It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 259 The Butcher and the Gambler

Chapter 259

On the long grassy road, there is a small town in sight.

A dilapidated town is considered a small market. People on the grassland bring animal skins, lambs, and horse milk here to exchange salt, linen and other necessities of life.

In this area that neither belongs to the Rong nor is controlled by the Empire, this small town is also a paradise for horse thieves, murderers, and smugglers.

There are casinos, brothels, good wine from the empire, and prairie girls with thick and long braids.

A carriage came here and stopped in front of the well in the center of the town. The man jumped out of the carriage and went to fetch water from the well, stopping and scanning the surroundings in the process.

The strangeness comes from the quietness, the surrounding is too quiet, like a city swept by the biochemical crisis, everyone died, and the city turned into a tomb.

Hey, two bets, two bets.

Suddenly, someone jumped out from the roof and approached Cheng Dalei with a football-sized tin dice in his hand.

Cheng Dalei was stunned, this man was so fast that he couldn't hold the sword in time.

Is it okay not to gamble? Cheng Dalei asked with a smile.

It's not good, it's not good. The man smiled: If you don't bet, I'll have to kill you directly. How boring.

Oh, it seems that I have to bet. Cheng Dalei said: What is the bet?

Your life.

Cheng Dalei's expression did not change: If I win, can I go?

That won't go either.


If you win, I won't kill you, but someone wants to kill you.

Following his voice, one person walked out of the tavern by the roadside. He was very thin and his expression was a little cowardly, just like the kind of good student who can kick both feet, but he was carrying a large knife in his hand. Pig knife.

Fish Dragon Guard, Gambler and Butcher.

Cheng Dalei looked at the two of them, the injury on his shoulder had made him incapable of fighting, but the strength of the two in front of him was not weaker than him.

He looked at the gambler and said, Do you count?

I would like to admit defeat and never fail my debts. The gambler raised his head.

Is it not long after I kill him directly? The butcher held the butcher's knife: Doesn't it take so much effort?

Don't do it first, I'm going to gamble with him. The gambler said.

Then take a gamble. Cheng Dalei shrugged: How to gamble?

Betting big or small, one game will determine the outcome. If you lose, I will kill you.

Betting big and small is too boring. I have a fun way to bet. I don't know if you are interested?

Interesting way of gambling, how to play, hurry up, hurry up. The gambler said impatiently.

Have you heard of Monopoly? Cheng Dalei pointed at the locust tree at the entrance of the town: There are 100 steps from here to the locust tree, everyone rolls the dice, and walks a few steps when they roll, whoever touches the tree first wins. .

Okay, it's so interesting, I'll come first.

The gambler raised the huge dice in his hand, suddenly threw it into the air, and landed on the ground with a thud, showing a six.

Haha, boy, you lost.

The gambler took a step forward, a step that was four or five steps away from an ordinary person. Depending on the situation, if he took one or two more steps, he would be able to reach the big locust tree.

When it was Cheng Dalei's turn to roll the dice, he picked up the white iron dice on the ground, and started with a heavy hand, at least fifty or sixty pounds. Just now, the gambler could throw the dice to a height of four or five meters, which shows the horror of his strength.

Cheng Dalei threw the dice at the gambler, and when Gululu rolled to his feet, it showed a double.

Cheng Dalei walked to the carriage.

The gambler laughed and said, Boy, although you have good strength, you still have to lose.

He threw the dice at Cheng Dalei's feet and rolled out another six. Taking six steps forward and getting closer to the locust tree, Cheng Dalei seems to have no hope of turning over.

Cheng Dalei did not throw the dice, but held up the black umbrella on the carriage and faced the butcher.

Do you recognize this umbrella?

This is Walker's umbrella. The butcher said, I am Walker's friend.

Having said this, Cheng Dalei noticed that the expression on the butcher's face suddenly turned sad, he raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

In the long life, only he is my friend. After losing him, I can only travel alone in this chaotic world. You don't understand my grief. Maybe I can only look up to the sky to keep my tears from falling.

Cheng Dalei was stunned and touched his head: Could it be that the butcher's real name is Guo?

Since it's a relic of an old friend, then I'll give it back to you. Cheng Dalei held the umbrella handle and handed it back to the butcher.

Thank you, but I won't stop you from killing you.

The butcher handed the knife to his left hand and stepped forward.


With a crisp sound, the steel needle on the top of the umbrella shot out, but the butcher was not at all prepared, and the poison needle accurately shot him in the face. His pale face instantly turned black, and before he died, there was disbelief in his eyes in addition to terror.

Obviously... Cheng Dalei pouted, Walker didn't consider you a friend.

The butcher is the friend of the traveler, and the traveler is not the friend of the butcher. When he looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, he did not know that his friend was always on guard against him, and he did not even tell him about the poisonous needle in the umbrella.

The gambler was stunned when he saw this scene, he wanted to attack on the spot, but it was too late.

I want to know if the gambler is really willing to admit defeat and never break his debt?

The expression on the gambler's face changed, and he suddenly gritted his teeth and said, I will defeat you first, and then kill you.

Then it's my turn to roll the dice.

Cheng Dalei then picked up the dice on the ground, and Gu Lulu threw a five.

I saw him jumping up, his body volleyed into the sky, and he jumped out in one step, which was a distance of three or four feet. When he landed, he had already surpassed the gambler.

The gambler's face was uncertain, Cheng Dalei's killing the butcher was beyond his expectations, and Cheng Dalei's ability to surpass himself was also beyond his expectations.

Boy, don't be too complacent, I have another chance to roll the dice, you will lose without a doubt.

Oh, no, I already won. Cheng Dalei said. won there, you obviously haven't touched the big tree yet.

At your feet, pay attention to your feet. Cheng Dalei stomped his feet.

The gambler noticed that there was a tree root under his feet.

Is the root also a part of the tree? Cheng Dalei pulled out his sword: If you are willing to bet and surrender, I will let you go. If you are not willing, I will send you away.

The gambler stared at Cheng Dalei, was silent for a long time, and suddenly stomped his foot: I am willing to admit defeat, you can ask me, when will I repay the bill, you can't try to make me break the rules.

After speaking, he stood up, picked up the dice on the ground, carried the butcher's body on his shoulders, and strode away, and the sound of a few turning points disappeared.

Cheng Dalei's heart was relieved, and he walked a few steps to the carriage. Li Waner pulled him into the carriage, and found that Cheng Dalei's palm was very hot, and he almost climbed onto the carriage.


Cheng Dalei put his head on Li Wan'er's shoulder, his voice getting weaker and weaker.

Looks like a cold.

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