Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 359: vile blood

The new star of the Labor Party named Leonardo is very active in the political arena in South County. He proposed and promoted the Labor Improvement Act, the Workers Protection Act and the Coal and Iron Act. He can be said to be a typical poor boy who counterattacked and became rich. The representative of the handsome, and the person is also more handsome.

This person's experience is actually somewhat similar to Lynn's.

They were all in the middle of the family, and then gritted their teeth and returned to their original position with their own efforts. Well, there is still a childhood sweetheart, but Leonardo and his playmate are a combination of a poor boy and a rich girl.

And sadly...

He was green.

It seems that Leonardo went to serve as a soldier in the early years. As a result, he was misreported and died on the battlefield by a stray bullet. His childhood sweetheart began to live in depression in the midst of grief. I can't bear it anymore. Her parents were not in a hurry to force her to remarry.

Then, shortly before the end of the war, Ome, who had already died, was finally moved by a nobleman's pursuit of a pearl necklace at a high price, and decided to marry the other party.

A good thing happened.

In fact, he didn't die, but Leonardo, who was directly involved in the sea in the battle of crossing the river, returned to his hometown. He happened to meet the man whose woman he wanted to marry someone else. The scene at that time was amazing. Leonardo couldn't possibly disrupt the wedding of a nobleman. He had no identity or power, so he could only leave sadly.

However, Leonardo is also an infatuated lover. After his childhood sweetheart was forced to marry a noble member of the Laureate Party, he began to work hard to make himself shine in the political arena step by step, in order to try to attract his childhood sweetheart to remarry . According to Albion's law, if the marriage is not compatible, it is indeed possible to divorce, but this regulation has not been firmly implemented.

Lynn listened to Atari telling the story with great interest.

Think for five seconds.

If I had fled and slipped out of the [Steam City], and came back after a few years with a new face, and found out that the eldest sister was married to another man, then I would definitely not have to **** Sophia back. This Mr. Leonardo is a little less lucky. His childhood sweetheart is caught in the middle and innocent, but he just doesn't know what the follow-up story will be.

Atari didn't seem to know the grievances and entanglements here, and her lips opened and closed.

"It is said that this gentleman drifted towards the shore for a long time after falling into the sea, and he was lucky to rescue the drowning Labour Party whip, Your Excellency Eric, so he could become a political star so quickly."

"This experience is too outrageous." Lynn couldn't help scratching his head when he heard this.

He felt that his growth process was already wonderful and magical, but he didn't expect others to be even more bizarre. It seems that except for the green spot on the head, the rest is not bad.

And listening to the details, it seems that the childhood sweetheart did not get divorced after marrying the aristocrat. The specific reason is not clear.

"Although he is very famous and is in the limelight, the Laureates often criticize him for his impure blood, thinking that he was born lowly and his blood is impure." Even women abandoned him, such vicious and hurtful words love Tully didn't say it. Although she was from a noble family, her excellent judgment on bloodlines was the same as that of the scholars who use it or lose it.

The nobility of blood is not proved by lying in bed and being served.

It needs to be proved by iron and blood on the battlefield like every generation of heroic nobles. Since entering the age of steam, in addition to iron and blood, it can also be measured by the value created. Those who really strictly adhere to the excellent bloodline theory are either not good-minded and immature, or just unwilling.

Gu Leonardo was obviously attacked by a weak spot.


Lynn was slightly embarrassed for a while, not knowing how to answer, he felt that he was accidentally injured by AOE. In terms of bloodline theory, he also looks like a lowly blood.

"You don't think your bloodline is despicable, do you?" The girl's eyes were glued to Lin En's face all the time, seeing that he was embarrassed and Bingxue smartly guessed his thoughts.

"I'm not a nobleman, and neither is my father."

"Your father's chamber of commerce has proved his intelligence, and your outstanding performance in times of distress has also proved your own excellence. How can you talk about being humble?"

Attalie didn't seem to be happy to see Lynn belittle herself like that, and pointed.

Otherwise, Stim's high society would not have opened its doors to Lynn so easily. The arrogance and prejudice of the whole society are not so easy to eliminate, especially when these people still hold the right to speak. Many of the obstacles that the little gentleman has to face are actually resolved invisibly. If he is ugly, stupid, or simply looks like a crooked melon and cracked date, all kinds of strong resistance will appear.

Lynn didn't know how to evaluate her concept after hearing Attalie's natural remarks. Her starting point is right, effort must be better than laziness.

The carriage was still swaying slightly as it moved From time to time there was a creaking sound of the load.

Lin Enbi, who was in deep thought, flashed with the light of thinking jumping.

In the name of the bloodline theory, maybe two or three generations will forget to work hard and really fall into the contempt circle of the bloodline theory. This is extremely deadly for the development of the future. How can a group of people work hard and put in hard sweat, but they must be despised by the lazy worms lying on the good luck and blessings of their predecessors. It is the blood of despicableness.

Such an atmosphere will undoubtedly stifle hope and progress, denying the majority of people in society, which happens to be the hope of the country in an industrialized society. King Qin swept Liuhe and Napoleon swept across Europa, all of which gave most people hope to be so brave and invincible.

Lynn suddenly felt that his thinking was much clearer.

He has always been looking for a way to go. Before, he was ignorant. He prepared and explored by instinct, but now he has realized a little bit.

Most people in this world are neglected, many of them will fall down without seeing hope, and become a powerful testimony to the low bloodlines of the upper class. Extraordinary, industrialized, as most ordinary people, if they can prove themselves in such a difficult environment? Liberate the productive forces, liberate the shackles, and prove that you are the representative of the advanced. You can create many objects that change the world with your hands, which can resist the driving force of human civilization.

For the first time, Lynn felt the clearness of the clearing fog. Although the sun had not yet risen, he had already vaguely found his direction. After all, he could not avoid the relationship between the Extraordinary and ordinary people, and the Extraordinary could not be separated from the masses , the masses are unwilling to degenerate, a model based on this is feasible, although the specifics are still hazy, but the road is clear!

Sitting on the carriage, Lynn looked at the busy traffic and said something on a whim.

"The wheels of history will eventually roll on the right track."

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