Chapter 375

There are two things that the Yi people are best at, one is all kinds of small objects with strange skills and ingenious thinking; the other is women, women from the Yi people, women with exotic customs, who have always been sought after by the upper echelons of the empire. thing.

It is said that there was a concubine Hu from the Yi people in the palace of Emperor Ming.

These two things, Cheng Dalei doesn't care about the latter... um, probably doesn't care. But for the former, it was exactly what he needed.

Cheng Dalei looked at the outrageously handsome man in front of him. Kane Doyle was afraid of hiding more than one thing from Cheng Dalei.

Bah! Cheng Dalei suddenly became angry: I am a kingdom, and I tolerate all things, but I will never tolerate deception. Since you are not willing to tell the truth, it seems that I only need to sell you as a slave.

Kane was pale with fright, of course, his skin was white. Hearing what Cheng Dalei said, he hurriedly said, Master Cheng, I have said everything to you, and I dare not lie.

Heh, hahaha, do you really think I'm a good deceiver?

Cheng Dalei sneered, causing Kane to shudder. Xu Shenji said from the side: If you have anything, just tell the truth, you can say whatever you want. Our boss hates others to lie to him the most.

Kane sighed, and only then did he tell the truth. It was basically the same as what he said just now, but he concealed some details.

The Norton Dynasty had zero tolerance for infidels, which was no match for the Empire. In the Empire, as long as you don't rebel, everything else is easy to discuss.

Of course, the empire also has all kinds of fools and fools, and believe in all kinds of gods. But they are all more pragmatic, and the goddess who works and worships the other, secretly arranging their gods to come, is also ruthless.

This cannot be done in the Norton Dynasty. Anyone who dares to say a word to the gods in the Norton Dynasty will be put to death on the gallows.

The gods believed in the Norton Dynasty are the omnipotent creator gods. In the concept of the Holy See, the creator gods govern everything, from the stars to the grass and trees. However, there are still people at the bottom who believe in various gods.

For example: God of Earth, God of Life, God of Ice, God of Fire.

Belief in the creator gods can be called old religion, and belief in gods can be called new religion. Protestantism is already a considerable force in the kingdom, not a straggler, and even has the support of the dynasty in secret.

After all, royal power is not willing to submit to divine power either. In the meantime, things were very complicated, and Kane didn't tell Cheng Dalei in detail. The final result was that Protestantism failed anyway.

Under the leadership of the young leader, the remnants of Protestantism broke through layers of difficulties, overcame the difficult natural environment, and fled to the East.

Just because they heard that there is a huge empire in the East: rich, prosperous, peaceful, with a strong culture. More importantly: there is no religion.

So the purpose of this group of people coming to the Empire is to preach.

Cheng Dalei was a little speechless, what kind of dedication do these foreigners have to mission.

Today there are very few Protestant people, about fifty or sixty people, including various occupations: blacksmiths, cobblers, alchemists, pharmacists, navigators, adventurers, winemakers... and even magicians.

Cheng Dalei's eyes lit up when he listened to it, would these people carry technology that the empire did not have.

This... Norton Kingdom still has magicians?


Is it true? Cheng Dalei asked curiously.

Of course it's true. Norton was excited: They sacrificed to the gods with their souls, and they possessed the energy bestowed by the gods. They could summon thunder and lightning and bring them back to life.

Have you seen it with your own eyes?

I have seen it with my own eyes, and I swear by my faith that I will not lie.

Then you also believe in the spirit of the wind, can you show it to me? Cheng Dalei asked curiously.

This... my profession is a bard, and I don't know anything about magic.

Cheng Dalei pouted, saying that all ethnic groups have various priesthoods. For example, the empire also has Taoist priests, monks, and witches. Legend has it that Taoist priests can bring back the dead, monks can exorcise demons, and witches can invite gods... If you ask anyone, they must be more truthful than Kane. Whether it is true or not depends on each person's IQ.

Okay, your people can live in Qinchuan Pass. Cheng Dalei said, Where are your people now?

They are in a valley now, because there are Rong tribes nearby...

Cheng Dalei nodded, and understood Kane's words. When the Rong tribe encountered this group of people, they did not directly arrest the men as slaves and the women as wives. These savages on the grassland are not in the mood to know what gods you believe in.

In fact, not only the Rong tribe, the empire is definitely not friendly to the Yi tribe. Of course, the empire is still very tolerant, but the women of the Yi people are too beautiful. Who doesn't want to have an orchid at home, with a coquettish body and a face to take out.

I heard Kane say the specific location of the valley, and it is not far from Qinchuan Pass. According to Kane, their condition is not very good, crossing the endless desert, dying and being injured, and now they are short of water and food.

The matter could not be delayed. Cheng Dalei had someone call Qin Man, bring some dry food and clean water, and follow Kane to pick him up. By the way, let Xu Shenji arrange a few yards and wait for these people to come and live.

This... Do you want to bring some more people with Cheng's family? Kane asked anxiously.

Why? Cheng Dalei asked inexplicably. He sent dozens of people and a few carriages to pick up those with inconvenient legs. These people are enough.

In case we encounter the Rong clan on the way... are the Rong clan so fierce? Kane's words were not without worry.

Cheng Dalei glanced at him with a speechless expression.

Okay, don't worry, as long as we are from Qinchuan Pass, no one will dare to rob them on the grassland. Xu Shenji said: Now in the entire Qinchuan, who does not know the name of our King Toad?

Cheng Dalei waved his hand: Low-key, low-key, don't make it so exaggerated.

Cheng Dalei is still looking forward to the people who will come. I don't know what new blood this group of people from Norton Kingdom will bring to Toad Village.

What if there really is a magician in the family... The legend cannot be believed, and it must be believed. If the magic is true, then the level of power in this world will have to be re-estimated.

Cheng Dalei has some vague expectations, but it is estimated that ... is not enough.

It was late, and Cheng Dalei turned into Fan Lihua's yard. Now she lives in the General's Mansion, which is quite close to Cheng Dalei.

When he knocked on the door and saw Fan Lihua, Cheng Dalei had a faint headache. There was food on the table, she was motionless, holding the pipa, and Liu Zhi taught her how to play.

Seeing Cheng Dalei coming in, Liu Zhi saluted slightly and withdrew wisely.

Looking at the pipa in Fan Lihua's hand, Cheng Dalei really didn't know what to say.

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