Is the school doctor free? Have you ever heard of crispy college students!

Chapter 51 The principal’s wake-up call, starting with an intracranial hemorrhage!

"Do not move!"

"Speak slowly if you feel uncomfortable!"

The patient tried to nod, but with just a small movement, there was another small mouthful of vomit.

"He vomited blood!" Su Bingbing stood behind Chen Mu, and everyone was dumbfounded!

In the boy's vomit, she clearly saw traces of blood.

Chen Mu's eyes flickered and he raised his hand to feel the boy's pulse.

A few seconds later, he took out a bunch of keys from the pocket of his white coat and stuffed them into Su Bingbing's hand, "There are Angong Niuhuang Pills in the small cabinet next to the instant noodle cabinet."

"Reporter Su, please make a trip."

Su Bingbing nodded, turned around and ran away.

This time.

Su Bingbing felt that she was running faster than when she was in school.

She used to run for personal honor, but this time, she was racing against death!

In the boy's intermittent expressions.

Chen Mu roughly understood the boy's current situation.

Slurred speech and difficulty in expression.

Severe pain in head.

Numbness of limbs.

Combined with the pulse of boys...

Chen Mu's heart had hit rock bottom, but he still forced himself to calm down.

First, with the help of the housekeeper, the patient was connected to a ventilator.

Chen Mu turned around and took out his cell phone, "Driver He, I need your help."

After communicating with driver He.

Chen Mu called the emergency center again and successfully contacted the emergency personnel on the 120 ambulance.

We added each other on WeChat and turned on location sharing.

"Doctor Chen, are you taking this student to meet 120 first?"

"What about the other students? Should we go with you, or should we wait here for a while and wait with these students until 120?"

The firefighter who met Chen Mu first asked in a low voice that could not be heard by the students on the ground.

According to normal terms.

Firefighters have to return after performing their duties.

Chen Mu raised his hand and glanced at the time on his phone and said, "If possible, I hope you can stay and help. It shouldn't be a big problem for these students to stay until 120."

The firefighter nodded seriously, "What should we do?"

Chen Mu replied: "Observe their vital signs, and if special circumstances arise, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a timely manner."

The firefighter nodded: "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is also a required course for our firefighters. You can rest assured about this, Dr. Chen."

He said half of what he said, but his tone stopped short.

"Dr. Chen, why do you think that the only sober student is in more serious condition than the other three?"

"This big brother is my mouthpiece!"

"In my opinion, those who cannot wake up are the most serious ones."

"Isn't it a quack to leave three unconscious people alone and take care of one who is still conscious?"

"We are not quacks. We have seen Dr. Chen's medical skills. I believe Dr. Chen must have his reasons for doing this."


After hearing what the firefighter brother said, Chen Mu just sighed.

"Let me tell you a story that really happened."

"In a car accident, there were four people in a car. They were all involved in the car accident, but one person climbed out of the car as if nothing was wrong."

"Not only did this person climb out of the car, he was able to even get three other people out of the car, call 120 for them, and follow 120 to send the other three patients to the hospital."

The firefighter frowned slightly, "Why does this case sound familiar to me?"

Chen Mu looked at him deeply, "In the end, all the other three patients survived. Only the one who sent the other three patients to the hospital vomited blood and died at the door of the operating room."

"The final autopsy revealed multiple organ damage."

"There is also a folk saying for this phenomenon, which is called the return of light."

The firefighter took a breath of cold air and turned to look at the figure on the ground who had put on a breathing mask. "If this is the case, your school may be in big trouble!"

Chen Mu nodded seriously, "I suspect this student may have intracranial hemorrhage and needs surgery urgently."

Just when the firefighter was about to say something more.

Driver He drove the school 120 and arrived in time with Su Bingbing.

Chen Mu handed Su Bingbing his cell phone, asked Su Bingbing to sit in the passenger seat, and directed Su Bingbing and the 120 car from the hospital to merge as quickly as possible.

With the help of driver He, Chen Mu put the patient and the ventilator into the ambulance.

The big brother who followed Chen Mu got into the ambulance compartment.

Wait until the ambulance is driving smoothly.

Chen Mu took out the Angong Niuhuang Pill and carefully stuffed it into the boy's mouth.

"Damn! I've already taken Angong Niuhuang Pills, I realize the seriousness of the matter!"

"Does anyone know what Angong Niuhuang Pill is? Can you educate us on it?"

"To put it simply, this stuff is usually used to kill people, but it doesn't work in every situation. It needs to be taken under the supervision of a doctor."

"This is why Dr. Chen must personally deliver him to 120!"

"Oh my God, I hope this student is okay..."

"Fortunately, Dr. Chen came early today. If Dr. Chen came to work during normal hours, I wouldn't dare to think..."

"Yes, it's only around five o'clock in the morning. If this student survives, it will be considered that Dr. Chen saved his life!"


"Principal, I am Chen Mu."

After confirming that the student was okay for the time being, Chen Mu took out his spare mobile phone.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Mu heard a "pop" on the other side of the phone.

Chen Mu frowned, "Principal, are you okay?"

On the other side of the phone, the principal's anxious voice sounded, "It's okay, it's okay. I was so frightened by your phone call that I fell off the bed!"

"Stop talking about this for now, did you call me because something happened at the school?"

From the principal's side, there was already the sound of sparsely getting dressed.

"With just one phone call from Dr. Chen, the principal knew that something might have happened. This clearly wasn't the first time!"

"It's an intracranial hemorrhage. Who wouldn't be afraid if I let it go? This would be a major event anywhere!"

"It's harmful! I can only say that we really need to pay attention to fire safety. It's better not to use illegal electrical appliances that are not allowed in the school. If they hadn't stolen the illegal electrical appliances, they wouldn't have..."

"There is no time to check this now. This has to be considered last. Human life is the most important thing at the moment..."


Chen Mu lowered his eyes and looked at the student in front of him.

There was another sigh, "Principal, we are on the way to Haicheng First People's Hospital. A student here was poisoned by fire and suffered intracranial hemorrhage."

"The four students in No. 403, the boys' dormitory of the third apartment, may have to trouble the principal to contact their counselors and their parents."

"If the parents can arrive in time, the surgery consent form will be signed by the parents. If the parents cannot arrive in time..."

On the other side of the phone, the principal's voice rang in time, "If the student cannot arrive in time, the school will sign on behalf of the student first. The safety of the student's life is the top priority."

"I will go directly to the hospital now. All the students' medical expenses will be paid by the school in advance. Doctor Chen, please do your best to save the lives of these students!"

Chen Mu was silent for a moment, "Okay..."

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