It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 155 233-meter trampoline! A leap of faith! People are flying in the sky! The soul is chasing

[Climb the Macau Tower with bare hands, perform the bungee jumping challenge at a height of 233 meters, and gain 30,000 popularity points! 】

This is a task given by the system.

Now, Chen Fei has completed the free climbing, and what is about to be done next is a wonderful bungee jumping performance!

The previous climb has accumulated more than 10,000 reputation points for him, so he needs to continue to gain 20,000 reputation points in the next challenge.

At this time, there are more and more people watching in the square, and more people are approaching here.

It can be seen that as long as he is given enough time, it is not difficult to complete this task.

After finishing putting on the bungee jumping device with the assistance of two staff members, Chen Fei walked to the edge of the platform without hesitation.

Looking down from this position is another novel experience.

The busy streets have a panoramic view, and the bustling buildings are scattered and orderly, standing quietly on both sides of the road, extending to the end of the sight...

Suddenly, a staff prompt came from behind: "Sir, if you are ready, you can jump."


Chen Fei slowly took a few deep breaths, and then suddenly began to bend over and do warm-up exercises.

His purpose is not just to jump down, but to perform a wonderful bungee jumping performance, every joint in the body must be fully stretched.

The two staff members glanced at each other subconsciously, with curiosity on their faces?

What does this guy want to do?

Are you just bungee jumping? Why did you start doing warm-up exercises again?

At this time, in the square under the Macau Tower, a group of people were staring directly at Chen Fei who was standing on the edge of the platform.

First, he climbed to a bungee jumping platform more than 200 meters high without any protective measures, and now he even put on bungee jumping equipment again...

"So, this guy just wants to be the first one to bungee jump?"

"Fuck! That's outrageous!"

"Is it necessary to go to such trouble?"

"Isn't it just a jump? Isn't it over just by jumping down? It's boring."

"Let's go, let's all disperse. There's no more fun to watch. The next step is just bungee jumping."


There was already some commotion in the square. Some tourists who had experienced bungee jumping suddenly lost interest when they saw Chen Fei preparing to bungee jump.

In their opinion, isn’t bungee jumping just about jumping off with a rope hanging behind you?

What's so cool about this?

If you have time, you might as well go to the Macau casino for a stroll. I heard there are many beautiful female models who deal cards...

Someone shouted and pushed out of the crowd, his face full of disdain.

However, more people chose to stop and watch.

Some people have never seen bungee jumping, so they are very curious and want to experience this exciting and thrilling sport.

There are also some people who are looking forward to it.

They felt that since Chen Fei could climb all the way to a bungee jumping platform of more than 200 meters without any protective measures, it was absolutely impossible for him to simply complete a bungee jump.

Maybe there will be more thrilling and exciting scenes next, so why not wait a little longer?

In the crowd, the white man had taken out his camera again.

The scene where Chen Fei climbed up the Macau Tower just now has been completely recorded by him.

He originally thought that the Chinese young man would end the challenge, but he never expected that the other party would actually put on bungee jumping equipment again!

He was suddenly curious about how an extreme sports enthusiast could perform the bungee jumping challenge.

Is it just like ordinary bungee jumping enthusiasts, just jump off from the top and end it there?

Or is there a more novel way to play?

Everyone is waiting to see!

On the bungee jumping platform, Chen Fei has completed his warm-up exercises.

He keenly noticed that people were already starting to leave, so he simply wasn't ready to wait any longer for other onlookers.

Anyway, the system does not require that you can only bungee jump once. At worst, if you jump a few more times after this jump, you will eventually accumulate enough reputation points.

He took a few steps back, and under the curious gaze of the two staff members, he slightly bent over and made a sprinter's preparation before starting.


A black shadow flashed past, and before the two of them could react, Chen Fei had already rushed out of the bungee jumping platform!

"What the hell?!"

"Be good!"

On the trampoline, the two staff members were stunned.

After working together for so many years, the two of them have seen many bold tourists, but this is the first time they have seen such a bold one!

This is a height of more than two hundred meters!

Just rush out like that...

Do you think you are an air-to-ground missile?

Staff member A shouted hurriedly: "Quick, quick, quick! Hurry over and take a look, this guy is so awesome. I have a hunch that this guy is definitely a professional here to take care of things!"

The two of them quickly came to the edge of the trampoline and looked down.

With the blessing of gravity and speed, Chen Fei fell very quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the height of 223 meters was reached in an instant, and the elasticity of the rope was also stretched to the maximum!

The ropes of the Macau Tower are specially made, and the lowest point can even reach ten meters above the ground.

Therefore, when he fell to the lowest level, Chen Fei could even clearly see the crowd of onlookers gathered in the square.

"Hi! Hello everyone!"

He even took a moment to greet everyone with a smile.

In an instant, the noise resounded throughout the audience!

"What the hell?! Isn't this guy brave enough?"

"Your mother! At a height of more than 200 meters, are you really not afraid of death?"

"Hi...huh? Why should I say hello to him?"

"Oh, buy it! Chinese Kung Fu! It's Chinese Kung Fu!"

"Come down! Jump down if you can!"


Noisy shouts kept ringing in my ears.

Chen Fei was just about to say a few words in response, but the rope tied behind him had been stretched to the lowest level, triggering the "bottoming out" effect at the same time.


In the blink of an eye, his whole body shot up.

The feeling of falling at such a high speed, followed by rebounding at a very fast speed, was so refreshing that it actually produced a special feeling of being stuck in the air.

For a moment, Chen Fei actually recalled the scene when he was playing "wingsuit flying" before.

The feeling of flying freely is like traveling through the clouds, reaching the peak of joy!

Soon, when the rebound of the rope reached another limit, the body weighing more than 100 kilograms started to fall again after being in the air for a few seconds!

But this time, Chen Fei, who was already familiar with this feeling of free fall, officially started his sexy operation!

Most people who are familiar with diving competitions know that there are four types of diving postures.

They are: straight body, bent body, tuck, somersault and twist.

The level of difficulty varies, and some of the movements are simple, some are complex, and some are even very difficult for professional divers to complete.

And today, Chen Fei is going to take a waterless diving challenge in the air!

He has not learned professional diving moves, but he followed the entire Athens Olympics in 2004.

Especially the details of the competition of diving queen Guo Jingjing, every move was deeply engraved in his mind.

As the elasticity of the rope is consumed, after several free falls, the kinetic energy brought by the first jump is finally dissipated.

Soon, Chen Fei's body stopped at a position more than ten meters above the ground.

The kinetic energy of the rope has disappeared. According to normal circumstances, the staff should extend the spare part of the rope next.

At this point, he can land safely, and then the staff on the ground will untie the bungee jumping device on his body.

However, what everyone did not expect was that at the moment when the kinetic energy disappeared, Chen Fei actually made a bending action.

The rope under his feet was firmly grasped in his hands, and with the strength of his arms, he actually began to climb up the rope!

The two staff members on the bungee jumping platform were stunned!

What are these operations?

So should we put him down now?

The two of them were stunned when they saw Chen Fei quickly climb up as if he were walking on flat ground!

By the time the two of them came to their senses, he had returned to the bungee jumping platform and was ready for a second jump.

The first time he returned to the trampoline, Chen Fei looked at the two of them and asked curiously: "Do you want to check the equipment?"

" still want to dance?"

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded: "I haven't had enough fun yet, of course I have to keep dancing."


Hearing this, staff member A looked in disbelief.

What kind of magical operation is this horse riding?

He has been in this position for three years, but this is the first time he has encountered such a customer.

I jumped down and felt like I wasn’t having a good time, then I climbed back up with the bungee cord and asked to jump again?

Another staff member scratched his head, "This...this seems a bit against the rules?"

Chen Fei comforted him, "Don't worry, the money I'll give you every time will definitely not make it difficult for you."

After hearing this, the two of them could not continue to say anything.

Everyone has said that they can't force each other to not dance, right?

So, after the two looked at each other, they quickly began to check the bungee jumping equipment.

After confirming that there were no problems, the two of them took a step back in unison, leaving the bungee jumping platform to Chen Fei and allowing him to perform freely.

Chen Fei soon stood in front of the bungee jumping platform again.

In the square, the crowd of onlookers fell into riot again...

"Be good? He wants to dance?!"

"What a guy! This guy is awesome!"

"What did I just see? Damn it! Did he climb up directly by pulling on the rope?"

"No, wait! Wait a minute! I haven't reacted yet! He jumped down, said hello, and then climbed up again, right?"

"Obviously yes..."

There was a lot of noise in the crowd, but on the bungee jumping platform, Chen Fei had already started working again.

He first took a few steps back, and then charged again!

The moment he reached the edge of the bungee jumping platform, his knees suddenly bent slightly, and at the moment of taking off, his legs quickly collapsed straight, like a spring that had been compressed to the extreme and suddenly stretched out!

A powerful force suddenly burst out from under his feet.

While jumping into the air, his body first stretched more than two meters higher!

At the moment when his bounce energy was about to disappear, his body suddenly curled up into a ball, and at the same time began to roll backwards...

The next second, an extremely shocking scene appeared!

Chen Fei was seen bending his knees against his chest, and his originally straightened hands also completed the retraction at the same time, hugging his knees tightly in his arms.

Even the highest diving platform is only ten meters high.

"Tuging the knees and flipping backwards for three and a half weeks" is already considered the most difficult movement in the women's ten-meter platform.

Even in 2023, only two Chinese divers, "Quan Hongchan" and "Chen Yuxi", can achieve this action.

Now, Chen Fei officially started this challenge at a height of 223 meters!

At a height of more than 200 meters, he performed more than 20 backward somersaults, then suddenly straightened his arms and reached the bottom of the Macau Tower with standard diving movements.

This move of "hugging the knees and flipping backwards twenty times" directly made the group of people below look stupid!

The audience who were about to leave were stunned at this moment and could not recover for a long time!

However, even though he had already performed a show-off that turned the audience on his head, Chen Fei still did not give up the remaining opportunities.

When the rope rebounded, his body suddenly began to rotate in the air, climbing upwards like a human top!

Suddenly, a picture suddenly appeared in Chen Fei's mind!

"Spinning, jumping, I close my eyes and can't see the hustle and bustle~ Are you intoxicated~

White snow, summer night, I don’t stop, the years are blurred! "

Not to mention, Xu Guanghan's acting career is really broad!

Back to business.

As the kinetic energy disappeared again, Chen Fei was hung in mid-air again.

And his next behavior did not surprise everyone. He bent down, stretched out his hand, grabbed the rope again and started climbing up!

"What the hell? Did this guy use the bungee jumping platform as a diving platform?"

"Look, he's climbed up again! He's climbed up again!"

"Mud horse? What kind of operation is this?"

"Fancy diving? No! To be more precise, it should be bungee jumping!"

"Damn it, a DJ can actually do bungee jumping like this? It's really eye-opening!"


After returning to the bungee jumping platform again, Chen Fei took a look at the system prompts while the staff was preparing.

The mission requirement is to gain 30,000 reputation points while bungee jumping. Now, as more and more people gather under the bungee jumping tower, he has accumulated more than 28,000 reputation points.

In other words, you only need to jump once more to complete the task.

"Brothers, this is the last time. After I jump this time, you put down the rope."

"Oh, alright!"

The two were stunned for a moment, then came to their senses belatedly.

Seeing that Chen Fei was ready again, they were slightly disappointed.

Is this the end?

They haven’t seen enough yet!

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Fei rushed out again!

But this time, when he jumped into the air, he actually turned his back on him in mid-air.

His arms were stretched straight, with a faint smile on his face, as if he had completely overcome the discomfort caused by jumping at high altitudes.

This time, he didn't jump for anyone, just to experience the pleasure of free falling from high altitude with all his heart!


The wind whizzed by my ears, and the air flow continuously hit the back of my body, forming a slight resistance.

At this moment, Chen Fei felt as if he had transformed into a swimming fish, swimming under the vast sky that represented freedom, releasing his own pleasure in life!

Compared to his previous difficult diving moves, his current move is very simple.

But I don’t know why, but when they saw his action, everyone felt their hearts were greatly touched!

This is an action that represents freedom and happiness. Even though it is not too difficult, it still provides endless stimulation and pleasure!

The moment the kinetic energy disappeared, the two staff members on the bungee jumping platform responded quickly.

They pressed the switch, pushed the spare rope downward, and slowly placed Chen Fei on the ground.

The moment he landed, there was silence all around, and then there was an extremely warm applause!

"Bah bang bang!"

Everyone was cheering, and a pair of hot eyes were locked on Chen Fei, as if they were watching their free life!

Suddenly a broken Chinese sentence rang out from the crowd, "What's the name of that last move?"

Chen Fei raised his head and fixed his gaze on the location where the sound came from.

It was still the middle-aged white uncle, holding a camera with a look of fanaticism on his face!

Chen Fei smiled at him and replied word for word: "Leap of Faith!"

After leaving the Macau Tower, Chen Fei took a taxi and prepared to return to the Peninsula Hotel.

At the same time, he also started to check the system rewards.

[Ding·Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission (climbing the Macau Tower with bare hands, bungee jumping at a height of 233 meters, and gaining 30,000 popularity points.)]

[A total of 32695 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】

[S-level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Lucky Orange, Hong Kong Film Script Gift Pack! 】


Hong Kong movie script gift package?

What the hell is this?

Looking at this new reward that had never appeared before, Chen Fei was a little confused for a moment.

Why is there a big gift package?

"Hong Kong movie script..."

After muttering to himself, an idea suddenly burst into his mind.

So, the system also feels that Hong Kong movies have begun to decline, so it simply packages a bunch of Hong Kong movies into gift bags?

"Hey, that's quite interesting."

After thinking about it, Chen Fei simply ordered: "System, open this gift bag for me and see what good things can be found inside."

As soon as he finished speaking, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

[Ding·Hong Kong film script gift package is now open. 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving awards: the entire series of "Ip Man", the entire series of "Chill", the entire series of "Anti-Drug", the entire series of "Anti-Corruption", the entire series of "Chasing the Dragon", the entire series of "The Bomb Disposal Expert", The whole series of "Eavesdropping", the whole series of "Macau", "Wushuang", "Integrity", "A Case of Fury", "The Grandmaster", "Equator"...]

"What the hell? Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

Listening to the familiar movie titles ringing in his mind one after another, Chen Fei was completely shocked!

Is this a Hong Kong movie gift package?

This horse riding is completely a movie library!

It is no exaggeration to say that after "Infernal Affairs", almost all popular movie scripts are included in it.

This is completely to wipe out the Hong Kong film market in one fell swoop!

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