Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 89: office politics

Minister Archer is a very refined gentleman, with a young face and well-maintained. However, his temples and eyebrows were a little gray for some reason, making it impossible to tell his actual age.

After he got on the podium, he gave a speech without script, and there were strands of brass-colored metal wires between the flesh and the flesh on his hands on the stage. This interweaving of flesh and technology made Lynn realize that the further back the Beyonder was, the further away the form that the Beyonder might manifest would be from traditional humans.

Your Excellency the Minister's eyes are sharp, like a falcon.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there, at the World Expo site, the peace that countless people are looking forward to is coming. However, peace never comes down to the ground by itself, but requires someone to bend the branches before it can be picked. How many hands are there, ready to take off peace? How many hands are there secretly ready to snatch?"

His tone was high, as if he was mobilizing before the war. Archie's voice is strong and powerful, and the closing at the end can make the eardrums tremble, like the sound of the bowstring blasting directly in the ear.

It was the first time that Lynn met his immediate boss, and he listened attentively.

Obviously, Archer is not a person with true Buddha nature, and his body language shows that he is a person with strong self-esteem and attaches great importance to eyesight.

And there seems to be a dark wound.

When he turned around many times, he showed a slight expression of pain, but he endured it.

"We have nothing to fear, whether evil or rebellious, if they dare to appear, the brilliance of the forge will be shattered, and the flame of the forge will blow them away! Peace will be taken down by our protection!"

'Action characterization. ’

Lynn started to use shorthand techniques. The minister also knows how to play political games. With this name, the [Lamp Holder] is impeccable.

"The following is the mission plan. The leaders of each group are requested to clarify the mission responsibilities, combat scope, and personnel arrangements of their squads. If you have any questions, please ask them now. In addition, I would like to remind you that you must be careful and do not accidentally hurt the members of the parliament. Let alone the fact that the parliament cannot be held smoothly.”

'Combat details. ’

Lynn qualified this paragraph at the end of the record. If you don't make an official statement, the task of this step is already over.

The two team leaders had already read the battle book in advance, and they had no objection to the tasks they had arranged. With the order of His Excellency the Minister, the meeting was over, and the three Beyonder teams would go to the Expo venue to start their arrangement.

When leaving the meeting room.

"You are Lynn? The boy who was entangled by the [Demon Spirit]?" Archer suddenly stopped and looked at the little gentleman.


Lynn nodded politely and smiled, wondering how the minister would care about such a small person.

"Well done, courageous and wise." What Lynn didn't expect was that Archer took the initiative to reach out and pat him on the shoulder, showing that I value you very much as a young man. "It's just a demon spirit, don't worry too much. After this incident is over, take some time to seduce it and kill it."

"thank you."

"Haha, you are also one of our members. How can I thank you?"

His Excellency the Minister looked at Lynn, a hint of meaning flashed in his eyes, then turned to look at Yefne, and said as if joking.

"Yephne, I think Lynn is pretty good. I asked him if he would like to come to a team to help me with the documents?"

At the moment when these words were said, Yefni was very surprised, and she didn't quite believe that the minister would do something to dig a wall. And the smiling expression of the minister did not seem to be referring to this matter alone. In the same way, the people who stopped around showed expressions of surprise and jealousy, looking at Lynn's eyes that were not right.

Lin En was in a mood for a while, he noticed that the Minister's attention was more on himself, and he immediately understood the benefits.

Archie is trying to trick him!

How could it be possible for a document he had only been working for a week to fly to the captain on a rocket, and Yefni, a calf-protecting subordinate, has always had a good reputation. Objectively speaking, he still has kindness to Lynn. He dared to agree now. Carrying a ruthless label.

But this set is too obvious...

'One member... very good, one member... very good, courage... wisdom, so it is, the purpose is this. ’

Contacting the branch and the headquarters, the third team and the branch, and what Minister Archer had said before, Lynn suddenly realized that this minister was giving himself a ladder and selling two favors.

"Your Excellency Minister, look at me, I've only been in [Lamp Holder] for a little over a week, and I haven't been busy with the team leader. Haven't been able to help them yet, please let me stay on the third team."

Lynn's attitude was very low. This answer not only showed satisfaction and emotion on Yefni and Archie's faces, but also the jealousy in the eyes of other colleagues looking at Lynn was also reduced by 80%, much gentler.

After all, it is always good to get along with people who know how to be grateful and humble, and I can't guarantee that one day I hope others can pull me.

"Well, he's a good boy. Lynn, it's not worth everyone worrying about Archer is not at all unhappy when he is rejected. This attitude further confirms Lynn's guess.

It's just that he couldn't understand why His Excellency the Minister suddenly deliberately tested himself.

This is obviously the result of external interference, otherwise Archie wouldn't sell himself and Yefne a favor to repair and enhance the relationship. Lynn thought for a while and thought of the portrait of the Black Holy Grail. The only possibility was that the Minister's attitude had something to do with the headquarters.

Lin En, who didn't know the letter from the third princess, could only scratch her head secretly.

The crowd soon dispersed.

On the way, the smile on Yefni's lips couldn't be suppressed, and she looked at Lin En with an unusually intimate gaze. Obviously, Lin En's performance just now made this team leader with a clear tendency to protect her shortcoming. Yefni had always valued Lynn very much, and the relationship between the two was at the level of friends, but now it has warmed up even more.

When a person finds that his emotional investment is not in vain, that kind of satisfaction can make him willing to invest more emotions, which is emotional positive feedback.

"In the office, there happens to be a pistol that I used before. I just lent it to you this time." Yefni liked that pistol very much.

The willingness to lend it to Lynn now is also a sign of intimacy.

After all, it was the first gun of the female knight, and it meant a lot to her. Of course, Lynn is grateful. Your boss personally gave you a weapon that he used. If you are in the army, it basically means that you are my man.

"There's still a little time, Bill, go and organize your equipment. Lynn is familiar with the insurance and loading. I'll get dressed and we'll set off. Today's peace conference won't be too smooth." Yefne ordered, her expression could not help but become a little dignified. Too many people are staring at the peace conference.

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