It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Tell me your results and ask for monthly votes.

When it was released, I said that if the first order could exceed 1,800, I would add another chapter for every 100 more.


The first order is 3700!

I am very grateful to all my relatives, friends, readers, and rich people for their support!

Regarding the first order, I owe 19 chapters...

Monthly ticket, owed 1 chapter...

The helmsman, alliance leader, silver, a total of 112 chapters are owed...

Mother? !

This hole is so big!


I have tens of thousands of dollars, and I will slowly pay back what I owe, and I will definitely work hard to pay you back!

Okay, no more talking, I'm going to code.

Finally, please support me!

Monthly passes, rewards, recommendation votes...please throw it at me!

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