"The owner of this tomb claims to be the son of the cadre Mo Xie: Chi, the existence of these two swords, and he also left the state of Wu at that time after avenging his parents, and came to the kingdom of Shu in a circle, and then rested here due to serious injuries.

Bai stood up, interpreted the words recorded on the sarcophagus lid, and told everyone one by one.

Qiu Yunzheng had already received it before, and all the information analyzed by the system was not much different from what Bai Lishen said.

It turns out that this cadre is a real character in history, not a so-called mythological story.

The two were originally a loving couple, and the cadres were the most famous weapon casting masters in Wu at that time, and the weapons cast were extremely sharp.

It's also because the tree is so popular, and it has also become a living target.

After the ability of the cadre was known to the king of Wu of Wu at that time, he also wanted a sword that was unparalleled in the world, and the king of Wu at that time ordered the cadre.

It is necessary to tailor a sword for him, which is extremely sharp and is not available today.

If the cadre dares to disobey King Wu's order, then King Wu will kill the cadre and his family.

What can the cadre do, for the sake of his family, he can only reluctantly agree.

And he also knew that he would definitely be more auspicious this time, but he had no way to resist, because King Wu had already sent men to surround their house.

If you don't make it, you can't get out of here.

However, it also happened that the cadre got a stone at that time, which was abnormally hard and abnormal, a rare ore in the world, that is, the so-called recorded in history.

"Mining the iron essence of the five mountains, the gold of the Liuhe"

is actually a relatively rare meteorite from the sky, and when the meteorite lands, it becomes very hard due to high speed, high temperature, etc.

Normally, this is not an ordinary fire that can be dissolved.

As for the cadres at that time, what method was used to dissolve this incomparably hard meteorite and cast it into a sword.

That is unknown, this kind of thing, even the son of the cadre, Chi has no way of knowing, after all, he was not born at that time.

Therefore, this sarcophagus lid is unlikely to record this kind of thing.

In this way, with the help of his wife Mo Ye, the cadre at that time took three years to complete the casting of the sword, that is, later, the cadre Mo Xie male and female double swords.

At this time, the cadre knew that if he went to deliver the sword now, he would definitely be used by the tyrannical King Wu to play the topic, saying that he had taken too long, and then he would kill himself.

Even if there is no reason for this, the cadre knows that King Wu will not let himself live, because he is alive, and the sword he casts behind him will definitely surpass the sword he is casting now.

In order to make his sword unparalleled in the world, it is impossible for King Wu to let the cadres continue to live, which was already known by the cadres at the beginning.

But he can't help but go, even if he dies, he has to go, and he has to pretend that he doesn't know anything.

In addition, now Mo Ye is also pregnant and is about to give birth, if the cadres don't go, the troops guarding outside King Wu will not let go of their family.

In the end, the cadre asked Mo Ye to wait for him to leave, take the sword safely and take it away, and go as far as possible, so as to raise their children as adults.

What can Mo Xie do, she can't ignore the child in her belly, if there is no child, she will definitely live and die with the cadre, but not now.

That's it, the cadre took the female sword away, followed by the soldiers of King Wu who were guarding him.

calmly walked to the road of death, the cadre was not afraid, nor hesitated, at least his wife and children could survive, and that would be fine.

And Mo Xie could only watch and watch this husband he loved so much go to death for her and their children.

As the cadre thought, after the cadre went to the palace of King Wu, he met King Wu and presented the sword, and King Wu did use the cadre for too long, and then used the sword to kill the cadre.

However, after King Wu killed the cadre, he learned that what he got was only one of the swords, and it was only a female sword, and the remaining male swords were still in the cadre's house.

Enraged, King Wu ordered that the sword must be brought back and Mo Xie killed, but his hopes were unsuccessful.

Because after Mo Xie left, he quickly packed everything up and fled from Wu with his sword.

By the time King Wu and the others learned that there were twin swords, two days had passed, and it was difficult to find Mo Ye again.

Mo Ye fled to the state of Chu, and with the help of well-wishers, she gave birth to Chihou, mother and son, and in order not to affect well-wishers, they went directly into the dangerous deep mountains.

Then settled down, the deep mountains are extremely dangerous, but they are also very secretive, and because of this, Mo Xie escaped the pursuit of King Wu.

The dangers of the deep mountains are nothing more than beasts and beasts, but with the blessing of the sword, it can be regarded as avoiding these dangers without danger.

In the years when Chi grew up, Mo Xie had already run out of oil, and the perennial travel, overthinking, and missing her husband were enough to exhaust her life.

When Mo Ye was approaching the limit, he called out to Chi and looked at her and the children of the cadres.

Mo Xie told Chi all these years why they had encountered these things, and why they were hiding in this barren mountain range.

He also handed over the sword to Chi, and told Chi that if he could, he would avenge his father while he was able to protect himself.

If you don't have the ability to protect yourself, then go, get out of here, go as far as possible, forget about these people, and live a good life.

To say that Mo Xie doesn't hate King Wu, that's impossible, but she has no way, she doesn't have the ability, she can protect herself and Chi alive so far, it's already God helping them.

So Mo Xie put her hope on Chi, but if Chi didn't have the ability, she wouldn't force him.

In this way, Mo Xie died, with hatred for King Wu and thoughts of the cadre, she died.

And Chi, he only now knew that he was not without a father, it turned out that he was also born under his father's expectations, and even his name was given by his father himself.

To this day, Chi knows the cause and effect of the incident, and Chi is very sad.

Chi knew that even if he knew what about his father, his father had already died, and it was still for him and his mother, who had died in person.

Now, even his only relative, his mother, has left him with him.

Chi Qiang held back the grief in his heart and buried Mo Ye, but did not set up a tombstone, because Chi knew that if he erected a monument, he would cause trouble for Mo Ye.

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