, Mr. Lynn, your heroic figure is in trouble now, I can help You don't need to regard me as an enemy, not even in the [Fate Weaving Bureau]. I'll be supportive at the end of the day." Sherlock leaned forward slightly, his attitude was very serious and not like a lie.

"You know more than I know. My head is still dizzy. The impact of the explosion has a serious impact on my head." Of course Lynn wouldn't believe Sherlock's nonsense, that divinity was destroyed by the Black Holy Grail If he eats this stubble, he will rot in his stomach forever.

"Well, well, it seems that I can't get anything useful from you without paying anything."

Sherlock straightened up again, biting his pipe in anguish.

Lynn is like a hedgehog with thorns now. Considering what happened to him last night, although the [Suppression Bureau] is kept secret, people with channels can still find out some traces.

Mr. Detective is now desperate to pry Lynn's mouth open.

The things that his two idiot colleagues did, the result could not be finished. Sherlock was ordered in danger and shouldered the task of recovering the divinity of the [Painless Apostle]. He clearly paid attention to the more important tantric chapters, but it was really helpless to make this mistake halfway through.

"Zigler and Clark, it seems that I have found the right direction..."

Obviously, Sherlock is also a good at observing words. He slowly stimulated Lynn, and unsurprisingly, he caught a kind of concern and tension from Lynn's micro-expression. He grinned and smiled brightly.

"What do you want to say is your freedom, I, the unfree person, can only listen." Lynn also smiled back, and his vigilance was stronger. This genius detective is really hard to deal with when he is serious.

"Freedom can only be obtained by entanglement."

Sherlock sighed with emotion and said a prayer of [The Mouth of the Seam], and then took the lead.

"Zigler, it should be dead."

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