Chapter 255

The royal city of the Rong nationality is located in the hinterland of the grassland, built on the lake, and that lake is the holy lake of the Rong nationality, called Daughter Lake. It is about 800 miles away from Xizhaoguan to Daughter Lake, with the boundless grassland in the middle.

Guan Kele is a trader who runs this road. The ironware, tea, and silk and satin of the empire are very popular in the Rong tribe, and the fur and fur of the Rong tribe can also be sold at a good price in the empire. However, the empire is not allowed to do business with the Rong people, and Guan Kele's behavior is smuggling.

Guan Kele was just a small businessman, and the entire caravan consisted of only a dozen people.

Everyone, hurry up, look for a place to rest when it's dark, my goddess, no matter how lazy you are, let the horse thieves kill you.

Guan Kele scolded loudly, he drove the car, looked back and saw two people coming up the road.

The man is leading the donkey, and the woman is riding on the back of the donkey. The woman looks so handsome, it makes people want to look at it, but I don't dare to look at it. Looking at the man's appearance, how can I say it, it doesn't fit well.

Brother, where are you going, let's go together?

You may walk on the grassland for a few days without seeing a single person. As long as you meet on the road, and the other party is not a horse thief, then you don’t mind walking together. If one party lacks rations, it is not a big problem to eat or drink.

The man smiled and said, No, it's not very convenient.

What's the inconvenience? There are horse thieves on this road. Aren't you two afraid of running into a horse thief? Everyone walks together, and there is still someone to take care of.

Cheng Dalei said it was not inconvenient, but not very safe. Hearing this, he paused and said, Aren't you afraid of encountering horse thieves?

Hey, brother, I have a knife. Guan Kele was obviously a self-professed acquaintance, and he immediately became brother to Cheng Dalei, he said: To tell you the truth, brother, I have practiced knives for five years, and ordinary horse thieves will not let go at all. in the eyes.

Cheng Dalei looked at him and nodded subconsciously: It's good, it's good.

Brother, let's go together, you don't look like a bad person.

Guan Kele was talking when suddenly he saw the man jumped on the donkey, and the woman and the woman rode on the donkey and left.

Oh, I don't want to make friends. Guan Kele said: However, this donkey is really fast, and ordinary horses can't keep up.

He greeted his buddies to continue on their way. In fact, in doing this kind of business, he paid for his life. If he ran into a horse thief, his life would be buried in the grassland. Therefore, the most afraid of encountering along the way is the horse thief.

Continuing to walk forward, after about an hour, I saw a group of people on the grassland rushing forward.

Master, horse thief, it's a horse thief! A man panicked.

Guan Kele also saw it, but found that the gang of horse thieves did not take care of themselves and ran past.

Master, did they not see us?

It shouldn't be. Guan Kele wasn't sure.

If you saw it, how could you let us go?

Would it come to us?

Where... who is it for?

In his heart, Guan Kele did not dare to move forward, and stayed in place for an hour before he mustered up the courage to go on the road.

Along the way, the heart was still beating, the sky was already dark, and half of the head was still exposed in the red sun that was not hot in the west.

The sun was about to set, and this scene seemed to symbolize something, which made Guan Kele even more fearful.

As he was walking, he was suddenly stunned, because there was a bloody smell in the air. Subconsciously raised his head and looked forward, the sight in front of him scared Guan Kele's soul out.

I saw corpses lying down on the green grass, no more or less, thirteen of them were the horse thieves who had just passed by.

They died, at the same time, with consternation on their faces, as if they didn't believe they had been killed before they died.

What is even more frightening is that not far from the corpse, a man and a woman are sitting and eating, and a donkey is grazing leisurely around.

It was a man and a woman whom he had met not long ago. The woman is still handsome, the man has a rough face, concentrates on chewing the jerky in his hand, and looks calm.

A little scary calm.

At this time, the man saw Guan Kele, stretched out his hand to say hello, and walked over unexpectedly.

Guan Kele stepped back in fright, the man took a step forward, he took a step back, and the man stepped forward, and he stepped back even more.

Suddenly, his feet fell, he fell to the ground, raised his head and the man was already in front of him.

What do you want, I have a knife. I have practiced the knife for five years, and I am very good.

Guan Kele almost cried out, and hurriedly went to draw the knife, but the knife on his waist couldn't be pulled out for some reason.

Hey, do you have any clothes? the man asked.


Men wear it, and women wear it. The man spread his arms, and Guan Kele saw that he was covered in blood: I can't wear it.

The horse thief who robbed his clothes was not riding a horse, but a donkey thief. Horse thieves want money, donkey thieves only want clothes?

Yes, yes.

Guan Kele really did. This time he went to the Rong family to do business, and he really brought some clothes and boots in the car, both for men and women.

Great, great.

The man looked very excited and waved at the woman: Come here, come here.

The two began to rummage in the car, turning over their boots and clothes.

Yeah, I also need a robe here, not bad. The woman.

Is everything quite complete? The man couldn't help but praise: There's also a carriage. This carriage is not bad. I want it.

Come on, move your goods down, and load everything I like into the car.

The man said loudly, the guys didn't dare not to listen, and Guan Kele didn't dare not to listen, so he could only grit his teeth and cursed inwardly: grab it, grab it, you thieves and thieves, you deserve to be thieves, you will be thieves all your life be a thief.

Hi, thank you so much. The man came to Guan Kele at some point.

Guan Kele snorted coldly in his heart, but said on his mouth, Take whatever you like, take it!

It's almost enough, see if it's enough. Said, the man took out a night pearl from his arms and stuffed it into Guan Kele's hand.

Guan Kele has the ability to distinguish treasures, and his eyes lit up immediately when he saw this night pearl. With this night pearl, I can rest at home for two or three years.

Enough is enough. This road has not been smooth recently, so be careful.

With that said, the man hung the donkey on the cart, he and the woman got into the cart, waved the whip and headed north.

At this time, Guan Kele hadn't recovered yet. He looked at the two who had left, and then looked at the night pearl in his hand.

It wasn't a robbery, it was a buy. Hey, if I knew earlier that I should sell more things, I could exchange an extra night pearl.

Master, let's pack the goods.

No, no more. Guan Kele waved his hand: Go back, go back quickly.

These goods are indeed popular in the Rong tribe, but they are not worth much money in the empire. Now that I have this night pearl, I won't come back if I go back to death.

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