Is the school doctor free? Have you ever heard of crispy college students!

Chapter 18: Playing against the King late at night, being cheated makes me even more angry than my t

"Dr. Chen, I knew you were amazing!"

After hearing what Chen Mu said clearly, He Xingchen's eyes sparkled.

Chen Mu waved his hands speechlessly, "No need to flatter me."

"First of all, I want to tell you that your routine is super unhealthy."

"To some extent, staying up late for a long time is also one of the causes of heart palpitations."

He Xingchen held his chin and asked seriously, "But Dr. Chen, my three roommates have similar schedules to me. They all stay up late every day."

"Why am I the only one who has heart palpitations?"

Chen Mu sighed: "Everyone's physical condition is different, and you will have palpitations. Staying up late is just a trigger..."

He Xingchen nodded and couldn't wait to ask: "So, Dr. Chen, what is the real cause of my palpitations? I have seen many doctors in big hospitals, and they didn't see the cause of my palpitations. How did you do it?" Can you tell?"

Chen Mu continued to sigh: "They can't see it because they are not university doctors and have never seen so many young people seeking death."

He Xingchen: "..."

"Hey! The young late-night party has been understood."

"Should I tell you, I've been a little flustered recently when I stayed up late. Doctor Chen, am I going to die?"

"I'm going to cry. Young people stay up late, why are they seeking death? does seem to be a bit of a death wish..."

"Dr. Chen, I also know that staying up late is not a good habit, but my schedule is so inconsistent that it's hard to change it!"


While talking.

Chen Mu wrote two more words on the piece of paper in front of him.


"Eating unhealthy."

He Xingchen saw the evaluation of himself on the paper and silently opened his mouth, trying to quibble with something.

But before he could make a sound, he knew he was in the wrong and closed his mouth.

What Dr. Chen is writing now is all analyzed from her description of her life.

She seems...

There is no quibbling.

After writing two words, Chen Mu looked up and saw the tangled expression on He Xingchen's face.

Meet Chen Mu's gaze.

He Xingchen, who had a lot of expressions just now, sat upright in an instant.

She was afraid that Chen Mu would catch her again and there was something wrong with her living habits.

But sometimes.

It just so happens...

What are you afraid of!

What's coming!

Chen Mu's eyes fell on He Xingchen's legs, "I suggest you don't cross your legs if you have nothing to do. Scoliosis is easy. You may not feel it now when you are young, but you will suffer it when you are older."

He Xingchen: "!!!"

Quickly adjust your sitting posture.

"No? Crossing one's legs can lead to scoliosis? Why didn't I know that before? (The cry from a veteran user who has crossed one's legs for decades!)"

"At this moment, a powerful man in front of the computer silently lowered his legs."

"Hiss! People who see scoliosis in the hospital suddenly know where my disease comes from!"

"Brothers, before you are sick and you still have time to save yourself, take the time to adjust your sitting posture!"


He Xingchen moved his body silently.

The school doctor's office, which she was already familiar with, suddenly gave off an aura that made her restless.

She always felt.

In Chen Mu's eyes, any random action she made could become the cause of the disease.

He Xingchen grimaced and made a begging expression, "Dr. Chen, I promise I will never cross my legs again. Please tell me what the real cause of my heart palpitations is!"

"Heart palpitations are really uncomfortable. Sometimes I wonder if I am going to die."

Chen Mu raised his eyes and looked at her, "If you continue to endure like this, there is a possibility of sudden death."

He Xingchen: "..."

The girl looked at Chen Mu silently, not daring to say anything in anger.

"Actually, if you want to stop having palpitations, it's very simple. Just uninstall your King of Glory. In a week at most, your palpitations will be better."

The corners of He Xingchen's lips twitched, and she could no longer control her expression.


"Dr. Chen, don't you want to tell me that I got heart palpitations just because I was playing a game?"

Su Bingbing, who was watching the excitement silently, couldn't help but interrupt after hearing Chen Mu's words.

"Dr. Chen, I remember you also play the game Honor of Kings. Isn't this game unhealthy?"

Chen Mu looked at Su Bingbing with a dull expression: "Does the game I play have to be healthy?"

Su Bingbing: "..."

Reporter Su, who was eloquent, was suddenly choked up.

As for Chen Mu's operation of eating butter hot pot that morning, and the game he played, might it be really unhealthy?

Chen Mu's eyes returned to He Xingchen who looked aggrieved.

He sighed softly.

He said, "Since you don't agree with me asking you to uninstall the game, let me give you a brief analysis of how you started to have heart palpitations because of a game."

He Xingchen: "Say! If you convince me! I will uninstall the game in front of you!"

Speaking of which.

He Xingchen raised his hand, pointed at the camera on the shoulder of his eldest brother, and said loudly: "I can also swear to the camera, if I stay up late playing King of Glory again, I, He Xingchen, will be a dog!"

The corners of Chen Mu's lips raised, "Okay, it's a deal!"

Seeing Chen Mu's determined look, He Xingchen's heart made an inexplicable "thump" sound.

Damn it!

Could it be that she spoke too early?

Chen Mu: "Every night after you return to the dormitory, you silently tell yourself that you must not stay up late today. You just play two or three games and then go to bed, right?"

He Xingchen nodded silently, "Yes..."

How come Dr. Chen is like a roundworm in her stomach and can guess everything?

Chen Mu; "But when you start playing games, everything is not what you think!"

"It's not always smooth sailing for you in the game world. You will encounter teammates who are very annoying. At this time, your anger level has actually accumulated very high."

He Xingchen continued to nod: "Yes! Doctor Chen, you really understand me!"

Chen Mu smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I have someone who understands you better."

"You will encounter teammates in the game who are very good at playing and swearing at each other. At this time, your anger level will reach its peak and you will start to curse."

"Basically, every heart palpitation you have at night starts when you are yelling at someone in the game."

He Xingchen was dumbfounded: "It seems... is this really the case???"

Chen Mu: "If you win the scolding, maybe your heart will calm down soon, but if you lose the scolding, you will clearly feel that your heart is beating faster and faster, accompanied by heart palpitations."

He Xingchen: "It's amazing! Doctor Chen, your inference is completely consistent!"

Chen Mu ignored He Xingchen and called up He Xingchen's case in the medical record system of the school doctor's office.

Silently type a line on it.

"I beat the king late at night and was cheated. I was so angry that my teammates had heart palpitations."

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