Is the school doctor free? Have you ever heard of crispy college students!

Chapter 60 I have insomnia, you prescribe CET-4 English listening to me, do you think this is prescr


"Dr. Chen, please don't tell me that this thing can cure insomnia!"

"Is it possible that I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night because I was listening to music on the wrong device? I should be using this ancient Walkman?"

"I just went to ask my mother if I still had the Walkman from elementary school, and then my mother scolded me..."

"You still have to ask your mother about such a trivial matter? Smart people have already opened a second-hand platform. This thing in the second-hand market only costs a few dozen yuan, which is very cheap!"

"Is it possible that this thing is only a hundred new now?"


It was as if he didn't notice Ju Shishi's petrified appearance at all.

Chen Mu naturally pushed the Walkman to Ju Shishi, then continued to bend down and rummage through the cabinet.

After a while.

A tape was pushed in front of Ju Shishi.

"Every night when I go to bed, I wear headphones and fall asleep after listening to music for about ten minutes."

Ju Shishi silently took the two things handed over by Chen Mu.

After looking down for a while, I still couldn't suppress my curiosity.

He raised his head and asked: "Doctor Chen..."

"What's on your tape?"

Chen Mu: “Certificate 4 English Listening!”

Ju Shishi: "???"

Chen Mu said calmly: "Don't underestimate the English listening skills in your hands. I invited an old professor from our school's English major to come out and record this some time ago."

"With my listening ability, if you just listen to it for a month or two, it will be helpful for you to take the CET-4 listening test in the future."

Chen Mu said as he spoke.

While turning over the pink tape in Ju Shishi's hand.

I saw a big "1" written on the back of the tape with a thick black pen.

"This is just the first tape. If you are familiar with it, you can come to the school doctor's office and see me, and I will give you another tape to listen to!"

Ju Shishi hadn't waited for the attack.

Then I saw Chen Mucat bending down and taking out a plastic basket from underneath.

In the plastic basket is a basket full of tapes. "Student, I have dozens of tapes here, waiting for you to choose!"

Just thinking about the exam room here, the urging voice in English listening.

Ju Shishi felt bad all over, "Dr. Chen, can you clarify my request for medical treatment first? I have insomnia..."

"I want to believe that these English tapes in your hand can indeed improve my English CET-4 scores."

"But my main request is to suffer from insomnia!"

Chen Mu leaned back and raised the corners of his lips, "Classmate, let me ask you, are you sleepy during English class?"

Ju Shishi recalled it blankly, and then nodded, "It seems that she is quite sleepy..."

"It's a bit strange to say that I am obviously an insomniac, but I fell asleep in English class..."

Having said that.

Ju Shishi suddenly realized that something was wrong with the question. She suddenly raised her head and looked at Chen Mu with a look of disbelief on her face, "Doctor Chen, what do you mean!"

"As long as I listen to English listening while sleeping, I can sleep well?"

Chen Mu shrugged, "According to my experience, this is indeed the case."

"You can take your walkman and tape back and try them first. If it doesn't work, come to the school doctor's office and see me for acupuncture."

"It's medicine that's three-thirds poisonous. Try not to take medicine if you're young. It's not good for your health."

Ju Shishi happily held the Walkman and the English tape and stood up from the medical stool.

He bowed crazily to Chen Mu.

"Dr. Chen, thank you for the medicine you prescribed for me!"

"You are really a modern miracle doctor!"

"I'm going back to the dormitory to sleep now! I'm going to ask our instructor for a leave and go back to the dormitory to sleep!"


Just finished speaking.

Ju Shishi couldn't wait to hold her Walkman and walk out.

Chen Mu shouted speechlessly: "ID card! Classmate, you haven't got your ID card yet!"

As soon as Ju Shishi came back to get her ID card, Chen Mu pressed his hand on the Walkman in her hand.

"Classmate, I just registered it in your medical record!"

"You don't have to return the tape to me for up to a week, but you must return the Walkman!"

"If you don't pay me back! I'll go find your counselor! Let your counselor find your parents!"

Ju Shishi was frightened: "Dr. Chen, I will definitely pay you back!"

Looking at Ju Shishi's hastily running away, Chen Mu snorted coldly, "You'd better really return it to me..."


"Let me make a bold guess. Did some college students treat Walkmans as medicines that don't need to be returned and kept them for themselves?"

"I was just about to say that it's not like a college student, but when I turned around, I saw the Walkman on my roommate's desk, and I fell into deep thought..."

"Hahahaha!! There are people who don't even know they still have Walkmans. No wonder Dr. Chen is so crazy!"

"Are you all paying attention to the Walkman? I'm really shocked. It's the first time I've learned that English listening can be used as medicine!"

"Don't tell me, Dr. Chen is really amazing. I just found an English listening section on the Internet, and now I'm a little drowsy..."

"Good news, I'm sleepy. Bad news, I was caught by my boss at work and my salary was deducted..."



"Next person!"

A girl with quite amazing visual effects walked in and sat in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu: “ID card, or medical insurance card.”

The girl handed her medical insurance card to Chen Mu, and Chen Mu scanned it on the machine.

The girl's identity information appeared on the computer, Luo Jiaojiao.

Chen Mu glanced at the name, "Luo Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Jiaojiao glanced at the live broadcast footage, feeling a little embarrassed.

Chen Mu also followed her gaze and looked at the live broadcast camera, frowning briefly.

Still looking back at Luo Jiaojiao, "Classmate, if you don't want your illness to be broadcast live, I can ask them to suspend the live broadcast, or let the cameras go out temporarily."

"Dr. Chen, this is against the rules..." The filming brother lost control and spoke.

Chen Mu glanced at him and said, "I am the one who cooperates with you in filming the program, not these students. If the students refuse your filming, as the school doctor, I have the obligation to protect their personal privacy."

The eldest brother who was following me was choked by Chen Mu.

Just as she was about to say something more, Luo Jiaojiao stopped her, "Dr. Chen, I just don't know how to speak. I don't mind if the show is filmed here."

Chen Mu nodded slightly, "Okay, if their presence makes you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me in time."

Luo Jiaojiao looked at Chen Mu with a moved face, "Dr. Chen, thank you very much for being willing to respect me, a fat man..."

"Actually, I don't have any major physical problems. It's just that during the previous physical examination, I found thick blood."

Thick blood?

Chen Mu nodded, "As long as you control your weight a little, thick blood at your age shouldn't be serious. This is something that obese people usually have."

Luo Jiaojiao sighed, "After I found out that my blood was thick, I thought that for my own health, I should at least lose weight."

"I won't say how slim I am, but at least my weight shouldn't threaten my health."

Chen Mu praised: "It's a good idea."

Luo Jiaojiao sighed and began to look a little frustrated, "But I have been losing weight for a long time following the recipes and weight loss strategies on the Internet, but I still haven't lost much weight."

"After I saw the hot search on the Internet yesterday."

"I had an idea in my mind, Dr. Chen, can your magical Chinese medicine help me lose weight?"

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