It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 123 Go learn to dance, remember to choose the sexy and charming dance type!

On the other end of the phone, Han Sanping's breathing sounded a little rapid!

He had always envied Zhang Weiping because he had the super trump card of Zhang Yimou and had repeatedly set high box office records.

Later, he envied Huayi Brothers because Feng Xiaogang created the "Lunar New Year Festival" alone and achieved a double harvest of box office awards.

Although he also has Brother Chen Kai in his hands, this director Chen belongs to Beijing Film Studio after all, not to China Film Studio.

And in terms of high box office, Brother Chen Kai obviously cannot compare with the other two, and currently he can only barely hold on in terms of awards.

But now, when "Crazy Racing" had a box office of 20.66 million on its first day, he suddenly discovered that China Film's future ace was about to appear!

20.66 million!

This number is really terrible!

It directly broke the record for the highest first-day box office in the domestic film market!

At seven o'clock in the morning, many newspapers and magazines haven't even opened their doors yet, but the three major portals have already taken the lead.

"Crazy racing, the box office broke the record on the first day!"

"Chen Fei once again proved himself..."

"Self-written, self-directed, self-acted, domestic commercial film's premiere box office peak!"


The media began to spread the word, and more paparazzi and reporters blocked the school entrance, and some even began to climb over the wall and break in.

At the school gate, a new banner was hung up under the command of Zhao Zhenyang.

[Warm congratulations to Chen Fei, a 2002 acting student of our school, whose film "Crazy Racing" has a box office of over 20 million on its opening day! 】

Chen Fei: "Nah..."

Time has been accelerated again.

Different people call Chen Fei every day to congratulate him on his great success.

Major newspapers, periodicals, media, and portal websites are rushing to publish reports, all trying to be the first to announce the day's box office data of "Crazy Racing" in exchange for attention.

There are even more positive reviews online!

Almost all fans who bought tickets to watch the movie will give a thumbs up and shout to others: "It's worth it!" after walking out of the screening room.

In order to keep the box office rising, Han Sanping has made great efforts to "strictly prevent piracy"!

The person in charge of each theater has received a stern notice. If there are pirated copies circulating in a certain area within half a month, the person in charge will be immediately fired!

Don’t doubt it, China Film Group has this capability.

Although this touched the potential interests of many people and put Han Sanping under pressure within the company, these difficulties were nothing at all in the face of the rising box office.

Copies continue to increase, distribution is carried out on a large scale, and piracy is severely cracked down on...

Time flies!

No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5...

When the 6th ended, the box office officially exceeded 100 million!

Piracy has begun to appear on the market. The harder you suppress it, the bigger the outbreak will be!

But there is still a 24-day screening period, and the box office will definitely increase.

Everyone is guessing how big the final box office will be?

It is inevitable to surpass "Crazy Stone", and it is destined to defeat "House of Flying Daggers".

Some people even shouted: "The box office of "Crazy Racing" is expected to be 200 million!"

Many people look forward to this, but many others scorn it.

No matter how many doubts there are from the outside world, the success of the racing car is already destined, and Chen Fei has once again proved his strength with the box office!

Under the arrangements of several producers, he accepted interviews with many media.

Sina: "Director Chen, what do you think of the success of "Crazy Racing"?"

Chen Fei: "First of all, I feel very much about the support of the fans. Without your help, there would be no success in racing. Thank you very much. I will definitely continue to work hard to bring more excellent movies to the fans."

NetEase: "Director Chen, many people have doubts about your directing as an actor. Do you have any response to this?"

Chen Fei: "The identities of actors and directors do not conflict. For example, Director Zhang Yimou, Director Jiang Wen, and Director Zhou Xingchi. In addition to being directors, they are also very well-known actors. As long as they love and work hard, there is hope for everything! "

Sohu: "Director Chen, what do you think of the news that "Kekexili" by fellow director Lu Chuan at the same time was canceled in less than a week due to poor box office performance?"

Chen Fei: "I have to thank Brother Lu Chuan here. If it weren't for his encouragement, I wouldn't have made the racing movie.

Moreover, the release of "Kekexili" has provided more film schedules for "Crazy Racing"!

I am really touched by Brother Lu Chuan's self-sacrifice for others. I will definitely thank him in person if I have the opportunity. "

Not long after the interview ended, everything Chen Fei said was made public.

The next day, the entertainment tabloid broke the news that Lu Chuan had a car accident while racing and fractured his arm...


Pray for Rikutaro that death will come soon!

On the evening of the National Day, China Film Group booked a banquet hall and held a grand celebration banquet.

This time there were more people than before. Looking around, all the unfamiliar faces were filled with smiles.

Chen Fei found Han Sanping and asked him about the box office data of "Kekexili".

With the corner of her eye, she glanced at Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang who looked unnatural in the corner. Han Sanping curled her lips and said, "Internal data, seven days, two and a half million."


Chen Fei was a little confused: "Why is there still internal data? What is the external data?"

"Seven days, two million and four hundred thousand."

"Hey? Why do you still pay less?"

"250 doesn't sound good."


When the celebration banquet was coming to an end, Mr. and Mrs. Wang came over to greet Chen Fei.

"Director Chen, congratulations on your great success again."

"I would also like to thank the two presidents for their support..."

"You can contact us if you have any projects in the future. In addition to having strong funds, Huayi also has many outstanding actors."

"Okay, I will definitely do it."

After a brief exchange of words, Chen Fei said goodbye and left.

It is undeniable that Huayi is indeed the leader among private film and television brokerage companies, with strong funds, many artists, and extensive publicity channels...

But these two brothers did too much, and Chen Fei didn't want to work with them in a short period of time.

Even if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, he will have to get more wool from these two fat sheep (brothers). Otherwise, won't he live up to the title of "leading boss" of Huayi?

It was already half past eleven after the celebration banquet.

Chen Fei did not leave, but went to a tea room next to the banquet hall with two bosses, Han Sanping and Ren Zhonglun.

We have already worked together so many times, so there is no need to do any Tai Chi.

Han Sanping asked directly: "What are your plans for "No Man's Land"?"

Chen Fei replied: "I want to take this movie to the Berlin Film Festival."

There is another meaning in this sentence: this movie does not seek box office, only awards.

"Going for the prize?"

Although Ren Zhonglun didn't read the script, he could roughly guess something from the name "No Man's Land".

Low cost, tragedy, realistic themes...

Films for awards are nothing more than these.

"Then what support can we give you?"

Chen Fei shook his head and replied: "The total investment for this movie is only three million. There is no big scene, no big venue, and only a few actors."

The two people on the other side could tell that this meant no investment was needed.

"Okay, then I wish you success in advance. If you need any help, please contact us."

The investment is only three million, and Chen Fei can easily win it alone, so there is no need to recruit any partners.

Moreover, this kind of award-winning film is destined to not have a high box office, which is destined to be of little interest to China Film and Shanghai Film and Television, which have relatively high profit needs.

As for whether I can win a prize...

To be honest, neither of them had high hopes.

The models of commercial films and literary films are different. The former pursues joy, excitement, excitement, and excitement, but the latter requires depth.

But how can the word "depth" be so easy to grasp?

Brother Chen Kai has made so many movies over the years, but the only one that really made him famous and full of "depth" was "Farewell My Concubine".

On the way back to school, Chen Fei was thinking about what was left unfinished in the preparations for "No Man's Land".

The actors have almost been chosen.

"Lawyer Pan Xiao" will be played by him himself, "Second Brother of the Poaching Gang" will be played by Huang Bo, and "Night Paris Shopkeeper" will be played by Han Sanping when the time comes. Let Han Sanping help find an experienced actor with a more fierce look.

He is going to cast Wang Baoqiang as "Silly Son". He looks stupid and cruel, and he should be able to express the feeling he wants.

This kid is quite talented. If he trains and trains him more, he will have great potential in the future.

The truck duo will be easier to handle, let the "postgraduate entrance examination duo" come on!

All that is left is the dancing girl and the leader of the poaching gang.

"Who is better to find to play the role of a dancer? She must be charming, bold enough, able to endure hardship, and must not lose her temper at critical moments..."

Many faces flashed through Chen Fei's mind, but after much thought, Wang Luodan finally had the upper hand.

This senior's acting skills are quite good. Although her face is destined to make it difficult for her to get the lead role, she should have no problem with the role of "dancing girl".

Thinking of this, Chen Fei took out his cell phone and dialed Wang Luodan's number.

"BoBoBo, la la la la la..."

As a pleasant ringtone rang, the phone was quickly connected.

"Senior? What are you doing?"

"I accepted an endorsement and am filming an advertisement."

"Huh? Did you make a lot of money?"

"Haha, thanks to you, I have gained some popularity, otherwise I would have to play a minor role."

This is no ordinary blessing.

Although there is no heroine in Stone or Racing, as the only actress in the two movies, most people subconsciously regarded Wang Luodan as the heroine.

This helped her a lot!

Adding up the two movies, the total box office of the heroine is 250 million...

Wang Luodan's recent popularity is no worse than Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin.

After chatting for a while, Chen Fei didn't beat around the bush and asked directly: "Are you free on the 20th of this month? Come with me to the northwest. There is a role that suits you very well."

In a private studio in Kyoto, Wang Luodan was putting on makeup and preparing for subsequent advertising shoots.

When she heard the voice on the phone, her eyes suddenly lit up and she hurriedly responded: "Director Chen's invitation must be available. Even if you are not available, you have to squeeze it out!"

"Haha, that's good. You go ahead and get busy. Then I will send you the script. During this time, take some time to learn dance. Remember to choose the kind of sexy and charming dance. You don't have to be too skilled. Just know some basic skills. enough."


Want to pick something sexy and charming?

Wang Luodan was a little confused, but he didn't say much and nodded softly.

After a few words, the actor for the role of the dancer was decided, and only the "leader of the poaching gang" was left.

He is ruthless, unscrupulous, tall and strong, and needs to be a strong deterrent at first glance...

The above characteristics are all needed by Chen Fei.

There are not many actors who fit this image in the entertainment industry. At least when the script "No Man's Land" first appeared, Chen Fei did not find a suitable candidate.


Just a few days ago, when I was watching "Kekexili" with Liu Yifei, he suddenly felt that the male protagonist "Duo Bujie" in this movie was very suitable for his idea of ​​a "poaching leader".

Even though he played a kindhearted mountain patrol leader in "Kekexili", Chen Fei felt that he would definitely be good at playing a villain.

The unique temperament and appearance of XZ people give him a resolute face.

Smiling can reflect a sense of intimacy, but when your face cools down, that cold aura can be described as "full of aggression!"

Chen Fei was originally planning to contact him directly for an audition, but when he remembered that the other party was the male lead in "Kekexili", another idea suddenly came to his mind.

Can you take this opportunity to continue to trick Riku Taro?

"Jingle Bell……"

The sudden ringing of the phone attracted Chen Fei's attention.

Picking up the phone and taking a look at it, he pressed the connect button: "Classmate Liu? What's the matter?"

"The tickets have been purchased. We will meet at the airport at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late. If you are late, we won't wait for you."


Chen Fei responded with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, the taxi stopped at the school gate.

Chen Fei did not return to school immediately, but instead headed to the post office not far away.

It took more than a month for Bruce to customize a complete wingsuit flight suit from abroad. It took more than a month for it to arrive in the mail. The post office called the post office several times, but he never had time to pick it up.

We are going to Jiuzhaigou tomorrow, and we must pack our equipment before going.

The new challenge mission is to fly in a wingsuit. If you jump directly without a wingsuit, will you be smashed to pieces in minutes?

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Chen Fei appeared at the airport on time carrying a travel backpack.

The backpack contains a complete set of wingsuit flight suits and landing equipment, with a total cost of nearly 3 million yuan!

Although the price is a bit expensive, Chen Fei doesn't mind at all. As long as the quality can be guaranteed, he doesn't care even if it costs two million more.

As long as you keep your life, money is completely foreign to you!

It is no exaggeration to say that after the accounts of "Crazy Racing" were divided, he had completely achieved financial freedom.

And next, he will fight for his dream!

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter from behind: "You came so early!"

Chen Fei turned around subconsciously and saw two figures with completely different styles appearing behind him.

Standing on the left is Liu Xiaoli, with a mature temperament and still charming charm, like a ripe peach.

Standing on the right is Liu Yifei, who is quirky, playful and cute, with a soft and cute feeling like the little sister next door.

After being stunned for a moment, Chen Fei quickly came to his senses.

"Hello, aunt." He said hello to Liu Xiaoli first, then looked at Liu Yifei, and responded with a smile: "I just arrived too."

"Awesome, I'm not late."

Liu Yifei smiled and handed him the ticket.

Mother Liu still has the temperament of a wealthy woman. She spent three first-class tickets very generously.

After chatting for a while, the announcement of boarding started on the radio.

The three of them got on the plane, and with the help of the flight attendant, Chen Fei stuffed his travel bag into the overhead luggage compartment.

Liu Yifei looked at him with some confusion, "Didn't you go to Jiuzhaigou to play? Why did you bring so many things?"

A mysterious smile appeared on Chen Fei's face, he raised his eyebrows at her, and said with a bad smile: "This is my secret, I can't tell you."

"Eh? It's still a secret? Humph! I just asked, and I don't really care."

Liu Yifei suddenly became unhappy. The corners of her mouth were raised so high that they could almost hang a soy sauce bottle.

"Haha, are you still not happy?"

"Stop talking nonsense, who is unhappy? I want to read the script and ignore you."

Taking out the script from her bag, Liu Yifei immersed herself in reading it without saying a word, as if she had really made up her mind to ignore Chen Fei.

Mother Liu on the side looked at the interaction between the two and couldn't help but frown slightly.

The relationship between Liu Yifei and Chen Fei seems to be quite normal, but they reveal a unique sense of closeness. It doesn't look like ordinary friends bickering, but rather like a young couple flirting.

Seeing this, alarm bells rang in her heart!

"Xiao Chen, the National Day has passed, why don't you go back to class? It seems like you don't have a role in The Condor, right?"

This sentence has another meaning.

Are you free? Why are you following us, mother and daughter?

How could Chen Fei not understand the meaning of Mother Liu's words? With a slight roll of his eyes, he immediately thought of the reason:

"I have a new movie that is about to start shooting, and it may have to go to Jiuzhaigou for filming, so I have to go there in advance for reference."

new movie?

Liu Yifei, who originally pretended not to care, immediately pricked up her ears and turned her head curiously, "What new movie? Is there a role suitable for me?"

As an actor, who hasn’t dreamed of appearing on the big screen?

Liu Yifei's idol has always been Gong Li, and she has always been looking forward to following in her idol's footsteps and making a splash in the film industry.

As a director of the 100 million yuan box office club, Chen Fei naturally has the ability to help her realize her wish.

There was also a trace of expectation on Mother Liu's face, and she stared at Chen Fei unblinkingly.


Facing the expectant looks of mother and daughter, Chen Fei shook his head: "The heroine has been decided. What I need is an actress with a sexy figure and the ability to show charm in her expression and eyes. Your image is not suitable."

"All right……"

Liu Yifei felt a little regretful.

Mother Liu also showed an expression of unsuccessful request on her face.

But although she was a little disappointed, she still added: "Auntie, please leave your phone number. If there is a suitable role for Sissi in the future, you can call me."


Chen Fei nodded, and a bold idea appeared in his mind unconsciously.

"Auntie, you don't want to either..."

Shaking his head violently, he quickly nipped this bold idea in the bud.

Back to business.

Although this idea is a bit unconventional, Chen Fei does like Liu Xiaoli more than Liu Yifei.

What's so good about loli?

Ripe peaches are truly delicious!

He even had the idea of ​​​​wanting Liu Xiaoli to play the role of "dancing girl", but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was not suitable...

Judging from her appearance, she can't act as charming as Chen Fei wants!

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