It’s Hard To Fall In Love with a Senior

Chapter 105: Simulate actual combat

"On the third day of school, the daily school life I thought about was ruined..."

Looking at the competitive building covering dozens of acres, Zhou Xiannian murmured in a low voice, and a deeply apologetic voice came from behind—

"Brother, I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me..."

"You don't need to apologize."

"But if it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have brought you such trouble."

Zhou Xinian turned around, raised his right hand and gently placed it on his sister's head: "I said it a long time ago, don't say this to me, I don't like to hear it, you are my sister, not my sister. Stranger, isn't it?"

Zhou Xichan looked up at Zhou Xinian's gentle gaze, and heard Zhou Xinian continue: "At this time, you should say something else, right?"

"Brother, come on."

Zhou Xiannian had a smile on his face: "I won't lose your brother."

Zhou Xichan also had a smile on her face. The brothers and sisters walked towards the competitive building. At this moment, Zhou Xichan suddenly said, "Brother, you were looking at Senior Tantai in the restaurant just now."

He turned his head and glanced at his little sister's pouting mouth. Zhou Xianian didn't speak. He was naturally very interested in the beautiful Tantai Senior Sister, not only Tantai Senior Sister, Beiming Senior Sister is also very good-looking...

Of course, her sister is also very kawaii when she is pestering her, but she is not a sister-in-law.

"Take them, take them!"

"Mine, it's all mine!"

There seemed to be a voice in his mind, lingering like a ghost, Zhou Xiannian's eyes drooped slightly, from the sudden voice that day, everything was different.

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Zhou Xinian shook his head: "It's something interesting."

The siblings entered the first simulation room.

"really not bad."

Just walked in, that's the sentence.

Sikong Yue looked at Zhou Xinian: "You are the first one who dares to challenge the senior class S students. Your courage is worth commending."

Looking at Sikongyue's delicate cheeks, Zhou Xinian smiled: "I thought it was the responsibility of the Ethics Committee to stop such private fights."

While speaking, he looked towards the console: Senior Sister Tang Yao chased after Senior Sister Tantai and kept talking, Senior Sister Tantai looked impatient; Senior Sister Beiming stared intently at the console; Senior Sister Xia Xingyuan had a look on her face drowsy

And Su Xiao, who was the first in the school, was leaning against the wall and playing with his mobile phone. Except for Sikong Yue, no one was paying attention.

"A private fight?" Sikong Yue said lightly, "This is not a private fight, it's a simulated actual combat. Although it won't kill you, you will be injured."

"So, are you confident?"

"Sister, are you caring about me?" Zhou Xianian said this subconsciously.

Zhou Xichan glanced at Zhou Xinian unhappily, with a little doubt in her beautiful eyes, how could my brother say such frivolous words?

Sikong Yue glanced blankly at Zhou Xianian, turned around and left.

"Brother, why are you talking like that?"

"I'm not careful, I'm not careful, I'm sorry." Zhou Xinian pinched his brows, and that voice still had a certain degree of influence on him.


"This year's freshmen, all of them are frivolous and outrageous!" Sikong Yue glared at Su Xiao while complaining.

"What's the matter? What did Zhou Xinian tell you?" Tang Yao asked curiously.

"I just asked him if you are confident? In the end, he said to me, 'Are you caring about me?' talk?"

"Haha..." Tang Yao laughed happily without the image of a lady: "My little Yueyue will be molested one day."

"Haha." Sikong Yue twitched the corners of his mouth: "You're really boring."

Tang Yao rolled her eyes: "Come on, let's judge and judge, who is boring?"

"Sister Sikong is boring." Su Xiao coaxed blindly.

"My little brother said it's right." Tantai Qianyue raised her chin in agreement.

Beiming Zhiyao glanced at Tantai Qianyue: "What time is it, Jingxian is making a noise."

"Yi Zesi hasn't come yet, what's the hurry?" Tantai Qianyue snorted.

"Isn't that coming?"


Yi Zesi came in together with Ling Xiuqi and Duan Feipeng. After the three came in, they stood by the wall without saying a word, like the ruthless Three Musketeers.

"You two, get ready." Sikong Yue said to the two of them.

When the voice fell, they followed behind Sikong Yue and stood in the middle of the first simulation room, the distance between the two was no more than ten meters.

The monitors in the four corners of the first simulation room turned and aimed at the two people in the field. On the first floor of the competitive building, a large screen was lowered from the roof and opened, broadcasting the imminent simulated actual combat.

There were already a lot of people sitting in the seats built around the arena. Seeing that it was about to start, the voice became quieter.

"Let me read the rules of the mock battle."

Sikong Yue read out expressionlessly: "First, the use of magic weapons is prohibited."

"Second, it is forbidden to use magic that can cause death."

"Third, if one side voluntarily admits defeat or I decide that one side cannot continue the fight, the actual combat will end!"

"As long as the above three rules are not violated, you can use any means to If one party violates the rules, I will stop it and judge failure."

"Did you both understand?"

"Yeah." Yi Zesi nodded. The first and second rules are obviously the rules to protect Zhou Xiannian, but it doesn't matter, the weak must be protected to a certain extent.

Without a magic weapon and unable to use powerful magic, couldn't he defeat a first-year trash?

How can it be!

"Understood." Zhou Xiannian nodded, his expression did not change in the slightest.

Sikong Yue looked at the two of them and continued to speak: "The environment of the simulated actual combat is randomly selected, is there any objection?"



Sikong Yue turned around and returned to the console, reached out and pressed a button.

"The mock battle will start in ten minutes!"


The humming sound of magic power sounded in the simulation room, and the faint light waves rhythmically rhythm in the air, like elves beating happily.

With the center of the simulation room floor as the core, a complex magic formula suddenly unfolds and starts.

A burst of light surged, and the environment in the eyes of the spectators changed, becoming a lush forest.

In front of the console, an invisible light curtain separated the two sides. Su Xiao and the others seemed to be in a different world from the forest.

On the screen of the console, the picture in the forest is clearly visible.

Su Xiao leaned against the wall, and when he first came to the simulation combat room, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Regional projection, re-engraving."

"Isn't the little brother not bad, I saw through this thing at once." Tantai Qianyue praised.

"My magic theory score is perfect."


(To be continued)

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