Chapter 569


The celadon-glazed teacup slammed to the ground and shattered into pieces. Chu Yunsheng's hand was cut by the broken porcelain, and bright red blood flowed out.

By now, he was already sleepy, and the tea was already cold, but his eyes were scorching hot, and he could boil the tea again in a trance.

This is not because he didn't think of a way, but was completely hit by a thought in his mind.

As long as you think about it long enough, you will be able to think of what you need.

It's just that this idea is too bold, too wild, and too sinful.

So, do or not?

The answer is self-evident, from the burning fire in his pupils, he can already think of the answer.

Some people are silent, will be ignored at any time, and will never be cast as protagonists. Even in his heart, he felt that he was an insignificant little character. However, there is something hidden in the bones that will not easily disappear. They hide, hide, but are ready to jump out at any moment.

startle everyone.

Chu Yunsheng is such a person.

He is not very eloquent, has no artistic talent, and is reticent so he has few friends. So the most accustomed thing to do is to think silently.

Who knows how many bad ideas he has come up with over the years.

But any thought is definitely not comparable to this time. This thought is poisonous and damaging enough to dig a sewer in the eighteenth hell after his death.

What is the most important existence of the academy? Is it a master with high morals and respect, academy disciples represented by the Seven Sages and Twelve Shows... No, not them. While they are also important, they are by no means the most important.

This is Wanjuan Mountain, here is Wanjuan Academy on Wanjuan Mountain, and the most important thing is always the library with more than 10,000 books.

On that day, the three of them went up the mountain together, and Cheng Dalei didn't see Chu Yunsheng very much after that. Cheng Dalei thought that Chu Yunsheng was trapped in the wine and meat forest arranged by various princes and couldn't escape.

The truth is naturally not like this. In fact, after Chu Yunsheng entered the academy, whenever he had time, he would stay in the library. The academy spent a lot of time writing and collecting books, all in this building of ten thousand volumes. Chu Yunsheng hungrily read the books left by these predecessors. In the eyes of Cheng Dalei and Liu Facai, this may be a pile of broken paper. But in Chu Yunsheng's eyes, every book here is worth a thousand pieces of gold and cannot be exchanged.

Scholars of the past dynasties worked hard and scattered their family property in order to leave a book and pass on the experience and thinking of their predecessors.

At this moment, Chu Yunsheng was standing in the library.

For such an important place, the academy will not send people to guard it strictly on weekdays. It's just that today's situation is indeed a bit unexpected. In order to form an army on Baisha Island, the academy masters have been dispatched a lot. There are also Cheng Dalei and Yan Bugui, two demons who have entered the mountains, so most people go to surround and kill the two. And today, there is no one guarding the building.

So Chu Yunsheng limped and entered the library easily.

This is really the right time and place for people and people.

His hand brushed over the rows of bookshelves, so the piles of paper smelled rotten, in addition to the smell of camphor herb. For Chu Yunsheng, this is really the first-class drug in the world, making people immersed in it and not wanting to wake up.

Many books are out of print and only available in the academy. In the past, Chu Yunsheng had only heard of them. If he had a chance to look at them, he would wake up laughing if he really dreamed.

The book Thousand Herbs is a list of herbs written by a famous doctor who visited famous mountains and rivers.

The Map of Overseas Territories was a map of the sea scriptures drawn by foreign merchants who visited the empire.


Each book is a priceless treasure. If a scholar does not go out, how can he know the world? This book is the result of the painstaking efforts of the sages of the past dynasties.

And Chu Yunsheng actually wanted to destroy this place with his own hands.

He is a scholar, and he is also addicted to books. He also sleeps in the snow in winter, steals light in summer, and is hungry with a hard-earned book. But now, he has to destroy this place.

He fell into deep hesitation.

No, he didn't hesitate at all, just by looking at his obsessed eyes. The so-called hesitation and entanglement are nothing but self-comforting emotions. He just felt that he needed to tangle, so he tangled.

Once this thought came out of my heart, it could no longer be contained. He wants to destroy this place, destroy it with his own hands... At this moment, the reason for saving Cheng Dalei does not account for too much, he just wants to destroy this place,

Some people look gentle and elegant, but at heart they are desperadoes. Full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, he is full of murder and arson.

Chu Yunsheng is such a person.

He took out the flint from his arms, clicked, clicked... He swallowed dryly, his heart was beating fast, just like an old glutton facing a jar of freshly opened wine, and a naked virgin waiting for him to open up in front of a pervert. .


The torn pages were ignited, and the flames burst into flames. It was dry and dry, so we should have been careful about fires, but the academy obviously had no awareness of fire safety. And tonight the wind is extraordinarily strong...

The firelight illuminated Chu Yunsheng's face, and there was a strange redness on his face. Like an old glutton drinking fine wine, the lecher is satisfied... Then, he felt that he should be sad.

So he was sad.

Ten thousand volumes of books, the crystallization of the hard work of the predecessors, was destroyed by his own fire.

Uh... it's better not to be sad, it's important to get away quickly. Otherwise, if you are trapped here, you will be burned.

Master Cheng, I have done everything that I should do, I have paid off your kindness, the mountains and rivers have met, and we will see you in the future.

Chu Yunsheng had no choice but to slip quickly. If he slipped too slowly, others would find out that he did it by himself. Then the spit stars of scholars all over the world can drown themselves.

A pawn that was ignored by everyone, arched, arched into the field, and finally, no one could ignore him.

At the right time, at the right place, so change everything.

Cheng Dalei's situation became more and more embarrassing. Under the circumstance of being attacked by the enemy, he also fell into the same situation as Yan's no return.

The Master's anger did not subside, and he raised his sword and shouted outside, Come, kill him for me, kill him.

Zhang Mingli was speechless, feeling that the Master still had to pay attention to his temperament.

At this time, the fire on the top of the mountain rose, the wind helped the fire, the fire took advantage of its prestige, and the fire was raging, and the top of the mountain became a torch.

Everyone was stunned, including Cheng Dalei, who was besieged, and everyone looked at the fire.

What direction is that? The Master asked in a voiceless voice.

It looks like a library. Liu Fa Cai said.

Cheng Dalei was stunned for a while, then suddenly beat his chest and laughed: Hahaha, I shouldn't die, old thief, did you see that, the master's anger is not exhausted, and heaven is helping me.

The Master was shocked. As the leader of the scholars in the world, he was still very concerned about things like morale. This sky fire that fell out of thin air... Could it be that Cheng Dalei is really angry.

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