It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 552 Book Thief at Night

Chapter 553

The black-robed man had a gloomy expression, and his face was extremely ugly. Of course, his face has always been unsightly, and he is called taciturn, but he is not very good at speaking.

To a certain extent, Cheng Dalei really guessed the origin of these people. They are not masters sent by the princes of the empire, nor are they thieves from the sea. They are from the Rong tribe.

The black-robed sweater, named Yan Bugui, is a well-known expert of the Rong tribe. Worship a master as a teacher, and cultivate a shocking art industry. This time, after traveling thousands of miles to Langya City, he was ordered to steal the Mountains and Waters Sutra.

The picture, of course, is not small.

And the injured woman, named Hei Zhen, went out of the same family as his teacher, and was regarded as the little junior sister who did not return to Yan.

Most of Heizhen's skills were taught by Yan Bugui, and it was regarded as an inheritance of art from a teacher. In getting along day and night, the love has long been deeply rooted, but Yan Bugui is not good at words and has not explained it.

Last night, I went into the mountains to steal books, and everything went smoothly, but it was Heizhen who was hit by Zhang Liuyi, which really hurt Heizhen's vital point.

Zhang Liu was able to do bad things at sea for many years, and his ability is naturally not weak. He was almost able to tie with Yan Bugui, and the last trick of chasing the soul was even more of a trick to suppress the bottom of the box.

At this moment, Heizhen was lying on the coffin board, and Chiguo's beautiful back was covered with terrifying blackness. Congested blood coagulates and must not be distributed. She has always been connected with medicine and martial arts. With Yan's ability to return, she can naturally see that if she is not treated in time, she will have to explain her life here.

Yan Bugui's face became more and more ugly.

My lord, the city gate is now blocked. Next, the whole city will be hunted down. The scriptures of mountains and rivers are very important, and it is important for us to get out as soon as possible. Liu Brownyan said.

Yan Bugui frowned, and he naturally understood the urgency of the situation in front of him. I went into the mountains to steal books last night, and I also saw the strength of the masters of the academy. But Hei Zhen's injury was extremely serious, and she really didn't know how long she could last, and she couldn't stand the long-distance bumps.

Find the best doctor in Langya City and heal her wounds. Yan did not return.

But what was arranged by the king? Liu Brownyan reminded: We still need to send the book back as soon as possible.

Human life is the most important thing, and we can't let her die on the soil of the empire. Find a doctor, drain her blood, and she can still live.

Willow Brownyan didn't speak, but he didn't quite agree with Yan Bugui's opinion. The Rong people don't take human life seriously. Various tribes fight back and forth. Any hatred for killing a father or hatred for taking a wife can be pretended to have never happened.

But Yan Bugui was the commander of this operation, and he was very tough, and no one dared to disobey him.

Sir, the situation of Miss Heizhen, most doctors will not be able to cure it. It must be done by a famous doctor in the world. Liu Brownyan said: I inquired about the news at the city gate and heard that the famous doctor from the Hua family came to Langya City. If it is up to them Do it, when you can save the life of Heizhen girl from the hands of Lord Yan.

The Hua family... Yan Bugui's eyes lit up, and hope rose again in his heart: Where are they now?

It should have been welcomed into Wanjuan Mountain.

Okay, I'll explore Wanjuanshan again tonight, and bring the doctor from the Hua family back to treat the younger sister. There was a rush in his heart, and the spirit on Yan Bugui's face became alive again.

My lord, we went there once last night, and they must have strengthened their precautions tonight. Besides, arresting someone doesn't mean stealing books. Your lord still needs to think twice.

Liu Brownyan pondered the words, and after speaking, found that Yan Bugui didn't pay any attention to him at all. Yan Bugui has such a temper. As long as the topic is about Hei Zhen, he is willing to say a few more words, and he doesn't bother to discuss other things with others.

He made up his mind, generally will not be changed because of others. What's more, this matter is related to Hei Zhen's life and death. He has made up his mind to explore Wanjuan Mountain again. Dangerous things are not his concern at all.


At the beginning of the update, Cheng Dalei also started his own actions. He tightened the gaiter belt and grabbed the sword.

Master Cheng... Liu Facai's expression was a little speechless: If you think about it again, the library was only stolen yesterday. Even if the academy has no brains, it is impossible for someone to steal it again. You are playing with fire. What's more, the Master has already said, there is no copy, no archive, why do you waste your efforts.

Okay, you can also believe what the scholars say. How could the world become like this? It's not because of these scholars. Cheng Dalei tightened his belt: You also said that they were only stolen yesterday, how could it be? Thinking of someone coming to steal today.

Liu Facai knew that he had no right to speak in front of Cheng Dalei, and he was thankful that Cheng Dalei did not take him with him.

Then, I wish you success and success, and I am here waiting for your good news.

Cheng Dalei waved his hand at him, covered his face, opened the window lightly, made sure that there was no one left or right, and rushed out on tiptoe.

Cheng Dalei had already stepped on it in advance. After all, he was born as a thief, and he was no stranger to this kind of work. Now the architectural layout of the entire academy has been imprinted in his heart. After what happened last night, the academy did strengthen its defense and dispatched many experts. But this is nothing to Cheng Dalei, he has already figured out the position of the sentry in advance.

To some extent, the location of the academy also helped him. The people who built this academy didn't know what kind of wind they were blowing, so they chose to face the sea. There are many waves in the academy, but they may not be able to distinguish the wind and grass from the waves.

With no color and phoenix flying wings, this is a peerless kung fu. Compared with light-weight kung fu alone, there are few people in the world who can surpass Da Lei. With little effort, he sneaked into the academy's Sutra Collection Building.

The next action has to be quieter. If someone finds out this time, then the murder and theft of books last night will all depend on him.

The library has a total of seven floors. According to Cheng Dalei's understanding, the higher the level, the more precious the stored books. Therefore, he believed in the collection of books on the first and second floors, and even if he swiped it, the higher he went up, the slower his footsteps slowed down.

There are many books in the building, and the media are different. Some are carved on bamboo, some are printed on cloth, and some are carved on stone tablets. Cheng Dalei turned from the first floor to the seventh floor, but found nothing, and did not find a copy of Shanshui Jing.

Standing in front of the window on the seventh floor, Cheng Dalei frowned and thought. Could it be that Master did not lie, there is really only one copy of Shanshui Jing in the world. This... is not in line with the temperament of a reader.

If the Master hadn't lied and there was no copy of the Shanshuijing, then if he wanted to obtain the Shanshuijing, there was only one way, and that was to find the book thieves.

Can want to find them... easier said than done.

At this time, Cheng Dalei saw a dark shadow on the mountain passing by, and was running towards the building on the mountain.

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