Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 393: Sinchazan

Xin Chazan, the actual pronunciation of the goatee's name should be more complicated than this, with the unique tongue-flicking accent in the desert area, it is estimated that only the confuse and leaky accent of the Romans on the frozen soil can be used. Compete with this quirky and slightly mysterious pronunciation.

Ancient does not simply represent barbarism, it can also be mysterious, especially in this world where extraordinary power exists.

Lynn looked at the thin, spirited old man.

Well, it might not be polite to describe him as an old man. From those gentle and wise eyes, the little gentleman seemed to see the charm of the old man's experience in circulation. His smile is easy to make people feel good, and the amiable elder is probably the description of such a person.

Mr. Xiao's hot brain cooled down a little.

Hopefully, this guy won't say something that gives him a headache like the swarming crowds, so he can get rid of him himself.

Also, does this wise old foreign gentleman speak Common Language?

"Dear Mr. Lynn Moriarty, my name is Cinchazan, I am from the Black Scorpion tribe of Messauron, I have studied in Livia for a period of time, and I am a person who has been baptized by civilization, not those who are stubborn and unwilling. Ken changer." Sinchazan reassured Lynn with a fluent Common Tongue.

"Mr. Xinchazan, seeing you makes me smell the wind and sand." Lynn's nose twitched twice, showing the unique sense of humor of Albion people.

This Xinchazan looks a bit like a comprador

In addition, Lynn had a subtle sarcasm towards Xin Chazan, who had already been completely Albionized and had a strong Stim accent in his conversations. He claimed that he was already a member of civilization. The so-called civilization is the radiation of the powerful to the weak and the weak.

The exchange of civilizations can be business, it can be guns and flames, and of course it can also rely on a woman's belly like a book.

The civilization of Mesauron was probably tamed by the power of the continent.

It’s almost like the lighthouse tamed the Indians, except that the areas where they live are mostly windy and sandy areas, far less lush and lush than the far south continent. After the powers have agreed, they should keep selling raw materials. After all, they can’t send noble people. Soldiers of your own country, go eat sand like those desert bandits.

"Mr. Xin Chazan is very generous and kind. When I was embarrassed by the attendants at the gate, he was the one who helped me out."

Carrying his own painting tools, Worden was very grateful. It seemed that after he completed Lynn's portrait, his whole person was sublimated. He no longer focused on material things like in the past, but understood gratitude. Lynn glanced at his satchel, and in the lid that didn't close, he could see his empty paint box.

Lynn found it interesting to hear that.

A down-and-out artist is helped by strangers, and those writers will definitely make a big fuss here. To be honest, no matter how you look at it, the two of them can't get together. It can only be said that fate has always been magical.

"Master Warden's attainment still needs to be improved, and it is far from enough to truly retain Mr. Lynn's beauty, but this tribute is worthy of praise, there are too many dirty desires in this world, and there is a lack of true gratitude and Belief."

Xin Chazan took the words here, and then he sighed slightly.

"When the steam engine began to roar, people's morality and conscience began to sink, and the wind and sand of my hometown were replaced by oil. Today, I saw the pure story between Mr. Lynn and Master Warden, and I couldn't help but have a kind of The urge to cry."

"I'm not skilled enough." Worden's face was a little ashamed, but it was quickly replaced by a fanatical drive.

"The moon and sixpence are extremes, Mr. Worden, and I don't want you to forget to look up at the moon because you picked up sixpence, or starve to death just by staring at the moon."

After all, it is his goal to do good things every day. Seeing that he used all the paint on the portraits of himself and Emiste, Lynn decided to talk more, otherwise this guy might do something wrong because of his hot brain. sane thing. The rough tale of the moon and sixpence was already on the saloon, and Lynn didn't have to worry about his own exhortation, and Worden would appear comically incomprehensible.

"It will be completely rigid in whichever end you go. Only in constant movement can you keep yourself alive." Xin Chazan echoed in a timely manner, his voice was like running water, and he could send earnest teachings into his ears during the soothing time.

Worden heard Lynn's exhortation, just like the believers heard the priest's holy words. After thanking the two nobles again, they left first.

At this time, Xin Chazan became more serious and brought the topic to the point.

"Mr. Lynn, I would like to gain your friendship."

"Today, a lot of people have gained my friendship, and you are no exception." Lynn replied at the speed of light, thinking of the next sentence, he sent Xin Chazan away.

"From my observations, you seem to be a new force in Albion politics, just like Mr. Leonardo."

The words of the wise elder immediately made Lynn realize that he had overlooked something.

Whether it is a powerful country or a small country, when there is a change in power within it, it will always attract attention. The powerful will choose the object that suits their hearts, while the small country has to decide who to go In this political salon, I was intimately summoned by Raphael and others, and had a chat with Leonardo. With so many people in contact, who are determined to be the spokespersons of Emiste, Lynn who has come down from these activities is definitely not as detached in the political situation as before.

Instead, he earned a place for himself.

With such potential, he, the envoy of Messauron, naturally came to gain friendship.


Lynn unknowingly imitated the tone of the countess superior.

"If you can get help from friends other than Albion, it must be a big help for you. The people of Messolun have always been hospitable and like to make friends." Xin Chazan's attitude was a little humble, like He was in a hurry to send money to Lynn. The minister of the small country was so helpless in the face of the powerful and new rich.

"Then what do I have to pay?" Lynn felt that this person was a bit interesting, maybe not the simple comprador he imagined.

"A promise."

Xin Chazan didn't talk nonsense, and the refreshing feeling from the wind and sand people showed.

"When Messauron encounters a crisis, you need to exert influence, promote Albion's decision, and give practical support internationally." Xin Chazan's attitude was very low, and he did not have any local tyrants who sold resource countries.

"You have also found Leonardo for this promise, right?" Lynn lowered his head and thought for a moment.

"Of course the more friends the better."

"Then did he promise you?"

"Mr. Leonardo is willing to make this commitment."

"Sorry, I can't give you this promise." Lynn rejected this easy benefit, contrary to Xin Chazan's expectations. "The relationship between countries is complex and ruthless. I don't know how you think about it, but I think so, so I don't want to be a dishonest, even if it's only possible."

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