It’s a Scribble Eye

Chapter 323: overseas enemy

This is really Sharunyan Text Volume 323 The overseas enemy Charles doesn't go out very much recently, because when he goes out, he will encounter strange things...

Many people greeted him warmly, then dragged him into the parade and made him shout anti-war slogans.

Okay, for the sake of these friends being so enthusiastic, Charles feels ok.

But the group of guys very politely placed him at the front of the team. Charles looked like a leader.

After Charles was involved in a series of messy incidents, his former bosses, the bigwigs of the radical faction, saw him more and more disliked.

Charles tried to express his innermost thoughts several times, but he was shoved away by the radical bosses with a cold face.

If you can't get close, you can't communicate. If you can't communicate, you can't accomplish what Charles expects.

The bigwigs of the radical faction didn't want to see Charles, so Charles could only be mad.

Then... Charles finally arrived.

Today, all the seats of the radical faction will board the aircraft carrier of the Third Fleet of the Freedom Association and head to China.

Charles also wants to go, because the enemy of fate is on that land.

But the radicals ignored him.

But... do you want to make him, Charles, submit? !

Everyone refused to let Charles go, so Charles chose to sneak in!

So, as an infiltrator, Charles secretly infiltrated the Naval Base of the Third Fleet of the Freedom Society.

Unlike Charlie, Charles is an admiral of the Freedom Society and knows very well the layout of the defense forces in the Navy Base of the Freedom Society's Third Fleet.

So Charles relied on the chosen person to take his position and successfully avoided the "ambush" of the patrol forces in the base.

Charlie hangs secretly behind his idol, admiring him.

Meanwhile, Charlie's heart grew hotter.

Charlie felt that his idol, Charles, as an ambassador of peace, must do a big thing here. As long as he follows his idol, he will definitely get a big news!

The chosen person walked around and went around. The progress was very smooth. Charles admired himself a little.

Charles deftly got rid of all patrols and slipped onto the aircraft carrier.

Charlie didn't dare to follow him any more. His power user was fine on land, but at sea...

But along the way, nothing exciting happened.

Is he going back like this?

Charlie felt it was such a pity that he decided to stay near the port for a while.

So Charlie just stayed.

The attacking Charles was different. He had already sneaked into the radical aircraft carrier, and when he thought that he was about to cross the ocean to meet Salman, Charles was very excited.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} When excited, Charles is proud.

Under the sunlight, Charles' shadow fell on the metal door of the cabin.

The sea breeze was blowing, Charles' blond hair fluttered, and there were projections of hair strands on the metal door.

Because the hair is fine and refracting, the projection has a unique style.

Charles glanced at his shadow and stroked his golden hair.


Then, the hatch opened, Charles saw a familiar face, and a confident smile was completely fixed on his face.

Saben saw Charles startled for a moment, then his face was gloomy.

Charles reacted immediately.

"Saban Seat, listen to me..."

Charles explained in a panic, sighing inwardly that he was unlucky. In fact, as long as he did not meet the seats of the radicals, and Charles got on the boat, it would not be so easy to go on.

"Get out of here, I don't want to hear your peaceful remarks!"

"No, no, you have misunderstood me, Saben! Please listen to me, I actually..."

Charles was still explaining, but Saben punched him!

Charles was unable to resist the blow from the seat, and flew out from the deck!


Splashes of water splashed all over the place, and it fell into the water.

In the distance, Charlie didn't miss this moment. He successfully pressed the shutter. While surprised, he also admired it.

Shock! Famous writer, American peace ambassador, and the chosen one, Charles, was forced into the sea!

Of course, this title can't be written like this. Charlie has already prepared the news content that best fits the image of Charles as an ambassador of peace...


After knocking Charles off and scolding, Saben felt a little relieved.

His plan was going well, but it was delayed for so long because Charles suddenly jumped back.

He didn't take the initiative to pursue Charles, this Charles still has to take an inch, and when he was going to sail, he sneaked onto the ship and made trouble? !

Don't give him some color, this Charles thought he was easy to bully!

Saben glanced to the east, feeling the sea breeze, he felt almost.

Set sail!

The aircraft carrier broke through the giant waves and headed east...

the next day.

"Admiral Charles, the Ambassador of Peace, will prevent the war from happening, and sneak into the Naval Base of the Third Fleet of the Liberty Association alone to stop the evil deeds of the Saben Seat and others.

Not afraid of power, he stepped onto the aircraft carrier to confront the Saben seat, but was thrown into the icy sea by the Saben seat violently.

But the will of Admiral Charles was not shaken by this.

At the moment of falling into the water, we can still hear the cry of Admiral Charles from the depths of his soul: 'Long live peace! '..."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Charles picked up the phone and glanced at it, and found that the news pushed was related to him.

It is also accompanied by a photo of his first "going to the sea".

Below the news, Charles also saw many unfamiliar comments...

"Admiral Charles is doing well, I will always support you!"

"Admiral Charles, you are my idol!"

"Admiral Charles moved the United States and the whole world!"


Charles exhaled and opened the curtains.

He saw the crowd and heard their solidarity...

"Long live peace! Long live Admiral Charles! Long live peace! Long live Admiral Charles!"

Hearing his cry, Charles remembered the past for some reason.

In front of the tree cave in the maze of trees in India, those people also shouted like this.

It's just that he was still a colonel at that held up his mobile phone, as if responding to the people outside the window with a gesture of victory.

Then he closed the curtains again, swung his right hand down quickly, and fell!


The phone shattered and some parts flew out.

Broken, and Charles' "missing" of Salman...

"Fuxk! Why did things turn out like this!"

Charles put his head in his hands, rubbing his golden hair irritably, in order to mourn the dead "base love"...


In Lancheng, everyone gathered together.

Jing Si's face was gloomy, "Hana Yu, tell everyone about the new news we received."

"The radical faction headed by Saben on the Freedom Association ignored public opinion, called the Freedom Association's third fleet, and sailed towards us..."

"The radicals of the Freedom Society are coming? Are you sure?"

Bronze Sparrow feels that this will be a big trouble.

"The news is true. They are coming here. In fact, the president has made predictions about this matter, but he didn't expect it to come true."

Jingji sighed.

That's why he was anxious to save Yunyazhai.

But why can't it be teleported to Yunyazhai?

"Did the president also expect this?"

Xi Yu admired Yunyazhai more and more.

"If it wasn't for this, Liu Wuyan wouldn't have let me leave the capital for no reason. He was just afraid that we would be overwhelmed by internal tensions and would not be able to resist this wave of attacks by the radicals of the Freedom Society..."

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