Chapter 638

The fleet lined up in a long snake formation, separating the water waves and flowing down the river. Cheng Dalei stood on the bow of the first ship, wearing a blood moon cloak, holding a sword in his hand, and behind him stood a silver eye with a back axe.

Shan Xiongxin stood on the left, holding the golden-topped Zaoyang lance in his hand, and he was full of energy. Standing next to Shan Xiongxin is Axi. Axi didn't need to go out in person for this operation. Whenever there was an action in Toad City, he was often the one who handed over the information obtained by the Xizi team, and sent at most one or two members of the Xizi team to cooperate.

But this time was different. This time, Cheng Dalei acted in person, and Toad City was also worried that he would make a mistake, so the captain of the Xizi team went out in person.

The master, the Heifeng Village is on the bank of the river, standing on the mountain. The subordinates have already drawn a sketch. If we launch an attack at night, we should be 70% sure.

The number of soldiers and horses in Heifengzhai is much larger, and the ratio of troops to three is one to three. However, Cheng Dalei and Shan Xiongxin were dispatched in this operation, and there was also a powerful silver eye to follow. In fact, there was not much risk.

The only problem is that Toad City is not good at water warfare, and Cheng Dalei has not accumulated any experience in this area. However, this aspect is not a big problem, and Cheng Dalei is not ready for a water battle with Heifengzhai. Concentrating on the night attack, the opponent was caught off guard, and we sent three generals, so we would not encounter difficulties.

Five miles away from Heifeng Village, the fleet chose a curved river channel to dock, and if they entered again, they would be worried that they would be discovered by the spies who were watching the wind from Heifeng Village. Of course, Axi had dispatched manpower ahead of time to ambush around Heifeng Village. At this time, they should have started to clear the lookout personnel outside Heifeng Village.

When the boat stopped and docked, the soldiers got off the boat and assembled on the beach. Everyone wears black leather armor, with solemn expressions, and the weapon is a unified standard broadsword.

These 1,000 people came from the fish character army led by Guan Yu, and the Wuji Dao was taught by Guan Yu himself, and the team trained by Guan Yu also inherited the characteristics of Guan Yu. Quiet, defiant and fierce.

Now a thousand people are standing in front of Cheng Dalei, without any whispers, a thousand people are one side, a thousand people are one. In Toad City, in terms of discipline alone, the Fish Army should be ranked first.

Cheng Dalei didn't have many opportunities to train himself, and he mostly existed as a spiritual symbol. Seeing the scene in front of him at the moment, Cheng Dalei nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand and said, Let's go.

Leaving a group of people to guard the fleet, the others followed Cheng Dalei to Heifengzhai. First of all, you have to pass through a dense forest to get close to the base camp of Heifengzhai.

The night was already dark at this moment, the wind was blowing, the treetops of the dense forest collided, and there seemed to be some kind of monster sound hidden in the wind.

This is not a seemingly hallucination, but something else, Cheng Dalei turned his head sideways, the sound was a cry.

In the dense forest where he could not reach his five fingers, a cry suddenly sounded, and Cheng Dalei was also shocked, with goosebumps all over his body.

Is there some kind of fox spirit in this forest? Cheng Dalei asked.

I gonna go see.

Shan Xiongxin whispered, and took the big lance to the direction of the sound.

Cheng Dalei pouted: Why is there no general demeanor at all? It's obvious that a small school can be sent to investigate this kind of thing.

If you go there rashly, if you are ambushed by the enemy, you will decide the victory or defeat of a battle. It seems that Shan Xiongxin still needs some experience to lead the army. However, he himself is strong in martial arts, but he does not have the ability to strategize.

Cheng Dalei was worried about his accident, he waved his hand to stop the soldiers temporarily, and he and Yin Mu went forward.

Pushing aside the dense forest, an open space appeared in front of him. Yang Guozhong was hiding in the tree with his little sister in his arms. A few wild dogs were roaring under the big tree.

The cry was made by Yang Guozhong. When he woke up, he found himself lying on a tidal flat, surrounded by darkness, wet and cold. I didn't know where I was, so I hugged my little sister and walked out.

This was also when the beasts came out for food, and Yang Guozhong was surrounded by a few wild dogs. Luckily, he saw the opportunity quickly, holding his sister three times and two times up a big tree. But these jackals obviously didn't want to give up the food in their mouths. They barked and jumped several times, getting closer and closer to Yang Guozhong on the tree.

Yang Guozhong was flustered, if he had learned martial arts for a few days when he was young, he would never have ended up today. But helpless, Bai Wuyi is a scholar, grabbing the trunk by himself, and already knowing in his heart that he won't be able to last long. I couldn't help but let out a mournful voice, thinking in my heart that if someone would come forward to save my life at this moment, they should repay the grace of saving my life with a ring of grass.

In contrast, Young Girl Yang, who was in his arms, was calmer, her eyes widened and she turned around.

Just at this moment, Cheng Dalei and the three arrived one after another. Yang Guozhong hurriedly said, Honest man, save me quickly.

After all, Yang Guozhong regretted it, it is true that these three people are strange and don't look like good people. The little girl looked rather handsome, but she was carrying a big axe behind her back, so she looked a little weird.

When Cheng Dalei heard this, he checked Yang Guozhong's information and was surprised after reading it.

Second Master Shan, quickly drive these beasts away.

Shan Xiongxin swung the golden-topped jujube lance and rushed out, but he was still too big. The power of these jackals in terms of speed is not something that human beings can compete with, that is, they are not disadvantaged by relying on the interests of Jinding Zaoyang. These beasts didn't want to give up the delicious food on their lips, and one of them went around behind him and rushed towards his neck.

Yin Mu reacted quickly, took a step forward and grabbed the jackal's tail, smashed it to death on a rock, and his brain burst.

This scene frightened Yang Guozhong, who could drag a 100-pound jackal and swing it in a circle in the air. This girl looks thin, but she is not a goddess from the world, or a demon king in Huangquan.

Cheng Dalei and the three made their own efforts, and finally drove away a few beasts. Yang Guozhong staggered and fell from the tree, his knees still a little weak. Cheng Dalei hurriedly helped him up and said, Ahaha, how can you do such a big gift, sir, it's not possible, it's really not possible.

Your Majesty spare your life, Your Majesty spare your life. We don't have any gold or silver on us. As long as Your Majesty is willing to spare our brothers and sisters, we will repay Your Majesty in the next life as cattle and horses.

Cheng Dalei touched his nose and thought to himself: does he know that I am the King of the Mountain, and I have no words on my face.

He really underestimated himself, and he was born with a backside, fierce and vicious, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like a good person.

Cheng Dalei didn't care much about Yang Guozhong. Although he lacked counselors, he was not a very self-motivated person after all. His attention was still on the little girl.

In the darkness, the two stared at each other with big eyes and each was silent.

Is this the shy beauty, her age... is indeed a bit young.

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