Chapter 338

No matter how much Cheng Dalei has a headache, he has to admit a fact. After these people joined the cottage, they saved themselves a lot of trouble.

These more than 50 outstanding life occupations have been assigned to various positions. The original team left by Mo Mingmi has been inspected, and now they are reactivated. Things that were originally messy, gradually stepped into the right track.

Cheng Dalei can also relax a little, take time to catch up on sleep, water the flowers, and make fun with Su Ying.

Wu Yong, in particular, deserves to be the master who harmed Liang Shanbo. Although he has not yet reached the full level, he has already shown some impressive appearances.

The only thing that gave Cheng Dalei some headaches was that the Duji Military Master was worthy of being a Duji Military Master, and his ideas were both damaging and poisonous.

On this day, Cheng Dalei was handling official business before the case. At present, he no longer needs to do many things himself. Only some things that his subordinates can't handle will be sent to Cheng Dalei.

He looked at the thing just delivered, and subconsciously frowned. This is the third one sent today, and the content is almost the same.

After Cheng Dalei occupied Qinchuan Pass, many of Mo Mingmi's subordinates fled with people. Some people's whereabouts were unknown, and some people became bandits and looted around Qinchuan Pass.

Master Wu, what do you think of this? Cheng Dalei still wanted to consider Wu Yong.

Who knows if this Zhiduoxing is the real Zhiduoxing.

According to the subordinates, this matter is easy to handle.

Okay, what do you say? Cheng Dalei.

In Qinchuan, there are about 18 factions, all of which were controlled by Mo Mingmi in the past. Now Mo Mingmi is replaced by the big boss, but these people have not expressed their attitude so far. According to my idea, I can invite them to Qin. Chuanguan...

To win people's hearts? Cheng Dalei's eyes lit up.

No. Wu Yong made a throat-slashing gesture: Catch all!

Cheng Dalei took a deep breath, it was so terrifying.

They sent people to deliver letters to these people, and agreed to gather them all at Qinchuan Pass. Cheng Dalei decided to teach them in person.

For this matter, the three of Yun Zhonglong were sent to do it. After all, Yun Zhonglong knew them and it was convenient for them to talk to each other.

At the same time, Cheng Dalei sent troops out and began to hunt down Mo Mingmi's remnants. This also happened to be an opportunity to train troops, and the captured Talismans also exercised their tacit understanding.

In this operation, Zhang Fei and Gao Feibao took turns to lead the team. Both of them were arrogant and arrogant. They brought 500 people out of the customs each time, which made the Qinchuan area a mess.

Every day, I can bring many heads back. At the same time, this is also for the prisoners of Qinchuanguan to see, so that they can understand what it is like to go against Cheng Dalei. On the contrary, to do things for Cheng Dalei well is to eat, drink and entertain.

Some of Mo Mingmi's remnants took people to defect to others. Some stayed in Qinchuan and usually grabbed guns in nearby villages or something. These days, they have been tortured to death by Gao Feibao and Zhang Fei.

If he was not careful, he was discovered, and then the army came over, and the method was extremely cruel. It was useless to surrender this time, all were killed cleanly.

It only took seven or eight days for Zhang Fei and Gao Feibao to bring their men and horses to the point where they had no place to live in Qinchuan Pass. These people were either killed or driven to other places.

At the same time, the leaders of the 18 families were also on their way to Qinchuan Pass. The news was obtained almost at the same time, saying that Cheng Dalei wanted them to gather at Qinchuanguan.

They did not dare to come, but they did not dare not to come. After all, the reason for not daring to come is because he had a holiday with Cheng Dalei, and he was afraid that Cheng Dalei would do this in order to catch everything in one go. But if he didn't come, he was afraid of being poisoned by Cheng Dalei.

It is Yun Zhonglong who has repeatedly assured that the Cheng family has benevolence and righteousness, which is different from Mo Mingmi.

Kindhearted? Everyone wondered if Yun Zhonglong had misunderstood these four words. Before Cheng Dalei arrived at Qinchuan Pass, everyone had heard of his brutal name. Now he is forcing Mo Mingmi's family to death, and he proves the rumor with facts.

Renyi, I don't know if this word insulted Cheng Dalei, or Cheng Dalei insulted this word.

In the end, everyone did not dare not to come, nor did they dare to have the idea of ​​sending a second-in-command. When the day came, everyone set foot on the road to Qinchuanguan with an uneasy mood.

Master Long, nothing will happen this time, right? someone asked.

Originally, Yun Zhonglong was not considered a prominent figure among the eighteen leaders, but when he followed Cheng Dalei, he stood on the opposite side of everyone. But now the situation has changed, and Yun Zhonglong's identity has also risen, and he has completely become Cheng Dalei's spokesperson.

It's definitely no problem. Yun Zhonglong rode on the horse and said arrogantly: What is the relationship between me and Cheng's family, he listens to me in everything, and there is absolutely no problem with me.

That's all up to Lord Long, and then you can say something nice for me.

Don't worry, wrap it on me.

Everyone arrived at Qinchuan Pass at the same time, and when they passed through the city gate, their hearts that had just calmed down immediately became nervous again.

It's not that everyone has not been to Qinchuan Pass before, but this time, the atmosphere is a little different from before.

The former Qinchuan Pass was a military fortress. Except for Mo Mingmi, everyone lived in fear. But today's Qinchuanguan is more lively. Although everyone is busy, there are occasional laughter.

It seems that Cheng Dalei and Mo Mingmi are really different.

Everyone was led by Liu Bei to the General's Mansion and sat on the left and right chairs. The back of the handsome case was empty, and Cheng Dalei had not yet appeared.

Zhao Zilong also withdrew, leaving only them in the hall, and these people became nervous.

After a while of silence, there was a discussion.

Long Ye, why hasn't Cheng's family come yet?

Cheng Dalei is very busy, it may take a while.

The surroundings are very quiet, and it seems that a wave of ambushes will rush out at any time, killing everyone one by one.

Long Ye, there won't be any problems, right? We are all here to listen to your words.

Anna, it's definitely fine, I'm not with you. In fact, Yun Zhonglong was a little vague, but he could at least confirm one thing: he would never have a problem.

He, Qiao He, and You Jiulou all hung out with Cheng Dalei very early. Even if Cheng Dalei killed everyone, they would be fine.

At this time, he heard footsteps outside. Cheng Dalei was wearing a large robe, and behind him was a silver-haired girl holding a sword and an axe.

As he walked into the hall, everyone's heart pounded and they stood up almost at the same time.

Master Cheng.

After Cheng Dalei appeared in the handsome case, he waved his hand at will: Sit, sit, why are you all so nervous? I was delayed by something just now. Please wait for a long time, sit, sit.

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