Chapter XNUMX: Action!

Where does the staff know? He received Xu Shiming’s application and immediately came to the commander. Just when he didn’t know how to answer, he saw the commander’s deputy rushing in with sweat: “Colonel, the news comes from below, the reconnaissance brigade, burst into the Mecha regiment, 291-2 fighting company … and 250 trump cards. Mecha regiments rush to the Mecha library. “

“Sure enough, these regiments.” Du Mingyi understood that this was probably planned by Ling M. He plans to give him another chance. If he is weak and agrees with Xu Shiming’s application to open the Mecha library, then his base commander will be completely destroyed by them. The gang was overhead.

He thought about it and asked cautiously, “Are all Mecha divisions in the 250 Mecha regiment going to the Mecha library?”

“Yes,” the deputy said with certainty. “Reporting below, indeed, more than 250 Mecha divisions were dispatched, matching the numbers of Mecha divisions handed in by the XNUMX Mecha group.”

“That’s good! Huh, they want to give me a power down … it’s too beautiful, even if the Mecha library is opened, I will let them understand that their Mecha division, even if they have the great ability, are in the base. Without my order, I could only do it in a difficult way. “Du Mingyi’s eyes flashed coldly, he said to the staff:” Open the Mecha library, as for the logistics behind … let them wait. “

The staff heart startled, he didn’t dare to say anything, and quickly took orders to leave.

Soon, the Mecha library was opened, and all members of the reconnaissance team quickly boarded Mecha and were ready to set off, but was informed that the logistics staff was still preparing and did not arrive at the post, allowing them to wait a moment.

In this class, other Mecha divisions, including the 250 Mecha regiment, were directly waiting.

At this time, who else doesn’t know about the investigation team, this is because they were deliberately stuck on it.

“Big Captain, Du Mingyi obviously wants to make things difficult for you.” A member of the reconnaissance brigade said very angrily, the base always has jmc on duty and logistics Mecha soldiers. But now none of them came out to provide services to them, which is obviously trying to make it difficult for their investigation squad.

“I know.” Xu Shiming said coldly. He didn’t mind Du Mingyi’s troubles, and he had such an awareness since he accepted Ling M’s invitation, but. What made him angry was that Du Mingyi, the bastard, wanted to make things difficult for him, and didn’t look at the time, did he really want the people in the entire base to be buried with him for his stupidity?

“Lao Xu. What should I do now?” Yang Zhenyong knew from Xu Shiming that Hailia had already dispatched. They must find out the other party’s offensive line as soon as possible in order to make a proper response.

“What to do?” Xu Shiming’s eyes were cold, and he immediately sent a message to Ling Lan, telling him what he had encountered.

Since Ling Lan has ambitions to control this base, let him look at the other party’s means. If Ling Lan can’t even do this little thing, let alone control the base. I’m afraid he has to consider one or two in cooperation with the other party.

Sitting at Ling Lan in the 250Mecha regiment camp, he received news from Xu Shiming. corner of the mouth slightly raised, she looked towards Lin Zhongqing standing beside, indifferently said: “You logistics can act now.”

Lin Zhongqing nodded, he immediately connected to Han Xuya’s contact: “Han Xuya, ready to act.”

“Yes!” Han Xuya answered excitedly from the connector. Finally, this time she stopped being an optional passerby, and finally it was her turn to lead a major event.

Later, Lin Zhongqing also took the team away. They each had their own tasks and wanted to control the entire base. First control a few key logistical positions, otherwise everything is in vain.

Ling Lan turned his head and looked towards the other side, wearing the lieutenant’s suit, and was looking at her coquettishly smiling Luo Chao. The corner of his eye was twitched: “You and you can move.”

Luo Chao saluted a military salute pretty, with a bright smile on his face: “Understand, boss!”

Soon, she left with a team of men and rushed to her battlefield.

At last. Ling Lan turned his head and looked towards the only one after another left, with a medical mask and a medical doctor Li Shiyu in a white coat, saying, “The base headquarters will leave it to you.”

There was a smile in Li Shiyu’s eyes, as if the streamer flashed, making him brighten up, and he saw with a slight smile: “Understand! Guarantee to complete the task!”

When Ling Lan saw this, his eyes were twitched again, and when he saw that the other party did not want to move at all, the whole person’s air-conditioner came out again.

Seeing Ling m’s air-conditioning, he knew that the patience of his head was running out. Li Shiyu converged and smiled. Look at Righteous Path: “I just want to ask, what are you doing?”

Ling Lan raised an eyebrow and did not answer.

“Don’t say you sit here, this kind of words can’t fool me.” Li Shiyu said lightly.

Ling M’s mouth turned up, and she couldn’t hide each other. Ling Lan didn’t want to hide the other party, so she directly told her arrangement: “Song Yiqing has to guard.”

To stop Song Yiqing from intervening, only 250 Mecha and her are qualified for Qi Long. Even the three brothers of the Li Family can’t let Song Yiqing be frightened. And Qi Long must leave the team to reassure Du Mingyi, then it is only herself who can stop Song Yiqing.

Li Shiyu got the answer he wanted and left contentedly.

Ling Lan sat alone in the empty head room and finally revealed a stunning smile.

“Little Si, give me complete control of the 013 base!” The hardest and almost impossible things for others are the easiest for her. The main brain of the base was not a problem for Ling Lan from the beginning. This is also the reason why the other corps with whom he worked did not guess Ling M’s real intention.

Everyone thought that if Ling Lan wanted to control the base, he had to control Du Mingyi, or master Du Mingyi’s criminal evidence to hold the other side up and let the other party obey her, or use her powerful background to transfer Du Mingyi away through normal channels (perhaps a At first, but did not give Lingm enough time to implement), because only the base commander has the right to command the main brain. If someone mutinizes, the main brain will not accept the order of the opponent, and even the commander loses contact for twelve hours After that, it will automatically submit abnormal information to the superior and lock the base shield to make the base a cage that cannot go out.

This is also the reason why Du Mingyi is too aggressive, and the major corps have to continue to be patient. Even Song Yiqing, the grandson, did not dare to offend Du Mingyi excessively.

The purpose of Ling M’s operation was simple: to take down Du Mingyi’s people directly, and before the end of the war, stay in a camp peacefully, and don’t disturb her.

ps: updated tonight!

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