Moreover, Gu Hanfeng tried it just now, pushed hard, and there was no movement inside, maybe there was something inside, or the tomb was deformed, and it couldn't be opened inside.

So now we have to think about other ways, and if you dig it, you have to dig it in the right place.

"It's okay, dig here, it's about five meters inside, you can go in, it's very small inside, and there are no mechanisms. Even the fact that this tomb has been able to exist for so long is because of the natural topography.

Qiu Yunzheng opened her mouth at this time, and she pointed to a position on the wall of the cave with an excited face, the soil in this position is relatively soft, and it is easy to dig.

"Well, we dig.

Gu Hanfeng nodded and agreed with Qiu Yunzheng's statement.

Gu Hanfeng first looked at the other people, and he didn't need to speak to order, everyone understood, and then a group of manual excavators began to dig.

Five meters, such a soft soil, is not difficult, and even relatively simple, a few people quickly dug out a small door, bend down and go in.

Gu Hanfeng was alone first, and walked in to take a look, he was the strongest here, he needed to check it to make sure there was no danger.

Although Qiu Yunzheng said that there is no danger, this should be cautious, or be cautious, after all, if Qiu Yunzheng said it was really accurate, it would be impossible for her to fall down just now.

It can be seen that this machine is still not as easy to use as artificially.

288: "Okay

, come in, but only three people can come in, it's a little small inside."

After a while, Gu Hanfeng's words came out of it.

The first to go was Lin Hannuo, the second was Qiu Yunzheng, and then Bai Lishen.

Because Gu Hanfeng said that only three people could enter, and the remaining few people stayed outside to respond.

Similar to Bai Lishen's guess, this is a burial chamber for hunters or civilians, because there is only one sarcophagus inside, and there is nothing superfluous.

There are no funerals, sacrifices, lamps, only a sarcophagus in the middle, and only one person can only accommodate one person depending on the size of the sarcophagus.

And the burial chamber is very small, and several people stand together, and they have to stand close to each other.

This burial chamber is obviously not dug by the owner of the tomb himself, but more like a natural burial chamber formed by the earth's crust in the later period.

There is still a lot of dirt left on the top of the sarcophagus, and the color of the soil is the same as that on the wall of this cave.

And if you look at the top of the tomb and the surrounding area, you can see that there are many big trees, densely packed and thick, with thick roots and veins, surrounding the surroundings, which looks a bit like a group of snakes eyeing each other.

It is estimated that later, this tomb will be filled with these tree roots, and this tomb will no longer see the light of day, but the people who can be buried in such a place may be what the tomb owner wants.

"Since there is no written record, I can only open this sarcophagus and see if there is a record of the sarcophagus lid inside. Let's go out first, the oxygen here is a bit insufficient, let people carry the sarcophagus out first.

At this time, it was Bai Lishen who spoke, he had already finished looking around, and he also noticed that he was not breathing smoothly, no wonder Gu Hanfeng only let three people in at first.

"Okay, all go out, I'll carry this out, and when you appear, you all go up to meet me.

At this time, it was Gu Hanfeng who spoke, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the stone gate on the side, he walked over, tried to push the stone door with his hand, and then the stone door opened.

It should not be regarded as opening the door, but pushing the stone door back, and then waiting until there is no obstacle, and then in the eyes of everyone, the stone door is placed against the wall.


Okay, everyone was really shocked, they knew that Gu Hanfeng was strong, but they didn't expect it to be so outrageous, and then they all were convinced, and left very consciously, as for whether Gu Hanfeng could lift the sarcophagus.

(* ̄) ̄), just kidding, I didn't look at it, such a big stone gate, did people move with a light push, don't think they didn't see it, Gu Team didn't take a breath, then there were hundreds of catties.

Moreover, the tomb door of this kind of tomb must not be made to be movable, and it is also to prevent people from coming and disturbing their long sleep, so if this door can be moved, it can only be destroyed by pure strength or force.

Gu Hanfeng was also a little surprised, he hadn't tested his strength before, he just felt that he was very strong, but there was no specific data to refer to.

Now pushing a stone door of several hundred catties by yourself is like pushing an ordinary wooden door, which is very easy, as if you can easily lift this stone door.

Soon, several people left, and Gu Hanfeng and a sarcophagus were left in the entire tomb.

Gu Hanfeng first moved the stone gate to the entrance of the cave, and then put the stone gate on the ground.

When I arrived at the burial chamber, I transferred the sarcophagus to the bottom of the cave and placed it on the stone door, which was not very thick, about thirty or forty centimeters.

After making sure that there was no problem, Gu Hanfeng asked the person above to drop the rope, and after he tied it completely, he jumped out first.

Then, he lifted the sarcophagus alone, yes, yes, lifting, just like lifting a bucket, originally Bai Lishen still wanted to say a few more people, pull it up steadily, don't let the sarcophagus tilt.

After seeing this scene, Bai Lishen chose to shut up, because Gu Hanfeng's movements were as stable as a crane.

In fact, Gu Hanfeng, one person can carry the sarcophagus and jump on it, but this seems to be a bit scary and a bit high-profile, so it is better to use this safer method.


Looking at the sarcophagus that was placed on the ground by Gu Hanfeng, because the weight was too heavy, even if Gu Hanfeng was placed on the ground very lightly, it still made a dull sound, and everyone looked at each other, which was too outrageous.

Team Gu went to the scientific research institute, how is it the same as eating Popeye's spinach, it is still a long-lasting version.

If they knew what Gu Hanfeng was thinking, they would probably all roll their eyes in unison, they didn't think it was very low-key.

However, just below, a few people who had already seen Gu Hanfeng pushing the door relaxed, and they were not surprised for long, and they all returned to their normal expressions.

As for the few people who stayed on to answer it, it was hard to hide the shock, and when they saw the few people who quickly returned to their normal expressions, they also felt that their psychological tolerance was small, and it was rare and strange.

Under the guidance of Bai Lishen, several people first quickly set up a simple shelter tent and covered it directly above the sarcophagus, mainly to prevent leaves or debris from falling in.

After making sure that there was no problem, Bai Lishen asked Gu Hanfeng to open the sarcophagus lid.

Generally, in the lid of the sarcophagus, most of the ancient tombs, there will be some records of the life of the tomb owner, or some praises of the tomb owner.

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