Just when Qiu Yunzheng was training in pain.

The video transmitted back to Interstellar by 288 has been successfully conveyed, and it was quickly put on the video website and began to be pushed high.

All of this 288 operates on its own, and no one else can control it or have power.

[??Such an ancient means of transportation, where is it, is this what the giant used for filming at home???And this desolate place still exists, could it be that it has been destroyed by the Zerg?]

[The insect body upstairs has attacked, it has been reported, our Zerg is not so brutal Okay, we will also breed and plant, the planet under our jurisdiction, which one is not the most green, the most species, less nonsense, you.

[I agree with this, I was fortunate enough to go to the planet governed by the Zerg, except for eating and drinking a little strange, the environment is really very good, but the delicious species are also good, and anyone who has free races can go to see it. [

You are crooked, do you see, what is this female digging, ouch, I actually dug a strange wall, anyway, do humans still use such rudimentary tools, have you seen it?

[I haven't seen it, you see, it's so strange that she took out the communication tools, these are all antiques from thousands of years ago, right?

[See, this male doesn't pity the jade at all, tsk, look at this strength, you can crush other people's little females.

[You foreigners know a hammer, this is our human being, this woman, should be digging something and was caught

, but what is the police, and what is the telephone?] [The human upstairs, I'm honored to tell you that you have been reported, but I'm also curious about what the police and the phone are.

[Well, if I'm not mistaken, let's explain first, I'm doing archaeology, studying the history of the ancient earth, and the police should be a kind of royal escort on the ancient earth, or the existence of the interstellar warship army that can catch criminals, and the telephone may be equivalent to our interstellar communication tool. If it's acting, it's shocking, and if it's true, it's even more shocking.

[I just checked the ID upstairs, and then I was scared, so I kowtowed to Professor Du Chen first, and Professor Du Chen came out to speak, so you can know how powerful this video is. [

I went to check it out, and I got on my knees, but I'm also curious if it's true, if it's true, it's amazing, you must know that the ancient earth has been thousands of years away from us now.

[Don't crook the building, keep watching, wow, this male is so cool, so handsome, he can catch up with our interstellar, Duan Qingfeng General Duan, our mermaid clan likes it, who is this.

[Upstairs is superficial, I'm different, I like this little female, I don't know if she's interested in the Sky Clan.

[Don't think about it upstairs, people must like the human race, besides, different races are reproductively segregated, goodbye.


【I rely on ( ‵o′) convex, this, this is actually a tomb from the ancient earth??? don't tell me it's true, right?Du Chen didn't lie to me?]

[Another big man?I also want to know if it's true, the real name of the beast clan wants to know.

[The real name of the bee clan wants to know.]

[The mermaid clan's real name wants to know.]

[The real name of the Zerg wants to know.

[Okay, you guys, you guys are still playing with the text and lining up, right, looking at the owner before the tomb, it's also crazy, if it was placed in the interstellar, it is estimated that it would have been destroyed a long time ago, dare to think so.

[Indeed, it is said that this kind of situation only appeared in the ancient earth, that is, in ancient times, and there was no such bad habit in the ancient earth. After all, the ancient earth is relatively far away from our time, and then the ancient earth was also destroyed, and it is impossible to verify the authenticity]

[Thank you for popular science, but is there too many people buried here? It won't be an ancient god, right?] [

Popular science, there were no gods in ancient times, only the royal family, maybe this is the tomb of the royal family, but it is indeed a bit cruel, but unfortunately, the ancient earth has been destroyed and cannot be verified.

[Since the ancient earth has been destroyed, where is this place, and how is it so similar to the environment of the ancient earth?Could it be that the person who made the video was worn back?]

[Impossible, the current technology cannot turn life back into the previous time for the time being, and life is in the moment of the leap. It is possible to be shattered on the spot by the power of time and space.

[That's the big guy with the ability of time and space?, it's impossible, even if the ability can only travel back a few seconds.]

[This royal family seems to be quite respected, and there are so many diehards who accompany him to his death, which is amazing.

[That's it, that's it, it's gone??? ahhh


"Great, teacher, we finally succeeded, although there were so many systems sent, only 288 one system succeeded.

This is enough, that is, each teleportation can only transmit very small things, which are not under our control, and can only be chosen by the host of 288, I don't know if it can help our ancestors' home planet. At

this time, the most hidden area of the interstellar world, and the most heavily guarded area, in the laboratory here, a middle-aged man was jumping in ecstatic cheers at the old man on the side.

"At least it can help a little, so that our home planet will not experience such a cruel encounter in the later stage, and it will not let the humans of the ancient earth die too much. The

old man took off a strange pair of glasses from his face, and wiped his tearful eyes with a handkerchief, with a hint of sadness and emotion.

Yes, it is a little bit to be able to help, and in case, this point can keep one more person alive, and that is also useful.

On top of that, they no longer have the means to teleport other systems back to the past, and they have run out of materials and energy to travel through time and space, and now they can only hope that 288 can complete its mission well.

When the time comes, everything will be clear when the 288 live broadcast is opened.

The fact that 288 can safely return to the ancient earth is one of the systems in the old man's guess, but it is the weakest of them.

Because 288 is the only one of many systems that obeys the laws of conservation of various forces, it must also be an equal exchange, and it cannot release water, or in the name of collecting cultural resources.

This is neither gratuitous, nor excessively intrusive, nor does it reveal its own purpose, and 288 does not even know its purpose.

So the success of 288 is reasonable.

288's understanding of itself is just the existence of a high-tech planet sent to collect the extinct historical and cultural heritage of the ancient earth.

And there is an extremely strict control, can not participate in the national dignitaries, can not view, can not monitor, can not find resources independently, so the premise of 288 can succeed must find a reliable host.

If the bound host is too selfish and just wants to enjoy it alone, then 288 will also unbind it in advance and find the next host from scratch.

But 288 only has 3 chances, and if it misses, it will also be crushed by the power of time and space because of failure.

This time, the data was able to be transmitted back in such a short time, which was completely unexpected by the old man.

288 also said that its host had completed its mission in just 3 days, which was even more frightening.

The old man almost thought that 288 was bound to a country, not a person, and he didn't know that this human being was a person from that country on the ancient earth, so powerful.

Moreover, 288 can only transmit basic information to the elderly, and can only be used by 288 to transmit back the video and cut and publish it on the interstellar.

Each time the host completes a task, 288 must be rewarded in advance according to the degree of completion of the task, which should not be too outrageous.

Therefore, when SCP-288 leaves the interstellar, it is not controlled by anyone, and can only passively transmit video and information, as well as teleport things from the teleportation array stored in its space.

As for the energy source of 288, it is the various energy sources present in the air that will not harm the host, for example, solar energy, wind energy, kinetic energy, no matter what kind of energy source can supplement 288.

288 is more like a growing mechanical life, and fortunately, 288 met Qiuyun Zheng.

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