Is the school doctor free? Have you ever heard of crispy college students!

Chapter 87 Fungi can grow on the bed, why can’t ginseng grow on Haicheng University? (2-in-1)

"How much did you eat?"

"Doctor Chen, please wait for me to take a look!"

On the other side of the phone, sparse voices came again.

The green light comes on.

Driver He couldn't wait to step on the accelerator.

"Dr. Chen, I just took a look."

"We didn't have a knife to cut ginseng in our dormitory, so they just took a bite of it."

Chen Mu: "Huh?"

"Dr. Chen: After many years of practicing medicine, this is the first time I heard that ginseng is eaten by chewing."

"For a moment, I couldn't tell whether what they picked up was ginseng or a big white radish..."

"No, without a knife, how did they split into four parts?"

"Ginseng: I have been noble for so many years, but I didn't expect to meet four tiger ladies."

"I'm a plant student, and I slapped the table and yelled, in the environment like Haicheng University, ginseng will never grow!"

"Brother who studies plants, before I did this, I would definitely support you, but now..."

"Haicheng University is such an evil place. Fungi can grow on the bed. What's wrong with the growth of ginseng on campus?"


"There is no tool that can divide ginseng, so how did you four divide it equally?"

Chen Mu leaned against the car window with a look of despair.

On the other side of the phone, He Xingchen said confidently: "Just break it apart!"

Chen Mu: "Show!"

Chen Mu sighed.

After organizing the language.

"He Xingchen, I may not have expressed myself clearly just now."

"If there is dampness in a person's body, there is indeed a possibility of falling into drowsiness, but this kind of drowsiness can be awakened."


"The probability that three people in a dormitory have dampness in their bodies is not high."

"Now there is a great possibility that the ginseng you got is not ginseng, but another plant that looks very similar to ginseng."

He Xingchen muttered on the phone: "That's not true..."

"Dr. Chen, we are all college students. We should be able to recognize whether it is ginseng or not."

Chen Mu sneered: "Yes, they are all college students."

“I can’t even tell whether the ginseng obtained in the school belongs to the school or myself.”

He Xingchen was silent for a moment.

When he spoke again, his tone became much more correct: "Dr. Chen, I'm going to take a photo of ginseng for you now and send it to your mobile phone later!"

Leave this sentence behind.

He Xingchen couldn't wait to hang up the phone.

just like……

If she continued to talk to Chen Mu, Chen Mu would grab her neck and ask her to spit out the ginseng.

Chen Mu hadn't had time to close his eyes and rest his mind.

From behind him, another little head poked over, "Dr. Chen, are there many plants that look very similar to ginseng? Can it be convenient for our viewers in the live broadcast room to do some popular science?"

Chen Mu nodded: "There are five types of plants that look similar to ginseng."

"They are glutinous rice vine, bamboo ginseng, saposhnikovia, fog water kudzu, and pokeweed."

Su Bingbing was surprised: "Are there actually so many of them?"

Chen Mu nodded and continued: "Of the ginseng-like plants I just mentioned, glutinous rice vine, windfeng and mist kudzu are all non-toxic."

"Everyone has encountered it in life, and it doesn't matter if they take a bite."

"Bamboo ginseng is somewhat toxic, but it can be used as medicine."

Su Bingbing nodded thoughtfully.

The next second.

He looked at Chen Mu with burning eyes, "Since these four kinds of hazards are not very harmful, then does Phytolacca, which Dr. Chen did not talk about separately just now, contain highly toxic substances?"

Chen Mu nodded, shook his head and said, "Yes, and no..."

Su Bingbing was puzzled, "How do you say this?"

Chen Mu showed a look of recollection, "Actually, many people don't know that Phytolacca can be divided into two types."

“One is the pokeweed native to our country.”

"Our native pokeweed can be used as medicine, and it is even known as native ginseng."

"But now the invasion of alien species is too severe. Most of the pokeweed we may see in our daily life are alien species, Phytolacca vulgaris."

"If you accidentally eat pokeweed, it may cause poisoning to a certain extent."

"Those with mild symptoms may experience vomiting or retching."

"Slightly more severe symptoms may cause diarrhea, convulsions, and the most serious one..."

Chen Mu's expression gradually became serious, "There is a certain chance that you will die from cardiac paralysis after accidentally eating Phytolacca vulgare."

"So usually, if you don't have the ability to tell whether it is ginseng or not, it is not recommended to take ginseng picked up on the roadside."

"Because there is a great possibility that what we picked up was not ginseng but Phytolacca vulgare."

"Ginseng has extremely strict requirements on the growth environment, but Phytolacca spp. grows wildly..."

Chen Mu's words just ended here.


His whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he murmured: "No way, just carry it like this?"

"Why not? Why are you carrying it so hard? What is Dr. Chen talking about?"

"Dr. Chen may want to say that he wouldn't carry it like this. What they eat happens to be the highly poisonous pokeweed, right?"

"It's really possible... that thing like Phytophthora vulgare prefers the climate in Haicheng..."

"It's cold, it's cold. Dr. Chen hasn't arrived at school yet, and the crispy college students are going to be cold!"

"If something goes wrong, the responsibility belongs to the school or the college students themselves. Although eating pokeweed is a subjective behavior of college students, pokeweed is on campus, so the school must also bear certain responsibilities..."

"At this time, we are still discussing the issue of responsibility? Shouldn't we call 120?"


Behind Chen Mu.

Su Bingbing, who understood what Chen Mu meant, had a slightly subtle expression for a moment.

He said softly: "It should...not be carried like that..."

He comforted Chen Mu like this.

But actually.

Su Bingbing herself didn't believe her words to comfort Chen Mu.

In other schools, students may not memorize it like this.

But Haicheng University...

Nothing is easy to say.

"Ding dong——"

As the WeChat notification on Chen Mu's phone rang, Su Bingbing silently closed her mouth.

The follow-up brother was carrying a camera and wanted to take a picture of Chen Mu's mobile phone.

After looking at a few pictures on the phone.

Chen Mu fell silent. He turned around and saw the camera that was about to hit him behind him.

He sighed helplessly.

He raised his phone and showed it to the audience in the live broadcast room in front of the camera.

He Xingchen just sent some pictures.


"Good fellow, is this really Phytophthora striata? Is there really something evil about Haicheng University?"

"What are you afraid of? If this really kills people, Haicheng University will be in big trouble!"

"Hiss! The principal is already lying down. Now I suddenly want to ask, how is the vice president of Haicheng University's heart?"

"Vice Principal: My heart was fine at first, but now it's suddenly not so good!"


Realize that the audience in the live broadcast room may see the content of the picture clearly.

Chen Mu didn't waste time.

Find the call history on your phone and call back.

"He Xingchen, what your three roommates eat should be Phytophthora vulgaris."

He Xingchen didn't hear Chen Mu's previous explanation.

Suddenly hearing such a statement, the whole person was stunned: "Duixu Phytolacca? What is it?"

Chen Mu sighed, "You don't need to know what it is. You just need to know that although this thing looks similar to ginseng, it is not ginseng."

"Also, this kind of thing is highly poisonous!"

"Go to the next door dormitory to find two classmates and ask them to go to your dormitory to make sure your three roommates are still alive."

He Xingchen: "What about me? Doctor Chen, what can I do to help them?"

Chen Mu: "You go downstairs now, and I will notify the ambulance from the school hospital to go to your dormitory. When the ambulance from the school hospital arrives, you can take them upstairs directly to move people."

"Your three roommates are all going to be sent to the hospital for gastric lavage."

"After you hang up the phone later, you can find time to call your counselor and ask your counselor to follow you at the hospital. Do you understand?"

He Xingchen answered seriously on the phone: "Dr. Chen, I got it!"

"A few friends were in our dormitory just now. They asked me to check on my roommate. I'm already going downstairs."

"There's just one thing, maybe I can't do it. Our counselor usually doesn't take care of our affairs. What if I contact her and she doesn't go to the hospital?"

Chen Mu's expression was far from pretty, "This is a matter of life and death!"

"If your counselor really doesn't want to go, then you can call me and the school will talk to your counselor."

He Xingchen: "Thank you Dr. Chen. I feel relieved with your words!"

Over there on the phone.

He Xingchen hung up the phone happily.

Behind Chen Mu.

Su Bingbing, who had been listening to the phone call between He Xingchen and Chen Mu, silently wiped the sweat from her forehead when she heard He Xingchen's last two sentences.

I don't know if He Xingchen's counselor would be sweating if he heard the conversation just now.

He Xingchen was directly in front of the national audience, creating an irresponsible image for her counselor!

"Hello, Driver Liu, I'm Chen Mu from the school doctor's office."

"There are several girls in the girls' dormitory who have food poisoning. Please drive three ambulances to pick them up from the girls' dormitory and take them directly to the hospital for gastric lavage."

"Okay, thanks."

After hanging up the phone.

Chen Mu called He Xingchen back again.

He said that he had explained everything clearly, and He Xingchen just had to stay downstairs and wait for the school hospital car to pick him up.

Ignoring He Xingchen's grateful voice on the phone.

Chen Mu hung up the phone.

He turned to look at Driver He next to him, "Old He, let's go directly back to the school doctor's office, not the girls' dormitory."

Su Bingbing, who was in the back row, came up silently, "Dr. Chen, why don't you go and see the situation of those girls who accidentally ate Phytolacca?"

"When this happened before, didn't you go there in person?"

Chen Mu sighed.

"Judging from what He Xingchen described, although the girls fell asleep, their vital signs were relatively stable."

"That is to say, although they accidentally ate pokeweed and suffered from food poisoning, their condition was actually not fatal."

"the most important point is……"

Chen Mu pointed to the traffic jam in front of them.

With a look of helplessness, "Based on the traffic conditions, maybe the school ambulance has sent the students to the hospital, and we haven't arrived at the school gate yet..."

Su Bingbing: "..."

"Hiss! People who are also stuck in traffic jams on the morning rush hour have already started to have toothaches!"

"School: Where are the students here? These are clearly the school's bosses!"

"Suddenly I feel like I have learned new knowledge in the live broadcast room. I used to only know that pokeweed is poisonous, but I didn't know that pokeweed can be divided into native pokeweed and exotic species."

"If we buy some local pokeweed, can we eat it as ginseng? Is it cheaper?"

"Is there a possibility that there are some unscrupulous merchants on the market now, claiming that Phytophthora vulgare is a native Phytophthora plant?"

"Phytolacca is not recommended for people who have no discerning ability to buy it. Otherwise, if you encounter a fake product, it will be enough to risk your life..."

"Is there anyone selling fake stuff like this?"

"It's all impossible to say..."


"Dr. Chen, do you think that after we go back, will the school doctor's office..."

Su Bingbing's words were just the beginning.

Chen Mu in front of him jumped up from the passenger seat as if he had been electrocuted.

If it weren't for the seat belt holding him back, Chen Mu might have gone straight to the car behind him.

"Reporter Su, shut up!"

Su Bingbing covered her mouth and said, "Dr. Chen, I didn't say anything bad..."

Chen Mu shook his head anxiously: "No! I can't say whether it's good or bad!"

"The idea of ​​patients coming to the hospital is very mysterious. You can't talk about the good ones, and you can't talk about the bad ones."

"Only if you don't mention it or don't think about it, can you be safe..."


In this situation at Haicheng University, is there really a possibility that everything will be safe?

Although Su Bingbing was thinking so in her heart.

But also know.

In Chen Mu's current situation, he simply couldn't withstand any stimulation.

Silently closed his mouth.

He made a zipper gesture towards Chen Mu.

He said that he would never speak against the school doctor's office.

Seeing Su Bingbing's behavior, Chen Mu's expression softened a little.

Lao He, who was driving, was about to laugh out loud, "Reporter Su, please don't take it off. It makes sense for Dr. Chen to be so excited."

"The situation now is different from usual. College students are having military training today."

"At this time last year, there were many school doctors in the school. Do you know when those school doctors resigned?"

Su Bingbing shook her head: "I don't know..."

Lao He smiled very happily, "After the military training last year, all the school doctors in the school hospital submitted their resignation applications. The school tried to retain them but failed, and finally had to approve them."

"But here's the fun part!"

"These people did not communicate with Dr. Chen before resigning!"

"So when Dr. Chen came to his senses and submitted his resignation application, he was rejected by the school!"

"The principal of our school said that the school hospital cannot be without a school doctor. Even if Dr. Chen wants to resign, he has to wait until the school hospital recruits a new school doctor."



"Guess what, up to now, the school still hasn't recruited a single school doctor!"

"In the school doctor's office, Dr. Chen is the only unlucky guy!"

Chen Mu silently clenched his fists. His hands were itchy. Can he hit the driver?

The mood of fighting Lao He is brewing.


The cell phone rang again.

Chen Mu lowered his eyes.

It’s He Xingchen again!

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