Tong Zhongbiao's right-handed iron lock entangled Ye Qingxuan, his left-handed iron lock re-emerged, turned into a circle, and turned into a chain shield in mid-air, relying on congenital suffocation to resist the coming Jiang Shuihan and Wang Guotai!

Just then ...


There was a loud noise at the main entrance, such as the figure of a big monk who burst into the air, and rushed in with a stone sculpture about the size of another under his ribs. Tong Zhongbiao looked at the stone sculpture very familiarly, and carefully identified that it was himself in the courtyard. That relief!

Ruhua, the monk, has been in the courtyard for a while, but within a few moments, all the red gangsters who had dared to rush over have become **** mud under his feet!

The blood was blooming like spring flowers, but in the eyes of the people of Chihu Gang, it was so shocking!

Those who have seen such a fierce play, and those who have seen such fierce people! ?

All exclaimed in despair.

If flowers can't catch up, he immediately turned back and returned here, watching Tong Zhongbiao's outbreak far away, and one person resisted the attack of his three brothers. In the fury, he could not afford to be far away, and his stonework was gathered in his hands. There was a roar on the body, and the rough human red stone was thrown by it like a spear, flying with a gust of wind ...

If the strength of the monk and the addition of authenticity are added, the oncoming wind will blow Tong Zhongbiao's bodyguards and his breath will hum ...

Tong Zhongbiao's old rivers and lakes, naturally saw that this move was too strong, a secret road was not good, and suddenly wanted to stand up ...

There was a frustration, a lightness and a tightness in the right hand, and the iron lock actually tore itself off, failing to jump up. When he looked up in horror, the purple and blue lights fell from the sky, and the sword fluttered sideways Come down!

It turned out that Ye Qingxuan was allowed Huang Jingjian to be entangled in the opponent's iron chain. While Jiang Zhongshui and Wang Guotai's attack distracted Tong Zhongbiao, Huang Jingjian flew out with the chain wrapped around it and nailed it deeply into the side stone wall.

At that time, the chain was pulled straight, which also caused Tong Zhongbiao to want to jump back in vain!

Simultaneously. Ye Qingxuan has already attracted two swords, one hand and one sword, descending from the sky, surprise Tong Zhongbiao!

Seeing no one is too late to escape. Tong Zhongbiao condensed his whole body of energy to guard his own body qi, trying to use his vigorous spirit to resist this calamity!


The red stone carving first hit Tong Zhongbiao's chest, which is longer than humans, and thicker than humans. The gravel is splashing all over the sky, Tong Zhongbiao's breath is trembling like ripples on the water surface, wow--

Tong Zhongbiao spit out a lot of blood. Even if the defensive breath is not broken. She was reluctantly guarded, but Tong Zhongbiao still suffered severe internal injuries-

At this moment, the sword qi strikes his body, Tong Zhongbiao knows that Ye Qingxuan's sword has arrived, but it is difficult for Tong Zhongbiao, who has just been hit hard, to gather gas again.

Ye Qingxuan purple and blue swords. Pierced into the head of Tong Zhongbiao, the sub-helm of the red gang, Tong Zhongbiao, who was "iron lock across the river", died on the spot, and his body fell to the ground!

Ye Qingxuan, Wang Guotai, Ruhua, and Jiang Shuihan, all four breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the attack was finally completed!

"Let's go, beware of red-handedness to help masters rescue!" Said Wan Guotai.

Ye Qingxuan and Jiang Shuihan smiled at each other, and then said: "Brother, rest assured, there are still people from the Red Gangs in Nanjiang City enough to let us flee!"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and inspected, then took a right-handed move, a box fell into his hand, opened a gratifying glance, and handed it to Wan Guotai directly, saying: "This is what I told the sixth, It ’s a gift from my brother to Xunzi, it ’s very precious-- "

Wan Guotai took it over and opened it. It turned out to be a pair of dragon and phoenix bracelets, especially the jade and selling appearance. It is simply a job to win the world. It is too beautiful and excellent!

"Oops, 'Snow Crystal Chalcedony' !? This is a good thing! And the dragon and phoenix pattern inside is still formed naturally, heaven and earth are good fortune! Big brother put it away, this thing can be regarded as a treasure of Jiupin, enough to be a heirloom Jiang Shuihan said with a smile.

Where does Wan Guotai understand these benefits, I just think that this thing looks really beautiful. If it can be given to Li Xiaomei, I feel that it can make her like it, and I can quickly get it in my arms, look up, and ask in doubt: "Well? Meng Lao Liu ? "

Duan Sanshi and Wu Hao were arranged outside the Chihu Gang sub-rudder to care for weapons and provide support, but Meng Yuanzhang was a character who came in with Ye Qingxuan, but from the beginning to the present, Qian did not see the goods appear .

Ye Qingxuan sighed helplessly and said, "The saying goes: The thief doesn't go away. Where do you think the goods can be now?"

"Here it is!"

There was a call at the door, Meng Yuanzhang, Wu Hao, and the disciple of Da Jiangmeng. The three came in with a large buckle table. The table was full of various size boxes and gold and silver ingots. It was the gift received at this birthday feast. I never expected that Meng Yuanzhang would make it.

Duan Sanshi, holding two huge weapons, followed him helplessly.

Wan Guotai quickly picked up his inseparable Qinglong Yueyue Knife, and stroked it baby for a long time.

Duan Sanshi threw his scepter to Ruhua, watching Meng Yuanzhang helplessly saying, "Since the beginning of the war here, Wu Hao and I have rushed inside. It should be the fifth child who is blocking them. It didn't take long before he ran away. Originally, he wanted to help the war, so he encountered such a greedy goods, he just stopped us and went to check him for the booty ... "

Meng Yuanzhang whistled while looking at the gifts one by one, and when he heard Duan Sanshi's fall, he replied without raising his head: "If there are some brothers in them, what is difficult for Tong Zhongbiao to deal with, let's fight for it first. The spoils are important. If you do n’t open your eyes, is n’t it a big loss? 呲 ——Although these things are worth a little money, but few are decent ... ”Then they looked at Ye Qingxuan and asked:“ Lao Qi Didn't that pair of bracelets break ?! "

Ye Qingxuan laughed: "It's okay, I've given it to the big brother!"

Meng Yuanzhang sat down safely and continued to open the gift, saying, "That thing is definitely enough for Jiupin treasure, or the best of Jiupin. Keep it, brother, but Fengyi Pavilion gave it to Chihu. Help your wedding ... huh! "

Jiang Shuihan froze and turned to Ye Qingxuan and asked, "Qi brother, what's going on?"

When Ye Qingxuan described the accident, everyone was suddenly realized.

Wan Guotai said anxiously, "Isn't this thing considered Fengyi Pavilion? What do they come to ask for? We cracked down on the Red Gang and grabbed their gifts. Will Fengyi Pavilion hate us for this, Trouble us? "

After all, it is one of the two detached martial arts. IWC is somewhat worried about the impact of this incident.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Be assured, Brother, since the other party has already given the Red Cock Gang, it is naturally the Red Cock Gang's thing. What reason does her Fengyi Pavilion want? To offend Feng Yi Pavilion ... hehe, this is sooner or later Now, are n’t the people of Fengyige married to the second son of the Chihkan Gang? The goods are still in our hands. The alliance between the Fengyige and the Chihgang is not formed. It's a little more hindering Fengyi Pavilion ... You're right, Boss Yuan! "

The last sentence was Ye Qingxuan speaking to a pile of corpses in the corner, but under the sudden attention of the crowd, the chubby boss climbed out from the pile of corpses, and nodded with a smile, and said, One side came over, "Master Ye's words are completely correct. Feng Yige did not communicate with our court in this matter. I personally contacted the underworld gangs against the court. I will definitely report it back. This is enough for Feng Yige and the court. It ’s been a while, and as for Feng Yige ’s loss in this incident, they blame it on their own. Several people can rest assured that they don't need to worry! ”

Everyone had contacted the boss of the three divisions, Yuan Yuan, who did not expect that he would have the courage to stay here to peep at him, but he also felt that Ye Qingxuan could feel these things during the fierce battle.

Boss Yuan said to Meng Yuanzhang, who was rumbling with gifts on the ground: "This man doesn't have to be unhappy. If you are not satisfied with these bits and pieces, you might as well sell it to me at a discount ..."

Meng Yuanzhang was worried that these things would not be handled well. When she heard that she was overjoyed, she jumped over and grabbed Boss Yuan and said, "Well, why did Boss Yuan still have this way?"

Boss Yuan laughed: "After all, the" Three Divisions "still have to contact the underworld people in some places. It is doubtful to probe the news. Naturally, they run these activities such as selling stolen goods, digesting these things, it doesn't matter ..."

Meng Yuan looked around, and hippie asked with a smile: "Do you buy this house? Give me some time and I will find the title ..."

The brothers all rolled their eyes while listening, this second product is really in the eyes of money!

Boss Yuan laughed dryly and said, "I can handle small bits and pieces. I dare not accept this house. The front foot is closed, and the back foot can let Yao Dingsheng take off his head ..."

Meng Yuanxi nodded boringly, then opened his eyes, pointed at the corpse on the ground and said, "You can't accept that clothes, these people have good materials ..."

The brothers were fed up with the goods and yelled in unison, and finally stopped the idea that the clothes of the dead wanted to be sold ...

Boss Yuan smiled awkwardly and said, "This brother says that he can find the title deed. There must be something special about it and he knows the ambush of the authorities. I give my brother a suggestion, and you don't have to calculate with me here. I know that the red gang sub-rudder opened up here, but brought a lot of silver in the gang as a way of development ~ ~ real estate and other things can not be collected, but these silver money must be hidden in the form of silver tickets Somewhere, if this brother ... Ah! Hey! "

call out--

Boss Yuan didn't finish talking, and when the figure flashed, Meng Yuanzhang disappeared!

"This master's light work is so high!" Boss Yuan said to Ye Qingxuan and others with a smile.

Ruhua interface said: "Well, high power, low character, search for money and other goods! The kid is here to make a circle, and it is estimated that Chihuo can help with this valuable thing!"


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