The swarms of masters who flew up, suddenly flew out of the restaurant as if they were blown away by ants!

The pervasive strong wind directly passed through the gap in Shang Kejun's abacus and blew directly on his body. Shang Kejun's horrified expression instantly solidified on his face. The whole person was blown up by the strong wind on the spot. The clothes on the top and bottom of the body were cut to pieces by a knife-like wind blade, and the whole person was even more embarrassed than the old Taoist!

Shocked into the back room!

This sudden strong wind also caused Ye Qingxuan and others to suffer a lot on the spot. The sound of exclamation was completely poured back into the mouth by the strong wind. All the people worked hard to resist this strong wind. Only then did they look like unlucky masters. Was blown out of the restaurant.

But what happened next was beyond the imagination of Ye Qingxuan and others.

I saw the old Taoist roar, and shouted at the back room of the restaurant: "Jin Kongyan, the old Tao smells your smell, come out ..."

Step forward, while the right palm seems to push forward slightly, boom—

The strong wind that just exploded suddenly appeared again, and it was not the same as the one that exploded on all sides, but it was blown out in a directional manner. The power was also increased several times. The half wine restaurant in front of the old Taoist priest was blown in one hand Fei, the most important part of the whole wine shop, was missing on the spot ...

Ye Qingxuan and others opened their mouths wide and couldn't say a word, then everyone's pupils shrank, a sharp spirit that could tear the world apart appeared, blowing the wind of the entire wine restaurant, and rushed towards this sharp spirit. All are split in it, and you can't threaten it!

At the moment when the wine shop was blown off, a figure appeared in front of everyone. It seems to be blowing the seeds of dandelion. Shows the same stem behind. That person stood there abruptly, letting everything around him be blown away, and even the unfortunate Shang Kejun flew up into the air, this person didn't take a look, let alone rescue him!

"Cracked Sword" Jin Kongyan! ?

"Thirty-six days must be" The twenty-eight returnee masters suddenly appeared in front of Ye Qingxuan and others, and the degree of shock was absolutely dementia.

The handsome uncle who fell straight. Like a sharp blade enough to tear up the space, standing there calmly and quietly looking at the old Taoist in front of him, said lightly, "No wonder the fat man asked me to take a shot. It turned out that your lord was a half step away Master, it seems that I have collected 1.6 million silver tickets for fat people, and I have lost some money. "

The old Taoist stroked his beard and said, "Half-steps go to nothing, Jin Kongyan, your winning percentage is very high. How can it not be considered a loss?"

Jin Kongyan shook his head and sighed. Said: "It's hard to say, it's hard to say!"

From start to finish, two people have been saying that the other has a high winning rate, but it is difficult for them to win. This situation is really rare and the situation is weird.

And the "gold abacus" Shang Kejun, as soon as he appeared, became cannon fodder. This character that surprised Ye Qingxuan and others at first, and secretly guarded himself, just flew, fly, fly ... disappeared!

The old Taoist prince and Jin Kongyan were silent at the same time, and they didn't even show any momentum, so they stared at each other, but the invisible pressure was more depressing than any magnificent contest.

The two are here!

Ye Qingxuan and others glanced at each other blankly.

What to do at this time! ?

What can I do! ?


Booming, Ye Qingxuan's six people will no longer care about shame and shame, and they turned around and scattered!

Ye Qingxuan secretly scolded: tmd, also said to help the old Taoist priest, but they are guilty of falsehood ... help his uncle! Also tmd watching what is hilarious! This is a real death!

The crowd ran out without two steps, and the two finally started to do it.

Regardless of the order, the sword behind the old Taoist prince and the sword in Jin Kongyan's waist jumped into the hands of the two at the same time, and the two sword points came together at the same time.


Gentle sounds like a wind chime!

Ye Qingxuan and others felt like they were being pushed from behind, and then the entire body flew forward uncontrollably!

"Oh! Tmd bastard--" Ye Qingxuan's cursing voice was suddenly in the sudden fierce howling wind, just like the smelly fart put into the nature, and then there was no sound.

Six screaming martial arts masters were blasted off by the touch of two real martial arts masters, and they were accompanied by several Hengwantong men who had just stood up, horses, and a few Chicken, broken carriage, a **** pot, and the donkey of the old priest ...

Boom, boom ...

Fortunately, the attack seemed to be just a general battle between the two, so the crowd was not killed on the spot and was not killed!

The pool below the wine shop killed them!

But then, it seems that the two masters did their best, a tornado that reached the sky suddenly formed at the position of the wine shop, and the wind began to wreak havoc on this unlucky village!

Suddenly the tornado quickly shrouded everyone's heads and had a huge impact on everyone.

First, a large amount of sand and stones fluttered in the wind, making crackling sounds on people, as if a bullet was painful, and some people even scratched their faces with sand and made their faces bloody.


Wan Guotai shouted loudly at the wolves who came up ashore. At this moment, the blue dragon moon moon knife in his hand became a life-saving thing. For the first time, Wan Guotai felt that his knife was not heavy enough. Rolled up from the ground ...

"Get down and crawl!"

Ye Qingxuan exhausted his strength and pressed the brother around him to the ground.

The wind speed is getting stronger!

Ye Qingxuan hissed and shouted, "Fast! Tmd, everyone hurry up to the little hut over there to shelter from the wind!"

"Which tmd has a hut !?" Ruhua roared loudly.

"Not right ..." Ye Qingxuan looked up, "I **** ..."

A hut that was just steady on the side just stood up, flew up into the air, and then dismembered in the sharp wind, shattered into various kinds of the most primitive materials, and flew up with the tornado, which was awful. A large piece flew over towards Ye Qingxuan and others ...

"Be careful!"

Ye Qingxuan pressed Meng Yuanxuan's head next to him, and a shovel flew past the scalp of the two!

"What a **** tmd!" Meng Yuanxi spit out the grass and mud in his mouth, cursing loudly.

Then, in front of everyone, a warrior was hit by a wheel and screamed and flew into the sky ...

This is the first time that the brothers have experienced the collision of the "Tianjue" level masters within such a close distance. The previous few times were too far apart, only to see, but not to experience.

The only similar encounter was when Chu Lingxu shook the magic gate Suzaku that year. However, at that time, Suzaku was somewhat encumbered. Suzaku was close to the level of "36 days", while Chu Lingxu's skill had not reached the level of "Sky" level masters at all, and he had not even reached the peak of congenital realm. That is to say, half a step back to the level of emptiness, so the one-stop pick-and-pop process did not cause much power and did not have a huge impact on the surroundings.

This time it ’s different. One is a true “36 days master” master, and the other is a half-step master who can be challenged. These two masters are fighting one by one. Everything within 500 meters is oversized. mold.

The two masters have long been difficult to see. The collision of this level of masters has reached the "Dao" situation. There is a mix of heaven and earth in one move and one style, which has affected the surrounding climate change.

The wind is strong!

The mysterious old way is the true energy of the wind attribute, and the basis of Jin Kongyan's true energy is also the "empty" attribute method which is mutated from the "wind system" true energy. The rise of two homologous methods, right The nearby climate has had a great impact. The tornadoes that are formed are getting bigger and bigger. They go straight up to the sky. The low-level clouds are all sucked in by the hurricane, and the sky becomes dark ...

As the skills of the two became stronger and stronger, a huge wind nest began to form in the air. Lightning and thundering in the wind nest began to appear, and the blue wind blade began to appear. Thunder and wind blade became a huge meat grinder, which will fly into the sky. The things, no matter what, are smashed together.

Ye Qingxuan was lying on the ground, struggling to walk to the hut not far away.

A cry came for help from around.

A warrior under Heng Wantong did not grasp it, but was torn up by a tornado, and flew into the air with a sigh of grief. After two spins, the violent wind slammed the spinning unlucky egg on the mountain body. Hissing came to an abrupt end, and the sound of bone fracture was clearly heard in everyone's ears even in such a fierce wind.

The sharp blade wind nest in the sky began to press down slowly, and the wind strength suddenly became more fierce!

A block of thatched thick stone on the roof of a house was also lifted off, flying in the wind for half a circle, becoming like a sharp axe, cutting the head of a horse neatly ...

The blood rain brought along sprayed everyone with the wind.

"what should we do!?"

"What nonsense!" Ye Qingxuan almost roared, "Hurry up and pray that your life is hard enough!"

The atmosphere was extremely tense at the moment!

If the wind nest falls on the ground ~ ~ It is estimated that a few of their brothers don't want to leave alive, they will be torn to pieces by the wind blade. This power is better than that of Ye Qingxuan who saw the ghost ghost The "Hundred Ghosts and Winds" must be hundreds of times more powerful, and the natural changes caused by manpower can no longer be countered by pure manpower.

"There is a well over there!"

The flowery monk in front of the crowd roared suddenly.

The people immediately regained their spirits. In the general hurricane of the last days, they seemed to have caught the last life-saving straw and climbed together at the fastest speed!

First as a flower, then Wan Guotai, Duan Sanshi, Jiang Shuihan, Ye Qingxuan, all jumped into the well ...

There is only one last Meng Yuanyu.

"Hurry up! It's too late!" Ye Qingxuan shouted loudly towards Meng Yuanzhang.

At this moment the wind nest in the sky suddenly hovered, and then slammed into the ground! (To be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

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