"Pirates are leaving!" Seeing

that Kaido, Lingling and the others were leaving, Akainu Sakasky immediately wanted to step forward to stop him, but Qin Chen suddenly appeared to stop his pursuit.

"Qin Chen, what are you doing?"

Seeing Qin Chen step forward to stop him, the anger on Sakasky's face was almost difficult to hide.

"General Zefa is almost here, let's go over and join the general before we start the operation. Facing

the angry Sakasky, Qin Chen calmly gave his own explanation.

"Sakas, you should calm down first, I think Major General Qin Chen is right.

Qin Chen's judgment was quickly supported by Huojiao Mountain, Gumir and others, and in this case, Sakasky had no choice but to give up his plan to continue to pursue Kaido, Lingling and others.

"The silver axe dodges away, and the miscellaneous pieces at the door are to be disposed of by my Captain John.

"You should get out of the way, these naval minions are the prey of my Silver Axe. "

What are you two arguing about here? The people at the door have already been settled by my Charlotte Lingling..."

As soon as the twelve supernovas rushed out, they directly rushed the naval soldiers surrounding the auction hall to pieces, fortunately, Admiral Zefa was approaching, and these people were just thinking about retreating, so they didn't cause too many killings.

Qin Chen had already used the phone bug to talk to Gion and Shengsheng on the phone, and in the phone he had already told the two of them that Meng Qi · D. Dragon-related matters, he made an agreement with the two of them to hand over the follow-up evacuation arrangements to Long and Orbia.

According to Qin Chen's pre-arranged time, Gion and Issei should have been waiting for him to gather at the entrance of the venue, and according to the news from the Navy Headquarters, Admiral Zefa would also land at the port of Area 1 of the Chambord Islands in an hour.

"Brigadier General Sakas, Brigadier General Polusalino, let's go to the port area to meet with General Zefa. "

Gumir and Burning Mountain proposed that the admirals go to the port area together and wait for Admiral Zefa to land.

Although the twelve supernovas of the pirates broke through the naval encirclement on the island, it was obvious that the pirates would not be able to escape from the Chambord Islands to the New World for a while, after all, the construction period of the ship coating would take at least three days.

What's more, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling had just bought an entire Adam Sacred Tree from the auction, and if they wanted to rebuild their pirate ship, it would take them longer.

For the Navy, having the twelve pirate supernovas in the middle of the venue had the added benefit of successfully preventing them from continuing to gather together.

It was a bit difficult for the twelve pirate powerhouses with a bounty of more than 100 million to gather together, but if they were separated and defeated individually, it should not be a difficult task for the admirals.

And an hour later, Admiral Zefa, who has a natural disaster-level combat power, will arrive in the Chambord Islands, and at that time, the twelve pirate supernovas may not have the capital to confront the navy head-on.

"Yo, Brigadier boys, you all look in good spirits. As

soon as the black-wristed Zefa got off the warship, he greeted dozens of new admirals of the navy.

"General Zefa, you're finally here. "

Admiral Zefa came to the Chambord Islands in person, and immediately all the naval soldiers on the island became angry.

"Kid Qin Chen, what's

the situation on the island now?"

Zefa walked straight to Qin Chen's side and asked him about the current situation on the island.

"Aside from the ordinary pirates, there are now a total of twelve pirate captains on the island who are about to go to the new world with a bounty of more than 100 million, including Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Silver Axe and John in the original Rocks Pirates, almost all of the twelve pirate captains are proficient in the ability to use devil fruits, we once had a tentative fight with each other, and from the information obtained, the twelve supernova pirate captains are all powerful and should not be underestimated. Faced

with Zefa's inquiry, Qin Chen replied.

"Didn't you dozens of admirals go out together and be able to suppress them?"

Qin Chen's reply made Zefa feel a little surprised, you must know that Qin Chen and his party basically covered all the strength of their navy's new generation, and their eleven people were unable to suppress these newcomer pirates, which means that a large number of pirates with good potential appeared on the sea.

"I don't want to admit it, but it's true.

Although Qin Chen came forward to deter Kaido and Lingling, he knew in his heart that when facing him, Kaido and Lingling had not yet shown their true strength, of course, at this point, Qin Chen was also as unsuccessful as the two of them.

"Listen, we're going to launch a big operation to clean up the pirates, and our goal is to wipe out the pirates who have gathered on the island. Zefa

claims to be a general who does not kill, but the domineering he shows is no less than a killing god, although he has no intention of breaking his habit of not killing, but he has already planned to send all the pirates on the Chambord Islands into the Advance City.

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