57 The First World War shook many small ones

The fleet of the Gauls retreated.

Left three battleships with a dismal result, left.

When the news came out, the world was shocked.

Now, more people can't understand the situation on Sun Haidong's side.

Originally, during this time, Sun Haidong killed all sides in the international arms market.

Relying on low-priced, high-quality and guaranteed arms, it quickly won the favor of many black market customers.

Many orders from arms companies have been snatched.

Which of these munitions is easy to get along with?

Many arms dealers are secretly preparing to retaliate against Sun Haidong.

After all, cutting off people's financial routes is like killing their parents, not to mention that Sun Haidong is still cutting off the financial routes of this group of ruthless people.

It's just that due to the feud between Sun Haidong and Lockheed some time ago.

In the end, it ended with concessions from Lockheed's side.

This makes many arms dealers unclear about the reality of Sun Haidong's side.

That's why I didn't do it for a long time.

But sure, they won't be able to endure it for long.

After a long time, they will inevitably do it.

Because, if they don't bring down Sun Haidong, they won't be able to get back from their previously lucrative arms business.

As a result, before these people could make a move on Sun Haidong.

Sun Haidong's side and the Gallo's side of the navy had a war.

Now that it's okay, let the secretly prepare to start, the major arms dealers decided to wait a little longer.

Let's take a look at the results of the battle between the Gaulyan fleet and Sun Haidong's side.

Perhaps, with the fleet on the side of Gaulyan, Sun Haidong can be killed.

In that case, they won't need to do it.

However, in the end, such a result was unexpected by everyone.

A fleet of Gauls sailed over, but in the end three ships were sunk, and several others fled in disarray?

It's a big joke.

The first reaction of everyone who just received the news was not to believe it.

But later, as more news came out.

This is also confirmed.

In this way, this news directly frightened those international arms dealers again.

Let them not dare to do it to Sun Haidong again.

"Damn, what the hell did that guy come from.

What weapons did he have in his hands to defeat a fleet of Gaulkes.

It's incredible. "

"Yes, yes, he is in Somalia, a poor and backward place.

I don't know, I would think that he is in a powerful country, with a strong navy or air force.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to defeat a fleet sent by the Gauls. "

"No matter what you say, the Gallic black chicken is also one of the next two constants.

The strength of the naval fleet, looking at the whole world, is also among the top few.

Who would have thought that it would be lost in that place in Somalia.

Heaven is joking. "

At this time, this matter has become an important topic of discussion in the world.

Everyone is interested in Sun Haidong.

"What about our actions?"

Only the arms dealers are worried.

"We have to hold off, we know too little about this person.

Even the Gallic navy could be deflated by this man.

The losses were so heavy.

If we had acted lightly, we would have died even worse. "

Some arms dealers were instigated to think that they should be cautious for the time being.

After all, the fact that these arms dealers are ruthless does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

This kind of stupid behavior of sending people to death in vain, they won't do it.

Sun Haidong doesn't know the reaction of all parties in the world, but he can guess some.

At this time, Sun Haidong had already let his transport ships, 055 Daqi and other ships return to his port.

Then, Sun Haidong informed the Gauls and asked them to take the money and ransom them.

Ransom Sun Haidong let his men clone the people and rescued them at sea, the hundreds of Gallic soldiers.

And at this time, the top of the Gallic navy is still angrily arguing with Eagle Sauce.

"Damn, you know that guy is in a special situation.

Why don't you tell us.

You deliberately asked us to send a fleet over to deal with that international arms dealer.

Now, what do you say about our losses? "

The high-ranking admiral on the Gallic side, this is on the phone, shouting to the person in charge of Eagle Sauce's side.

At this time, the high-ranking naval officials on the Gallic side finally reacted

I immediately felt that it was too inauthentic for Eagle Sauce to do this.

They are Eagle Sauce's allies, and they are so cruel to their allies

It's going to be angry for anyone.

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