Is the school doctor free? Have you ever heard of crispy college students!

Chapter 13 What kind of rabies vaccine should I get? I think you, a quack, are trying to extort mone

The boy just finished speaking.

The water friends in the live broadcast room almost went crazy.


"No, are rabies vaccine and pickles equivalent?"

"If you believe what your mother says so much, you can go directly to your mother to see a doctor. Which school doctor should you go to?"

"Brothers! I can't help it anymore. The hemorrhoids are making me angry. Is the rabies vaccine something I can save?"

"I think Dr. Chen has made it very clear. According to the current level of medical technology, rabies cannot be cured. Even though he has said it to this point, I still don't want to get vaccinated, so I just took it..."


Rao Chen Mu started when the boys went out to make phone calls.

I have some speculation about the scene before me.

But after hearing the boy's words, Chen Mu was still disgusted to death.

When he was still working in clinical practice, he had encountered such outrageous family members of patients.

After the operation, the doctor clearly informed the family members that the patient could not eat within a few hours.

Thousands of warnings and instructions.

Nor did the patient’s family take what the doctor said to heart.

The patient's family feeds the patient candy. In the words of the patient's family, eating candy is not considered eating.

In the end, the patient was sent away with candy bars by his family members.

Then the patient's family bit back the hospital, thinking that it was the hospital's responsibility that caused the patient to leave.

I originally thought that after leaving the clinic, I would not see such stupid and stubborn people.

I didn't expect that...

He looked at the male college student in front of him who was still trying to convince him.

Chen Mu sighed softly.

To complain in one's heart is to complain in one's heart.

But as a doctor, he is also the school doctor.

It's impossible for him to really ignore this student.

Chen Mu began to treat the boy's wounds, "Didn't you tell your mother that the one who bit you was a stray dog ​​in school? A stray dog ​​has no owner. Whose pickle jar did he go to pull pickles from?"

The boy suddenly realized, "Doctor, this wound will be treated later. I have to call my mother again."


Seeing that the boy couldn't persuade him anymore, Chen Mu didn't plan to persuade him now, "When you call your mother, by the way, you still need tetanus for this wound."

"Okay, thank you doctor for reminding me!"

The wound had just been disinfected, and the boy limped again and disappeared into the school doctor's office.

A few minutes later.

When the boy comes back.

He looked a little embarrassed and said, "Doctor, why don't you help me treat the wound first."

"My mother said that when she first received my call, she left home and arrived at school in about ten minutes."

Chen Mu nodded: "It is also good for parents and doctors to communicate face to face."

"Then let me treat your wounds first."

"There is no anesthesia in the school doctor's office. Some of the more serious wounds in the back may be a little painful. Bear with it for a while, and I have to clean your wounds for you."

Chen Mu just finished speaking.

The entire school doctor's office was filled with the pitiful howls of boys.

Occasionally, a few students from the school passed by the school doctor's office downstairs. When they heard the miserable voice, they shuddered unconsciously and then quickly left this place of right and wrong.


The school doctor's office is terrible...

A few minutes later.

The sweaty boy leaned limply in the arms of the boy who sent him.

He was still wailing, but compared to the silly pig-like voice before, the wailing sound now was much quieter.

"No, is it really reasonable to debridement like this without giving some anesthetic or something?"

"You don't think you can buy anesthetics in pharmacies, right? School doctors who can't perform surgeries like this don't have the qualifications to purchase anesthetics.

Even if Dr. Chen wants to give this boy an anesthetic, he still needs it..."

"Hey! This guy doesn't even have the strength to shout now. How painful it is!"




As Chen Mu began to deal with the most serious wounds, the boy's shouts became bleak again.


The door to the school doctor's office was suddenly violently knocked open from the outside.

A middle-aged woman rushed in from outside.

"My poor son!"

"Why should you suffer such a crime!"

"You quack doctor, stay away from my son. If it weren't for your poor medical skills, why would my son be in such pain?"

"How pitiful!"

As soon as the woman came in, she started yelling in the school doctor's office.

The boy gave his mother a slight tug and said, "Mom, Dr. Chen is very professional. He is debriding me."

"Professional? If you can clean a wound, you are a professional?"

Chen Mu pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "Hello, madam, I have a medical qualification certificate. Please rest assured about my professionalism."

"Now that you have arrived, let's talk about your son's wounds first."

Chen Mu seemed not to have heard the harsh words spoken in front of the woman.

Pointing to a few relatively small wounds on the boy's body, "I have already treated these. You won't need secondary treatment when you get to the hospital."


Chen Mu pointed to the biggest wounds on the boy's body, "These wounds are a bit serious. You need to go to the hospital for suturing."

"And you need to go to a community hospital that can vaccinate within 24 hours to get rabies and tetanus shots."

The woman let go of her son's hand.

He walked up to Chen Mu with a savage expression and looked Chen Mu up and down.

"Oh my God! As soon as this classmate's mother appeared, my scalp went numb. She is definitely not an easy character to get along with!"

"Is she planning to cause trouble for Dr. Chen? No way! No way!"

"Is this kind of person really suitable to be a mother if she only thinks about how to make trouble for others without putting her own son's safety first?"


The woman looked him up and down with that look.

Chen Mu didn't have any emotional fluctuations, he just looked at the woman in front of him calmly.

The woman smiled contemptuously, "You are the quack who asked my son to get a rabies vaccine? Before, I only said that I needed a rabies vaccine, but now I have a tetanus vaccine. You can really extort money!"

Chen Mu frowned: "You may have misunderstood..."

"Misunderstanding! What misunderstanding!"

"I was bitten by a dog when I was a child. At that time, I went to the dog owner's house to pick up two pickles, but I didn't get the rabies vaccine you talked about. Look, I've still lived to be this old!"

Chen Mu didn't take it seriously, "Then you might be lucky. The dog that bit you didn't have rabies."


Chen Mu looked at the wounds on the boy's body and continued: "According to the boy himself, he was besieged by many stray dogs. We don't know whether these stray dogs have rabies."

"Parents, if you really care about your son's life safety, this rabies vaccine is a must!"


Chen Mu pointed to a few lacerated wounds on the boy's body, "The teeth of those stray dogs are not clean, and tetanus is also very necessary."

"If you don't believe what I say, it doesn't matter. You can go to any doctor in a tertiary hospital and ask if this vaccine is necessary!"

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