It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 178 It turns out to be a tough hero

Chapter 178

Inside the Rong camp.

Du Mao was in the tent. After he took refuge with the barbarians, he did not receive enough courtesy. Barely one level higher than a slave, he was huddled in a tent with dozens of Rong warriors, being looked down upon and ridiculed by others.

After all, no faction can respect a traitor.

I said, don't act rashly, I planned to show you your ability at a critical moment, and our status can be improved, but you are too impulsive. A unkempt young man complained, he is the Mencius Yun, who escaped from Toad Village with Du Mao.

Du Mao snorted coldly: To take refuge with the barbarians, you can figure it out. In the future, future generations will not be able to raise their heads to be human beings.

Mencius Yun smiled disdainfully: What about the barbarians, what about the empire, you are just a villain, who in the empire looks down on you. What about a traitor, a traitor, when the founding emperor of the empire just rose up, he was not the same Is everyone regarded as a traitor? Now that 120 years have passed, who would say that the Li family is a traitor?

Du Mao paused: I'm not as good as you in terms of eloquence. I'm just seeking revenge for Cheng Dalei. As long as Cheng Dalei is killed, I will never stay here for another day with the Rong clan.

Don't forget, I was the one who saved you.


You are disloyal to your country, and you are unfilial to your parents, so now you don't need this righteous word? Mencius sneered.

dong dong dong.

The three-way drum sounded, and there was a sudden screeching sound from outside the camp.

The scumbags of the Rong clan, your grandpa Cheng is here! That one is tired and crooked, come out quickly to die, eat your grandpa Cheng and kill it!


Everyone in the Rong tribe was shocked, and as Chimei left the camp, they saw Cheng Dalei single-handedly, riding a horse to show off his might.

Grandpa Cheng learned art at the age of three, was proficient at the age of nine, and was invincible at the age of thirteen. He punched Nanshan Nursing Home and kicked the back garden of Beihai. No one over eighty years old, or three years old and below, can take a punch from me.

This general passed on his art from a fairy's dream. The master is the Antarctic fairy, and Marshal Tianpeng is my junior brother. Taibaijinxing and I worship each other. This general can blow your spirits away with one breath of fairy spirit. If you know each other, hurry up and let me take an axe one by one. chopped.

The red-browed gang looked at each other in dismay.

What is he doing?

It seems to be fighting us one-on-one.

Come again. Chimei waved his hand impatiently: Whoever kills him, don't let him bother me.

I'm going, I'm going!

There was an enthusiastic voice. Originally, everyone saw that Qin Man and Zhao Zilong were so good, and they felt that since Cheng Dalei could be their leader, he was naturally very strong. But as you can see from yesterday's events, Cheng Dalei is simply a sack of wine.

In the end, Hu Luxiong of Xiaoshanbe played.

Hey, why are you? Cheng Dalei paused for a while, then raised his hand and said: Baby, go back, you are not qualified to fight against me, quickly let the man from yesterday come out and kill me for three more... round!

Hu Luxiong was so angry that he screamed and fought for more than 3,000 rounds. You are not afraid of dying from exhaustion.

I'm Hu Luxiong, the leader of the small hills, go to hell!

Head of the Xiaoshan Department... Cheng Dalei thought for a while, maybe it was enough to catch him.

Hu Luxiong slapped his horse and came at a very fast speed. Cheng Dalei clenched his axe tightly and slashed at his head.

Cut your head!

Pick your ears!

Pick your teeth!

The three axes are fast and urgent, and their moves are cunning and weird. Hu Luxiong was surprised. This man is really good, but he was deceived by him yesterday.

Cheng Dalei actually only had these three axes. After hitting Xie Cai, he pressed the sword on his waist, but did not dare to draw the sword. Hu Luxiong used a sledgehammer and swung the sword out, but he didn't kill the opponent, but he was careful to be smashed by someone else's sword.

Cheng Dalei turned his horse's head, turned around and fled.

Hu Luxiong thought he was the one who lost, but he didn't understand what was going on, only to see Cheng Dalei suddenly escape.

He was so angry that he was so angry that he chased after him.

Dog thief, go there!

Quick horse and whip, chasing fast and hastily, Cheng Dalei's horsemanship is not as good as the other party, and there is a danger of being caught up.

Hu Luxiong chased faster and faster, and he was about to catch up with Cheng Dalei. Suddenly, Cheng Dalei dismounted and suddenly accelerated, and Shengsheng and Hu Luxiong distanced themselves again.

Skinny Horse's additional skill: Escape.

He could kill Cheng Dalei at a glance, but how could Hu Luxiong give up?

Hu Lu, come back, stop chasing! Chi Mei shouted, seeing that Hu Lu Xiong was within the range of the bow and arrow at the head of the city.

Qin Man, Zilong, if you don't do it, when will you wait! Cheng Dalei immediately shouted.

The city gate suddenly opened, and Qin Man, Zhao Zilong, Little White Wolf, Gao Feihu, Gao Feibao, and other shanzhai experts rushed out at the same time. Qin Man smashed Hu Luxiong under his horse in one round, and a few people rushed up, grabbed him and walked to the city.

I knew there was a fraud! Chi Mei waved his hand: Charge!

It was another siege battle, and after leaving hundreds of corpses, Chimei returned without success. The key is that Cheng Dalei hangs Hu Luxiong at the top of the city. Don't you like to use trebuchets, bows and arrows, then shoot at your own people.

Return to the body in the same way, and you will understand that it is not a good taste.

After the battle, Cheng Dalei appeared on the top of the city.

Chimei, don't talk nonsense, let my family Lin Chong go, let's change each other.

Chimei gritted her teeth, no wonder this person named Lin to fight today, but it turned out not to kill people, but to save people.

Xiao Shanbu has a lot of power in the Northern Man Group, and Chimei still needs the support of Xiao Shan.

In this way, it also happened to be a favor to Oyamabe.

The leader of Hulu is someone I have admired since I was a child. Not to mention one slave, there are thousands, and I will never let the leader of Hulu be harmed.

Okay, then you can exchange a thousand slaves with me.

... Chi Mei.

The two sides decided on the process of exchanging hostages. Lin Chong was released on Chimei's side, and Hu Luxiong was put down on Cheng Dalei's side. No soldiers on both sides were allowed to move forward.

Cunning imperial people, our steppe warriors are not as unbelievable as you are!

Indeed, although the Rong people are savage, the word cunning is often used to describe the empire and has nothing to do with them.

The handover process went very smoothly. The Rong family did not take the opportunity to let loose arrows, and Cheng Dalei didn't either. The key was that they didn't find the right opportunity.

Cheng Dalei hoisted Lin Chong to the top of the city with a rope. His body was already scarred, showing how he was abused at the hands of the Rong tribe.

According to Lin Chong, he was Lin Shaoyu's uncle, and he taught Lin Shaoyu everything. This time, because Lin Shaoyu ran away from home, he came to the north to find it, but he did not expect it to fall into the hands of the Rong tribe.

He hurriedly handed him over to Liu Bei for treatment, looking at the tormented wound on his body, Cheng Dalei couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Chong in the Water Margin had a turbulent life, his wife and wife died, his official position was lost, his brothers and brothers betrayed him, and in the end he became the bandit he hated the most.

And today's Lin Chong, obviously experienced a very sad reminder.

A tough hero.

Du, the righteous boy, under your careful management, the cottage is prosperous, and the conditions are met. Congratulations on upgrading the cottage to the third level.

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