Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 752: bind

When chaos erupts, it's not just a feast for the greedy and demons and monsters, but the careerists also take the stage under the right circumstances. However, Lynn felt that it didn't matter. After witnessing the tragic man-made disaster in the city, he felt that the order had to be maintained.

In fact, when Brandy and the military forces behind him found him, Lynn had a plan. But it also depends on the actual actions and determination of the other party. As for the motive, it doesn't matter, as long as it can save the city.

It's not that Lynn suddenly became the Virgin.

But he was still a normal person, flesh and blood, who knew fear and pity.

A city has turned into the purgatory on earth because of man-made disasters. He wants to save people. If he doesn't save people, he may have nightmares for the rest of his life. But Liaoyuan's strength and will are currently limited, let alone saving the city, it is very difficult to simply defend one acre and three points of one's own land. Didn't you see that Lin En had given an ultimatum? It was also conveyed. Meaning, if the city wastes any more time, he will shrink his strength and give priority to the people he needs to be responsible for.

Well, it's not too late for Brandy to take Lynn directly to talk to the General on the warship in the port of ice.

After temporarily assigning their work to Yuri and Atari, Lynn and Brandy set off in a car while everyone was looking forward to it.

Along the way, the scenery of the Xiacheng District is lifeless and creepy. It seems that everyone has lost their vitality, and the feeling of doomsday is surging. It hit everyone's heart like a wave, and the situation in Midtown was a hundred times worse than here.

Brandy and Lynn both knew it, so they were unexpectedly relaxed in the silence.

Especially Lynn, almost as soon as he got into the car, he squinted his head and started to doze off. Brandy glanced at the crumbling teenager beside him, sighed involuntarily, and motioned the driver to slow down and let him rest. No matter what the purpose is or what the camp is, when people with faith see others practicing greatness, they will always raise their respects and help within the limits allowed.

When Lynn's somewhat relaxed consciousness returned to Qingming, he had already arrived at the military port.

After a period of inspection, disinfection and pass verification, the two people who were released were met by officers who looked in a hurry, not one but a team of officers with a gold star on their shoulders. To be honest, Lynn smelled going alone, and he didn't know what the military's purpose and strategy were.

So, you need to talk openly and honestly.

In such a bad situation, it is necessary to have an understanding of each other to be able to negotiate cooperation, otherwise it is very possible to sell each other.

No bullshit, the military's style of conversation is direct.

The fleet general with Venus on his shoulders said that the armed forces of the army and the establishment of the troops can be lifted for Lynn, and his request is that Lynn can manage the city after he controls Stim. To provide a steady stream of material support for his legion called Steelscales, his determination is as firm as a carbine.

After thinking for a while, Lynn raised his eyebrows and asked him how to deal with the plague instead of agreeing in a hurry.

The plague could not be dealt with, and Stim took over, which was also a bloodletting opening, and it was impossible to provide help to the military. And if the Royal Capital finds out, the situation will become even more chaotic.

Apparently, the bastards, whose heads tend to be one-strand, didn't think too much.

It doesn't matter to say that those infected will see their own lives. The implication is to isolate them and let them fend for themselves. This approach is comparable to the current military police. If this is an ordinary plague, the herd immunity formed after coexistence is indeed effective. After all, it is normal for a group of people to die, and it is also a common solution.

Gu Wei

But the problem is!

This is no ordinary plague! Arthur had passed on the information to Liaoyuan before he lost the news. This plague was a man-made disaster, and it was something created by another Extraordinary system. Maybe the biochemical crisis in Midtown had turned into a dance of demons!

However, Lynn agreed to the general's request.

One reason is that if you tear your face, you may be silenced. Lynn can perceive the large-scale mobilization in the vicinity. Obviously, the ten hours he said earlier stimulated these Qiu Ba. The other is that Lynn decided to play the big ticket, and with so many lifting of the ban on him, he was ready to completely pull Stim's Steel Scale Legion into the water.

It was also a sudden thought.

Originally, Lynn's plan was something else, but the plan would never catch up with the changes, but this fulfilled Bill's will as the first group of After the transaction ended, the atmosphere suddenly became easy-going and friendly.

The reason is relatively simple. When Lynn agreed to start the cooperation, he had a military rank, and he also had an organization and channels, even if he was a member of the military. The army is extremely united and emphasizes discipline, so naturally it will be exclusive, but for one's own people, it is about loyalty and affection.

Not to mention, Liaoyuan's transportation of supplies during this period of time gave these soldiers the kindness of food and drink.

The prices in the midtown area are simply unbearable.



Midtown, the underground platform of a certain street.

A large group of people gathered together, all of them were stooped and had obvious distortions, or their tongues were forked and they couldn’t stop spitting out their mouths, or their arms were alienated and bone spurs pierced the flesh and protruded out, and some of them had high scale crystals on their bodies Hua, this group of people gathered together, and there seemed to be countless earthworms wriggling under their flesh, and they began to shake.

The eyes of these people have lost their agile luster, and they are loyally executing orders like puppets.

Soon, along with the fine tearing sound of flesh and blood, small worms resembling black snakes emerged from the flesh of this group of people and began to feast on the host, and the sound of biting was heard for a while.

After these snake-like insects quickly devoured everything here, they withered and turned into a cloud of black smoke and began to drift towards the exit of the platform. If you can magnify it hundreds of times, you can clearly see that the basic substance in this black smoke is actually a smaller black worm.

These black bugs come in a thread.

After drifting out, it quickly dispersed, and the Midtown City, which was originally like a ghost, ushered in a new round of outbreaks and distortions in less than two hours.

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