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Lilith: Draw a circle and curse you...

Lilith drew a circle on the table, feeling aggrieved, and she didn't need to practice, she turned me into a little bat, let alone play, this old man is too disgusting.

Lilith puffed up her mouth angrily.

Several people looked at Lilith.

Suddenly smiled.

You are also a **** anyway, you are like a **** like this, you are clearly an angry little girl.

Lin Xiao waved his hands and damaged these mobile phones.

These things are poisons for practitioners. They are too easily distracted. Only by destroying these technological products can they practice well.

Lin Xiao said: "You guys, learn more from Feng Xiaoxiao. When did you see Feng Xiaoxiao play with mobile phones, you will practice hard day and night, and strive to become immortal as soon as possible."

The three nodded.

I don’t know how Feng Xiaoxiao got through this level. She was closed for three or five months, and hemorrhoids didn't grow on her buttocks!

Lin Xiao said: "To communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth alone, and not to be obsessed with all things, not to condemn right and wrong, in order to deal with the world, you must abandon the world's distracting thoughts and get out of the environment."

The three were completely blinded.

Xiao Tuantuan asked, "I don't understand Grandpa Lin, you always talk a little bit human."

Lin Xiao gave a white glance.

This is not understandable.

"Want to listen to people?"


Lin Xiao said: "Don't be distracted from playing with your mobile phone, practice well, not be affected by external encounters, and stay in peace without moving like a mountain."

Countless people listened to this.

They all agreed.

"Grandpa Lin is right. Every time I meditate and close my eyes, I want to play with my phone before talking."

"Haha...upstairs, it's the same with me, it seems it's time to abandon the phone, abandon everything, peace of mind is the right way to practice."

"Since I have chosen the way of becoming immortal, I have to let go of everything."

"Hey... I knew that I would go to science and technology civilization with Lord Shenzhou."

"Science and technology can't become immortals. Only through practice can you become immortals."

"Xiang is my eternal dream. I broke my phone a long time ago."

Lilith said, "You guys are too stupid, but I have a way for you to practice well."

The three looked at Lilith.

Daermei asked; "Do you have any good methods?"

Lilith explained: "You should practice cultivation like playing a game, don't you like to fight monsters and upgrade, let Grandpa Lin create a space for you, and classify all the alien beasts on the blue star."

"You can clearly know your level."

The three people's eyes lit up.


This idea is really good.

Let yourself know clearly when to advance.

From the first level of the Qi training realm to the second level, how much time and how many pills are needed, everything is clear to the chest, and it will not improve the motivation.

Xiao Tuantuan said excitedly: "Lilith, your method is really good. This is the real version of the upgrade to fight monsters."

Daermei nodded: "It's really a good idea."

The three looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao coughed: "Lilith, how did you think of it?"

"Cut, I am also a **** anyway, your old lady is underestimating me."

Lilith looked smug.

Lin Xiao said: "I think you have played a lot of games, so I just thought of it, but what you said is indeed feasible. I want you to practice quickly. This is a good idea to let you know your abilities clearly."

Xiao Tuantuan asked, "Grandpa Lin, can you always do it?"

Lilith didn't care: "What's the problem with this? Grandpa Lin is also a god. This kind of magical tool is simple, just like a programmer designing a game."

Programmers can make games in the virtual world network.

God can make it in the world.

For Lin Xiao, it was really simple.

Several people looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao nodded: "Study this stuff well, but it should be quite simple. You guys practice hard and wait for Grandpa to think about it before talking about it."

The live broadcast room exploded.

"Fuck, Grandpa Lin is great."

"It's a god, you can even design this kind of thing."

"This should be easy for Grandpa Lin, isn't it possible for programmers to design games?"

"This is the present world, not the online world. It must be different."

"What's different, Grandpa Lin once said, they are the programmers of the world."

"This is equivalent to a real version of the game. We can use it as a way to play games to improve our strength."

Countless practitioners talked about it.

It is indeed a good choice to treat practice as a game.

Lin Xiao stood up.

"You should practice well first. Grandpa will go out to find materials. This is a dimensional crack. I will try to let you experience it in ten days."

Lin Xiao turned his head and disappeared.

Several people didn't know where Lin Xiao had gone.

Should go to find materials.

Lilith: "This old man, broke my phone, how can I play in the future!"

Lilith is still complaining.

Several people laughed.

If Grandpa Lin hears this, your **** should be hit again.

The white horse crossed the gap, and ten days passed by in a hurry...

Lin Xiao appeared in the courtyard.

"Grandpa Lin is back."

"I don't know how Grandpa Lin will design."

"Grandpa Lin's products must be exquisite."

"Hey...I waited for ten days and finally waited."

"Look at what Grandpa Lin is holding, it seems to be a stone."

"What does this stone do?"

Lin Xiao said, "You all come out."

Feng Xiaoxiao four people came out of the room.

Xiao Tuantuan asked, "Grandpa Lin, are you doing it all the time?"

Lin Xiao said: "Forget it, Feng Xiao smiled, you take a stone and input spiritual power."

Feng Xiaoxiao nodded and walked to Lin Xiao.

Taking the stone from Lin Xiao's hand, he looked up and down.

It's just a stone.

It doesn't seem to make a difference.

Lin Xiao said, "You try to enter spiritual power?"

Feng Xiaoxiao inputs spiritual power from the dantian and pours it into the stone.

At this moment.

A magical scene appeared.

There was a bright light on the stone, and the message of Feng Xiaoxiao was displayed on it.

Name: Feng Xiaoxiao

Realm: Three levels of Qi practicing realm.

Age: Eighteen years old.

Physique: first-class.

Linggen: All-attribute Linggen Nine Stages.

Practicing exercises: Five Qi Chao Yuan Gong.

Practicing Taoism; Shushan Imperial Kendo·····

Basic combat power: 384

To the next level: 2400 hours of self-cultivation...

Lin Xiao nodded.

In ten days, it was not bad to come up with a thing, at least let them clearly understand their abilities and speed up their practice.

Feng Xiaoxiao exclaimed: "Is this my ability? It's still 2400 hours, that is, after ten days of retreat, you can improve your realm and become the fourth level of Qi training."

Xiao Tuantuan, Daermei, and Peng Peng looked stunned.

This stone also has this function.

Watching this Mu in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

"Fuck, this stone is great!"

"You can also display your own level, and you can also detect your own combat power."

"I want this stone too, to measure my combat power."

"It's really an upgrade from monsters. With this stone, you can speed up your practice in the future and detect your own shortcomings."

"As expected of a great god, I made this thing in ten days. It's great."

"Grandpa Lin is awesome!"

Countless practitioners watched this scene and praised them in anger.

Xiao Tuantuan came interested: "I will try too."

Xiao Tuantuan stepped forward, took the test stone from Feng Xiaoxiao, and couldn't wait to inject spiritual energy.

Name: Xiaotuan Tuan.

Realm: The first level of Qi training realm.

Age: 26 years old.

Qualification: inferior.

Spiritual Root: Fire-attributed Spiritual Root three ranks,

Practice exercises: breathing method.

Practicing Taoism; Fire Spirit Sword Technique·····

Basic combat power: 95

To the next level: 2800 hours of self-cultivation...

The little group is stunned.

"What the hell, why the qualifications are inferior, this does not meet my temperament, my dignified small group turned out to be inferior qualifications, this...this stuff is fake!"

Xiao Tuantuan looked at his aptitude.

Suddenly speechless.

Daermei smiled: "This is in line with your temperament!"

Dai'ermei took the test stone from Xiao Tuantuan.

Looked at my own.

His face suddenly turned black.

Name: Daermei.

Realm: The first level of Qi training realm.

Age: 26 years old.

Qualification: inferior.

Spiritual Root: Fire-attributed Spiritual Root three ranks,

Practice exercises: breathing method.

Practicing Taoism; Fire Spirit Sword Technique·····

Basic combat power: 96

To the next level: 2750 hours of self-cultivation...

A small group smiled; "Come on, old woman, you are not like me, seems we are the same."

"What is the same, you can see clearly, my combat power is a bit higher than you."

"It's just a little bit, what's so great."

"A little bit higher is a little bit too."

Peng Peng smiled and said, "I will try."

Name: Peng Liyang.

Realm: The first level of Qi training realm.

Age: 22 years old.

Qualification: medium.

Spiritual Root: Fire-attributed Spiritual Root four ranks,

Practice exercises: breathing method.

Practicing Taoism; water soft swordsmanship·····

Basic combat power: 104

To the next level: 1800 hours of self-cultivation...

Peng Peng: "Only medium!"

Peng Peng felt that the whole person was not good.

The two gave Peng Peng a white look, come on!

Isn't it good?

Lin Xiao said, "This aptitude can be changed, and you will understand in the future. Now that you have just practiced, Grandpa uses this stone to test it, just to allow you to see your own strength."

Several people nodded to understand.

Lilith came interested; "I'll try it."

Several people looked at Lilith.


This is a god, **** can also detect it!

Peng Peng put the stone on the table, Lilith flew to the stone and touched the stone with her hand.

Name: Lilith.

Realm: None.

Age: 843151616 years old.

Qualification: God.

Spiritual Root: God

Practice exercises: None.

Practicing Taoism; None

Basic combat power: 2

To the next level: self-cultivation is still 0 hours...

Several people opened their eyes wide.

What is Hao Heng? That's it.

Qualification is a god, and spiritual root is also a god, is this a god!

Lilith was proud: "It's not bad, if Grandpa Lin doesn't seal my supernatural power, this thing will not be detected at all."

The live broadcast room exploded.

"Fuck, Lilith's talent is too good!"

"People are originally gods. Although they are thoughts, they are many times stronger than us."

"What is Niubi, this is Niubi."

"Seeing Lilith's attributes, I have an urge to die."

"Lilith, arrogant, please accept me as a disciple!"

"Hey, I don't know what Grandpa Lin detected, will it explode all over the screen."

"Does God still need to be tested?"

Lin Xiao looked at Lilith and said with a smile: "Lilith, do you want to follow Grandpa's practice? Although you are a mind, Grandpa has a way to recast your soul, follow Grandpa's practice, and you can even surpass your body in the future."

Lilith looked astonished.


Beyond the body?

This can't be true!

Lilith asked: "Grandpa Lin, are you always joking with me? How can I exceed my body? You must know that my body is a god, a great blood god."

"You, you still have too little vision, how could Grandpa lie to you."

Lilith was taken aback.

Lilith was originally thinking about going down the world, and she never thought about practicing again, but when she heard Lin Xiao's words, she seemed to have a plan to practice.

This is not just right.

Lilith asked again: "Are you always kidding?"

"Grandpa never jokes, trust Grandpa."

Lilith nodded: "That line, I will follow your old practice, you first release my divine power."

Lin Xiao shook his head: "If you want to practice, you must start from the beginning, and you must give up your divine power. Moreover, your divine power is given to you by the body, which is a kind of **** for you."

"Break and then stand, this is what you should have."

Lilith said: "But when I reach the realm of God, I will be perceived by the body immediately."

"It's okay, with grandpa here, are you still afraid of the ontology? Don't you want to practice anew and transcend the ontology!"

Lilith nodded.


"Just think about it. It's fate to meet Grandpa. If you want to, tell Grandpa."

Give up supernatural power!

This divine power originally belonged to Lilith's body, not even one ten thousandth of the main body, which was equivalent to the divine power formed by the main body sighing.

Lilith nodded: "Well then, you must not lie to me."

Lilith opened her eyes wide and looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao smiled.

This girl, how could Grandpa lie to you.

Lin Xiao secretly said in his heart: Fate is omnipotent, even if the mind is baptized by fate, it will be stronger than the body.

Lin Xiao waved his hand.

Ten test stones are placed under the city.

Countless people flocked in and began to test their abilities.

"Fuck, my qualifications are first-class."

"Grandpa Lin said, Qualifications can't explain anything. After the level is improved, you can still go up!"

"Damn, my aptitude is inferior, I am exceptionally talented, brilliant, such a handsome how can he be inferior, this shouldn't be!"

"Come on, does aptitude have anything to do with handsome!"

"Yes, I have a normal qualification, and it has exceeded my expectations."

Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, Dong Minzhu, Wang Wei... These big men came to test their physique.

Ma Yun put one hand on the stone: "I don't need to look at it, I know that my aptitude is first-class."

Ma Yun glanced at her.

His face turned dark.

Name: Ma Yun.

Realm: The first level of Qi training realm.

Age: 58 years old.

Qualification: ordinary.

Spiritual root: Fire and water are the four spiritual roots.

Practice exercises: breathing method.

Practicing Taoism; Palm of Flames·····

Basic combat power: 106

1900 hours to the next level: self-cultivation...

Ma Huateng smiled.

"Ordinary is good enough, we old guys are not worse than those young people."

Dong Minzhu nodded: "That's right. Although we are old, they don't understand our state of mind at all. They can't compare with the rich experience."


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