Is the school doctor free? Have you ever heard of crispy college students!

Chapter 34 Shocked the hospital, classmate, your blood is the color of milk tea!

"Twenty or thirty cups..."

Even Chen Mu, who has always advocated that diet does not need to be completely healthy, was inevitably a little silent when he heard this number.

have to!

When it comes to seeking death, college students are better at it!

He, the school doctor, was convinced!

"Do you usually drink other drinks besides milk tea?" Chen Mu admitted that Jian Wenxuan successfully aroused his curiosity.

Jian Wenxuan nodded without warning, "Of course!"

"Dr. Chen, you don't know that the living expenses my parents gave me are not small. In addition, I don't have a girlfriend or anything, so my life in school is a little richer."

"We usually buy drinks by the box."

"We consume a box of drinks in our dormitory almost a week, 24 bottles of it."

As Jian Wenxuan spoke, the corners of his lips raised proudly.

In a consumption system like college where you may not even be able to afford white rice at the end of the month, for him to be able to drink so many drinks every week, he is not an ordinary rich person!

His living expenses amount to five thousand a month!

Chen Mu's heart has calmed down again, "Besides drinks and milk tea, will you eat any sweets?"

"There's no such thing, right?" Jian Wenxuan held his chin in memory as he recalled.


Jian Wenxuan's body trembled, and his eyes were fixed on Chen Mu in front of him, "Doctor, you seem to have been asking me what sweet things I had eaten."

"Milk tea contains a lot of sugar, and cola has a lot of sugar, too. I..."

"Do I have some drink-related disease?"

Chen Mu nodded calmly.

Okay, this college student finally came to his senses.

Chen Mu: "According to my diagnosis, you should be in the early stages of diabetes."

"But in order to ensure the accuracy of the diagnosis, I specially brought you to the hospital for blood and urine tests to confirm that my diagnosis is accurate."

"Diabetes..." Jian Wenxuan's pupils trembled and his body staggered.

Fortunately, Chen Mu supported him in time, preventing Jian Wenxuan from being so shocked that he acted like a dog chewing mud on the spot.

Jian Wenxuan took several deep breaths.

He didn't let himself fall down again.

"Dr. Chen, could it be possible that there was a misdiagnosis..."

"I'm only twenty-one years old..."

Although he does not have a deep understanding of diabetes, he also knows that diabetes, like high blood pressure, is more likely to occur in the elderly and obese groups.

He is a young man of 21 years old. His figure can only be regarded as strong, not obese at all.

How can one catch this disease?

Chen Mu shook his head, "From the time I obtained the medical qualification certificate to now, there has not been a single misdiagnosis."

Jian Wenxuan was in a daze again.

Chen Mu did not misdiagnose, that is, he really had diabetes.

Thinking back carefully, there is a history of diabetes in his family, and both his grandparents have diabetes.

Thinking of some descriptions of diabetes in his family, Jian Wenxuan looked at Chen Mu with a pale face, "Dr. Chen, if I remember correctly..."

“Is diabetes irreversible?”

"Once you get it, it can't be cured?"

Chen Mu nodded.

Jian Wenxuan's expression became even more sad.

Chen Mu was about to speak and say something more.


A loud voice from the laboratory nurse came from behind, "Jian Wenxuan! Patient Jian Wenxuan!"

"Patient Jian Wenxuan and family members of patient Jian Wenxuan, please come to the blood test window No. 1 immediately after hearing this!"

"Jian Wenxuan! Patient Jian Wenxuan!"

"Patient Jian Wenxuan and family members of patient Jian Wenxuan, please come to the blood test window No. 1 immediately after hearing this!"


Hearing the nurse's cry, Chen Mu's face changed slightly.

Get up quickly and go to the blood test window No. 1.

Jian Wenxuan hurriedly followed behind Chen Mu, and walked together towards the blood test window No. 1.

Along the way.

Several people also saw many white coats walking in a hurry, in the same direction as their destination.

"Dr. Chen, why are so many doctors and nurses here?"

"These people are not here because of me, right?"

Obviously they were only four to five hundred meters away from the blood test window No. 1, but Jian Wenxuan was so frightened by so many white coats that his legs went weak.

Chen Mu held the shaky Jian Wenxuan with one hand.

Seeing the young figures in white coats, the corners of his lips raised, "If my judgment is correct, these medical staff are here because of you."

In this place, the hospital.

There are only two situations with the highest probability of large-scale medical staff appearing.

One is a patient who is suffering from an acute or serious illness and needs medical consultation and life-saving treatment.

And the other kind...

Chen Mu couldn't hold back, turned his head and glanced at Jian Wenxuan again.

Another situation is that relatively rare cases occur.

The hospital will call some medical staff who have just joined the job or are still interns to come over to "see the world" and learn hard.

"Hello doctor, I am the school doctor of Haicheng University."

"The patient you just called, Jian Wenxuan, is my student."

The caller in the white coat nodded, "School doctor, I won't talk nonsense. Let's take a look at the plasma of the students in your school."

The white coat took out a tube of milky white plasma from underneath.

Chen Mu's expression cracked.

The group of young medical staff behind the white coats looked at the tube of white plasma, their eyes flashing with excitement.


"Did your hospital make a mistake?"

"I just saw it clearly. The blood you drew from my body was obviously red! It's not this color!"

Jian Wenxuan first touched his arm where blood had just been drawn.

Then he sat directly on the small stool that he had made when drawing blood before, and put his arm into the blood drawing window. "You must have made a mistake. Take another draw! It must be red!"

"How could human blood be this color!"

A hand forcefully pulled the out-of-control Jian Wenxuan from the stool, "Calm down, what they took out was your plasma, not blood."

"Normal people's plasma is not red, so you don't need to be so excited."

When Jian Wenxuan heard what Chen Mu said, and looked at the smiles in the eyes of the medical staff, his face instantly turned red.

Are the things he just said lacking common sense?

Is this a joke?

Chen Mu who was beside him gently patted Jian Wenxuan on the shoulder, "Young man, let me give you a simple popular science."

"Plasma is extracted from your blood sample."

"Under normal circumstances, human plasma will appear translucent golden yellow after being left for a period of time after being extracted."

Jian Wenxuan, who was beside him, heard Chen Mu’s popular science.

He even collapsed, "Dr. Chen, you mean, my plasma is abnormal, right?"

Jian Wenxuan was about to cry, but Chen Mu smiled happily.

He patted his shoulder heavily and said, "Although your plasma is abnormal, you have exposed many new medical staff to the world. In a big way, you are making a contribution to our country's medicine!"

The corners of Jian Wenxuan's lips twitched.

If there weren't so many people watching him, he might have cried.

He just wants to have the plasma of a normal person, and doesn't want to become a medical material for new doctors to be introduced to the world! ! !

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