Chapter 178

Lin Xiao didn't want to explain either. It is estimated that King Arthur is very angry now.

Several people stood up, held wine glasses in both hands, and respected Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao nodded: "Sit down, don't stand up after drinking. You're welcome to talk to other people."

The faces of several people were full of smiles.

You always say this, but we can't live without seniority.

If you really sit and toast, what would it be like?

The little brother stood up and said, "I, there is nothing to say, to respect Grandpa Lin, and to repay the kindness of the past year. I also sincerely hope that China will become stronger."

Lin Xiao nodded.

"Sit down!"

Peng Peng asked: "Grandpa Lin, can you always talk about what is the four-dimensional universe, have you been there?"

Several people looked at Lin Xiao.

Four-dimensional universe.

What a magical place, what's in it.

Is there life?

What is the form of life?

Several people are very curious.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also very curious.

After all, Four-Dimensional Universe had never seen it before. Sitting in front of the live broadcast room, listening to Grandpa Lin's explanation, and in their opinion, perhaps Grandpa Lin was the life form of Four-Dimensional Universe.

Several people were very worried that Lin Xiao would not speak.

After all, Lin Xiao often said half of it without saying it.

It seems to be for secrecy.

Or for what?

I'm afraid that Grandpa Lin will say, what four-dimensional universe, you think too much.

Lin Xiao put down his chopsticks: "You want to hear it."

"Yes, I missed it too much."

Lin Xiao nodded: "Then treat me as bragging. Anyway, I'm bored, just tell you."

Several people turned their ears, for fear of missing a word.

Lin Xiao said: "The so-called four-dimensional universe is the same as the three-dimensional universe. The four-dimensional universe contains the three-dimensional universe, and the four-dimensional universe is divided into four civilizations."

"Comprehension civilization, magic civilization, science and technology civilization, monster civilization..."

"Each civilization has gone through an unknown number of years. Looking at the three-dimensional universe from the four-dimensional universe, it is unobstructed."

Peng Peng asked;

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Xiao smiled: "I can show you something."

Several people came to be interested.

How to demonstrate?

Lin Xiao glanced at a few people and said to Teacher He: "Xiao He, you have gallstones!"

Several people looked at Teacher He.


I do not know how?

Teacher He is blinded, and he is quite healthy.

"Grandpa takes it out for you."

Lin Xiao rolled up his sleeves and grabbed into the air.

Lin Xiao's arm disappeared into the air and entered another space.

Several people stared at Lin Xiao's arm.

Directly gone.

What's happening here?

The arm disappeared completely?

Seeing this scene in the live broadcast room, I was stunned.

"Fuck, Grandpa Lin's arm disappeared."

"What are you doing!"

"Why did it disappear? Has Grandpa Lin's arm entered another space?"

"What is this ability?"

The live broadcast room was shocked.

As Lin Xiao's arm withdrew from the air, there were a few more kidney stones in his hand.


Lin Xiao put the kidney stone on the table.

"Xiao He, this is your kidney stone. Look, it's quite big."

Xiao He was taken aback and looked at a few large and small stones.

"This... is it really mine?"


Zifeng looked curious: "Grandpa Lin, what did you do just now, why did you disappear?"

"It's nothing, just stretched out the hand into the four-dimensional space, transformed from the four-dimensional space to the three-dimensional space, and picked Xiao He's kidney stone easily."

What do you mean?

Your hand reaches into the four-dimensional space.

The arm disappeared.

Lin Xiao also said: "I can't understand that one can think that one flower has one world, one leaf has one bodhi, one flower is one world, and one leaf is also the world."

I heard Lin Xiao's words in the live broadcast room.

Instantly burst.

"It's too good. I stretched my hand to the four-dimensional space and took out Xiao He's kidney stone from the four-dimensional space."

"What is the principle?"

"The scientific explanation is that the spaces are connected to each other."

"Is this fairy magic or magic? This kind of ability is amazing."

"Is Grandpa Lin a four-dimensional life form?"

Countless people asked questions in the live broadcast room.

I want to know how this is done.

This magical power is simply blinding.

Zifeng asked: "When can we do this?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "Don't think about it. Waiting for your soul and consciousness to activate is the so-called soul out of the body. Your soul can see the body, but others cannot see your soul."

It's the soul again.

Soul, do people really have a soul?

Religion, Buddhism, Taoism...Every religion believes that people have souls.

Your soul will go to heaven after death.

After death, your soul descends into eighteen layers of hell.

Your soul will be reincarnated after death.

These ancient religions are proving that the soul exists.

Countless scientists are verifying the existence of the soul, but science cannot explain the soul at all, and the soul is invisible.

Lin Xiao said: "Taoism teaches meditation, sitting cross-legged, transcending material desires, and Buddhism also has this saying called meditation."

"This is actually a kind of liberation, the soul is sublimated."

Several people heard it in the mist.

The soul gains the Tao and flies into the fairy world?

How does this involve Xiuxian.

"Okay, treat it as a joke, let's eat!"

Several people glanced at each other.

How can I be in the mood to eat.

I was thinking about what Grandpa Lin said.

Sitting cross-legged, the soul can become immortal?

"It's no wonder that Taoists pay attention to practice and enter concentration. This must be a practice method."

"Grandpa Lin meant that immortals exist, but immortals live in the fourth dimension, high latitude space, and we can't see them at all."

"Is the fourth dimension the fairy world?"

"I don't believe it, this can never be true."

"Didn't Grandpa Lin tell me, you should listen to the joke, but the joke is not funny at all."

Lin Xiao talked casually.

But left an impression on several people.

Especially the four-dimensional space.

Nowadays, science has not confirmed the existence of the four dimensions, only scientists and philosophers have imagined it.

Just when a few people were eating.

Space satellite.

The official data of various countries has quietly changed.

The host said: "Now we will broadcast a message that a mysterious meteorite will fly towards the earth. This meteorite will pass through orbit at an astonishing speed and meet the earth."

"According to the survey, this meteorite weighs about 180,000 tons, is 100 meters long and 10 meters wide. Once it hits the earth, it will be a disaster for the earth."

"This meteorite will hit the earth at 12 o'clock tomorrow, with a 10% probability."

"There is a 90% chance of passing the earth's orbit."

Several people are eating.

A sudden news broke the barrier.

One after another watched live TV.

A huge meteorite hit the earth.


This is the biggest news in history You must know that the extinction of dinosaurs was when a huge meteorite hit the earth, which led to the extinction of dinosaurs.

At present, paleontologists all over the world generally accept the extinction theory of asteroid impact.

What kind of concept is that 180,000 tons in weight?

I don't know how big the force hit, at least one city was destroyed.

Countless people were shocked.

"Nima, this is the rhythm of extinction!"

"Could it be a rumor?"

"That's the host, it can't be a rumor, it must be true."

"I haven't lived enough yet!"

"Meteorite should be missed!"

International forums.

(End of this chapter)

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