124. Aria, King of the Night

“Kee, Kie, Kihuuk…”

The humanity of Alarcus in my hand sobbed breathlessly. At first glance, it sounded like a newborn baby gasping for breath, but it aroused little sympathy.

It’s not because I’m a cold-blooded person with no blood or tears. Originally, a newborn baby looks more disgusting than I thought. Besides, this guy isn’t actually a baby.

“Khik, hook…”

“Now, now. Let’s eat this first.”

I smoked the crumpling darkness in my hand and compressed it into a cube. The fetus closed its mouth tightly, as if it instinctively felt reluctance, but I couldn’t stand it and screamed as I dug out a few eyeballs.

The original human nature is intemperance and weakness. I threw the tightly packed darkness at my gaping mouth. Gulp. There was a sound of swallowing something.

“Ah, ah.”

And when the fetus, Alarus, opened his mouth again, he was still babbling, but the will contained in it was clearer than before. Soon, a well-spoken voice escaped from between her lips.

“······You failed. Did you abandon us after all?”

“Yes, I don’t know what you were trying to do, but you failed. Entire.”

I threw away the alarcus I was holding in my hand as if I were dealing with something disgusting. The floor woven with red cobwebs was soft, and after a few splashes, Alarcus slammed his face into the floor.

However, Alarcus swallowed his pain inwardly, as if he knew that he would die like an insect if he offended him even a little.

“Now, let’s go calmly one by one. Why did you attack the hero?”

“Why, you, why…”

“What? Tell me so I can understand.”

It seemed that he was still ignorant of the gibberish, so I lightly trampled on him with the meaning of friendship. Of course, he’s as weak as he looks, but don’t worry.

I’ve been trembling at the most by separating clowns from demons, but I didn’t mean to let them go so easily. Even death will not be his refuge.

A space transformed into another world by the devil’s power and contract. Even though the contract is broken, he is still the main body and nucleus that maintains this space. As long as the dungeon doesn’t collapse, he won’t die either.

“It wasn’t like a new killing sword… But, why, why?”

“It is very noisy. Shut up, I’m asking.”

I don’t have to touch it myself, but the darkness in the air rises on its own, and I offer the worms. I made eye contact with it, then laughed and kicked him straight away.

He bounced once more and rolled across the floor. Mmm. The sticky feel, I think I’m addicted to it. But if you’re too savage, you’ll end up spoiling yourself later.

“I don’t know what you’re delusional about, but it’s all your delusions.”

“·······Heh, hehehe. Are you saying you want to come out like that?”

So, bear with it just once. Ignoring Alarcus, who was talking about English eggs, I kindly repeated what I had just said.

“Noisy, sleep. So why did you aim for the hero?”

“Kuh, kuk. Isn’t it only natural for a member of the Dark Church to want to capture the masters of the three gods?”

“No, not at all.”

The Dark Church is often known as an extreme terrorist group that resists the three gods and their adherents, and their recent actions have been like that, but anyway, the essence of the Dark Church is religion.

It is also a pseudo-religion oppressed by the mainstream society. Hold your breath, spread the doctrine little by little in the shadows and increase your power. Of course, it is appropriate to refrain from conspicuous actions such as attacking the hero.

The history of the Dark Church spans hundreds of years, but because they lived in silence during that time, I hardly heard anything about the Dark Church, whether as a human or as a sword. Until now.

“I know your ecology well. You guys are sneaky like rats in a barn, and nasty like mold in an old house. By the way, those guys are trying to stand out like killing a hero?”

At best, an urban legend, a piece of an old fairy tale to tease children. But the Dark Church keeps getting kicked these days.

Of course, most of these incidents were caused by Cream’s strong or bad luck, but even taking that into account, this was excessive. Unlike before, the secluded ones began to actively install themselves in the world.

“Besides, if it wasn’t for me, I would have almost succeeded in real life. Judging from the level of preparation, it doesn’t seem like you’re being arbitrary.”

“I couldn’t help it. Because the hero kept thwarting all our plans.”


Alarcus looked me in the eye for a moment and then, as if he had given up, began to tell me everything in a quiet voice.

“Yes. The Church’s grand plan to resurrect our god, which was torn into five parts by the God Slayer Sword. We have waited for hundreds of years, and now the time has come.”

Doesn’t it make you feel a little bad about hearing something in front of you? Several emotions flashed in Alarus’ eyes. He was afraid of this situation, moved at the same time, and was infinitely depressed.

Well, most of Alarcus has already been eaten by demons, and only a handful is left. At least it would have been difficult to have a conversation like this if I hadn’t used my hands.

“You are a demon contractor. But what about ‘us’?”

That was the biggest question I had while watching Alarcus. A dark church that serves an unknown evil spirit. A demonic contractor who holds demons from the other world inside.

Since each other’s desires are so different, the two could be in a cooperative relationship, but it was impossible to go beyond that. However, the position of cult’s xie jiao was too high to simply give to collaborators.

Alarus was too sincere about the activities of the Dark Church to be a mere collaborator. He even placed three high-ranking demon contractors, including himself, in the facilities of the Dark Church.

“The evil spirits served by the Dark Church and the great devils served by demonic contractors. Because I thought they were no different.”

“Are you an idiot? Ha, what is it Keep talking.”

If you mistakenly believe that the people you serve are the same, even though the methods are different, yes, you can join forces. I calmed myself down for a moment and urged him to speak.

“······After the defeat of the evil spirit, the three gods are said to have scattered the cloth and soul to prevent the evil spirit from resurrecting. However, even the powers of the gods, who move the celestial bodies in the sky and turn the earth of this planet, could not kill our lord.”

On the subject of a demon contractor, he spoke as if he were an ardent believer. Well, that’s why he could have risen to the rank of bishop without stigmata.

It is only natural to be dyed in the color of that ideology while hanging out with other people.

“He promised to return. A dark night where neither the sun nor the moon rises. Once again, when darkness rises in the world, cross the boundaries of the stars and enter his world…!”

“Hey, hey. Calm down.”

I hit Alarcus, who was talking nonsense like a fever. No matter how much time passes, history is distorted and unspoken words are made up, but this is a bit harsh.

With a sharp blow, Alarcus rolled on the floor. He had already been beaten several times, and he could no longer count how many times he had been assaulted. But even though his organs burst and his bones twisted, he did not die.


“Keeck, Heck…. It is only natural that the darkness of the world will deepen before the demon king appears, but this time is different from before. The time of the Second Coming that He prophesied is imminent. So we too were just preparing to welcome the Lord…”

It was obvious even without listening to the words behind it. Cream kept interfering with the preparation or whatever, so he must have listened to catch it. I even prepared these cute traps.

Yeah, I get it roughly. It was the moment when the vague goal became clear. I destroy the Dark Church. Stop their absurd plans. Not because of a sense of justice or morality.

Resurrecting an evil spirit is really absurd.

“So how are you feeling now? That feeling when you realize that everything you guys have been preparing for hundreds of years has been for nothing.”

“We are not wrong. You are a god…”

“Ding, wrong answer.”

I don’t notice. What, are you denying reality? I was no longer curious about the thoughts of these worms. I tightened my grip on Alarcus.

Originally, the dungeon that became half-worldly should have collapsed at the point when the existence of the devil, which maintained the laws of the other world, disappeared. It was my will to prevent that collapse.

“It can’t be, it can’t be… Kieh!”

When I applied force as if to crush that tiny body, the screamer’s mouth opened, and the darkness I fed him came out again. He couldn’t speak any more.

All that comes out of his mouth is a meaningless scream. I hummed and tossed him high into the air.

“You will not be saved.”


“You never wanted salvation in the first place? Okay, then let me tell you this.”

The subspace we are standing in is collapsing little by little. The shadows of the other world fade in front of the darkness, and the laws of reality return. Alarcus’s body, attracted by gravity, falls to the ground.

I straightened myself up. Her creamy face reflected in her black blade made her laugh so hard that she couldn’t believe it was her usual self.

“You won’t even go to the hell I created.”

And then, go up. The sword soaring towards the sky and the baby falling towards the earth collided. Blah blah Took. There was the sound of small chunks of meat cracking.

I looked at the shape of a huge specter rising from a small piece of meat. The eight-eyed ghost struggled with its arms and tried to come closer to me.

I took a step back with a smile. The ghost floundered, prayed, and eventually disappeared beyond reach, drawn by an unknown force, before reaching me.


As soon as the remnants of despair were blown away with a light whistle, the son-in-law soon became calm. No, it wasn’t really quiet.

Even at this moment, the collapse of the dungeon was accelerating. No matter how great I am, there are bound to be limits in my current state. I shrugged and turned and walked in one direction.


Damn, drank.

In a corner of the dungeon, where I struggled to get as far away from me as possible, there was a beast devouring meat. Every movement of the jaws crushed the tentacles and worms and rode down their throats.

In many ways, it was certain that it was a monstrosity, but the nutrition was certain, and new flesh was sprouting over the body of the beast, which was covered with scars. It is a good sign that energy is being restored and regeneration is also returning.

A good sign.

[Don’t come closer!]

The beast raised its head and growled. Between the jagged teeth, the hair of the fairy that had not yet been swallowed and the front legs of the spider woman mingled and flowed down. The boy’s hair was stiff.

“Why is that? Aren’t you your dear master?”


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“The dog is you. Why do you think I would do it?”

The body of the beast chosen by the stars smelled of fear. The three-meter-tall monster seemed somehow endearing. So much so that I want to swallow it in one bite.

But you have to be patient. Cream will be sad. Well, what does Cream’s grieving have to do with my patience? My brain is jumbled up.

Obviously, at first, Cream was injured and hurt, so it seems that anger surged to the top of his head.

[The fight is over. Give back the body of the master.]

Cream me, no. After I grabbed the cream, I felt like something was floating. Strange omnipotence. It seems like everything I’ve been worrying about has become trivial.

No, what. It’s not like cream isn’t precious or anything like that. If you die, can’t you just bring them back to life? Something that has awakened within me grows in size on its own.

No, it’s not ‘something’, this was originally me.

I was born as a member of a civilized society, and I have not fully awakened my true nature until now as a demonic sword.


Complex thoughts later. I approached Choco first and slapped the beast on the cheek with the black side. Whoa, it’s all cool inside. The beast’s head seemed to turn around, but soon the body of the beast was forcibly compressed.

The beast-eared girl, who had her handprint removed against her will and still had scars all over her body, looked up at me with her eyes wide open, not even thinking about covering her naked body.

“Don’t look at me like that. Do you think I’m doing something bad?”

“Look at the master’s hand! If you think of Master, let go now!”

I raised my hand at his shrill shout. The part holding me was already rotting black.

Whether it’s the effect of being exposed to excessive darkness, or the reaction of using unauthorized powers with a mortal body. No, why does it really matter?

“Why me?”

I won’t let go anyway.

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