The horrible and rough claw marks were not only scratched on the broken dragon stone, they were just scratching the hearts of everyone.

After experiencing the process of digging through the broken dragon stone, everyone here knows how strong this stuff is, and the claw marks deep in the stone wall prove that the things that leave these marks have a powerful pair of claws.

Judging from the natural environment of this place, there are plenty of light, plenty of water, and lush ferns. Some of them are as tall as pine trees and full of mushrooms. As long as the guy is not a pure meat-eater, it has a certain chance of being alive.

"I'll tell you the truth," Meng Yuanzhang said with a trembling voice, "I would rather be beaten into meat by outsiders than be a prey under the claws of this guy, let alone be food for something ... ... "

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"What happened to the fifth child's injury?" Wan Guotai held the sword, and Jiang Shuihan clung to the entrance. At this time, he still asked Ruhua's injury with concern.

At this time, Duan Sanshi had finished his work, and his injuries were already good. He was just injured by the hand of the ancestor of the dragon when he was rescued, and he was not directly injured. fast.

Duan Sanshi explored Tan Ruhua's pulse and said with relief: "The fifth child was not a big deal, but was hit by the opponent's palm, the blood and blood hit back, passed out, and his internal organs and bones were injured. But it's not fatal. When the medicine is released, I can wake up ... "

The crowd guarded the opening on the side of Broken Dragon Stone and consumed it with people outside.

According to Jiang Shuihan's idea: we don't have much food. But they don't have as much food. what. It's at least a little more than us, but our place is so large that it is not difficult to find food. It is good for us to waste them, they must think that this place is dead, we will be defeated by hunger and thirst, but we don't know that we have enough water here. They can't be here for our whole life, and when their food and water are insufficient, their physical strength will inevitably decline. People will also be dispatched to find food and water, so we have the opportunity to rush out.

Duan Sanshi guarded Ruhua, Jiang Shuihan and Wang Guotai guarded the entrance of the cave. Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuanzhang started sweeping the ferns around the broken dragon stone, cleared a flat ground, and pushed everyone's vision outward.

Learn everything ...

For a while, Ye Qingxuan's cold sweat rang, and the grass didn't know that there was anything far away, knocking the unknown plant under the ground and disappearing into the field of vision.

"It seems that there is more than one thing here ..." Ye Qingxuan sighed.

"Maybe a mouse!" Meng Yuanxi replied.

"That's also a mouse the size of a wild boar," Ye Qingxuan exhaled. Calming up the tense mood, "This place. Something is always encountered suddenly, so ears and feelings are more important than eyes ..."

If there are a large number of herbivores here, it is enough to provide food sources for the top predators, which is not an exciting discovery.

Damn it, Ye Qingxuan ’s most proud of [Capricorn Cover Gong] is completely abolished here, because this method is a method that relies on the extension of consciousness to fully present the surrounding environment, but now Ye Qingxuan is around Almost all grasses are tall, which makes Ye Qingxuan's consciousness completely blocked by these grasses, a mess, except for grass in the head, or grass, there is no way to tell the difference in the grass. s things.

"Maybe we should burn it out with a fire!" Ye Qingxuan said with gritted teeth.

Meng Yuanzhang laughed: "But you will surely shock that guy by doing this. Maybe our underground journey can be confused without messing it up. If you do this, you will definitely provoke the big guy and it is absolutely angry. provoke."

The two cut down a piece of grass, so that everyone's flat ground stretched for more than ten meters, and then turned around and walked back.

Watching the two return, Duan Sanshi said, "I need you to find some water to come back, our water is not enough!"

"It's better to find something to eat!" Ru Hua's voice sounded.

It turned out that when the two went to explore the territory, Ruhua finally woke up, but because of internal injuries, her voice was still weak.

"To be honest, I'm very happy to hear you talking now," Meng Yuanzhang said, spreading his hands, "but what you say really makes me very angry ... Do you know that every time we go out, we may become others. What food! "

"Don't complain like a sissy!" Ruhua said disdainfully, "You can just kill it before it eats you, then bring it back and give it to me!"

"Ha, ha!" Meng Yuanji laughed twice, pointing at the claw marks on the broken dragon stone, "No matter what this thing is, it doesn't look good if you look at it like this, nothing else, your [罗汉 金身] is in it In front of you, it's not harder than a piece of waste paper, but you dare to say a lot ... "

"Okay! We can't just sit back and wait." Ye Qingxuan interrupted the never-ending lift of the two, picked up the "thousand box", brought everything that everyone could hold water with, and greeted Meng Yuanxi with a sound, "Let's go. If we want to consume with each other, our water and food are the resources we must get."

"I hope nothing is drinking there!" Meng Yuan mumbled and followed Ye Qingxuan away.

Ruhua looked up at the claw marks on the stone wall, and he smiled: "What you encountered today is really good! I remember the old guy who attacked me, and I will have to compete with him seriously ..."

"Do you think that thing will be at the water source? Many animals hunt at the water source ..." Meng Yuan kept asking.

Ye Qingxuan walked ahead and led out the four sub-swords of the "Sword of Ling'er". The two sub-swords slashed the grass far in front of them, and at the same time they were guarding on their left and right sides. A five-meter grass road appears in this underground field.

Since your [Capricorn Ragong] has lost its usefulness, let's use a sword to explore the road and go a little further away, so that even if you encounter something, you will have some time to react.

Ye Qingxuan didn't bother to answer Meng Yuanzhang's question, because they had to pass regardless of whether there was anything there, or they would be stuck, starved, or thirsty on their own side without waiting for the dragon ancestors to take action.

Ye Qingxuan said faintly: "Pay attention to the road, maybe we can find what to eat."

"You're right!" Meng Yuanzhang smiled and walked to the left. "Stop first, I see a huge mushroom here ..."

Ye Qingxuan heard his words, and chased Meng Yuanzhang, "It's better to let me explore the road, otherwise you idiot might go straight to that guy's mouth! Oh-"

Ye Qingxuan followed Meng Yuanzhao towards the side, but walked a few meters away. In front of him, there was no trace of dense grass. On a large open field, there was a huge mushroom growing tall. Although it looks strange, it looks yellow, white, and gray. It's true that mushrooms are no doubt, especially their taste and touch.

I was so nervous just now that I didn't smell the mushroom.

Meng Yuanzhang has jumped to the top of a one-man mushroom and laughed out loud: "Haha, Lao Qi, think about this, are we going to cook such a large mushroom or cook it?"

"Don't be proud, maybe this thing is poisonous ..."

Meng Yuanzhang turned over and fell in front of Ye Qingxuan and said, "Leave this to Duan Lao San. He has a lot of research on wild plants ..."

After speaking, Meng Yuanzhang rushed to the mushroom bush to pick.

Ye Qingxuan smiled helplessly. Sometimes this Meng Yuanzhang is no different from a child. When he sees something new, he wants to have some fun first, although sometimes he does.

"Come on, let's go get some water, will we come back?"

Learn everything ...

Ye Qingxuan suddenly saw the weeds in the front left shaking slowly, and something was obviously coming across.

Ye Qingxuan quickly stared at it and said to the unaware Meng Yuanzhang: "Hey, I said, Meng Lao, get up, something is coming ..."

"What did you say?" Meng Yuanzhang slammed in the same way as when he stepped on the electric door, but Ye Qingxuan grabbed it, and Shen said, "Don't be nervous, don't move around, take your time! You are too big or too fast, May stimulate it ... "

While talking, the bushes stopped shaking, but a huge hole appeared in the middle of the grass. The grass on all sides was pressing outward, as if something was lurking.

"What should we do?" Meng Yuanzhang asked nervously.

Facing mysterious enemies that have never been encountered before, the mysterious pressure will bring fear to anyone.

"Eyes are staring over there, let's slowly back!"

As Ye Qingxuan said,, he dragged Meng Yuanzhang back slowly. If this is flat ground, if you can see the other party, Ye Qingxuan must choose to attack. Perhaps the other party is just an extremely fierce wild boar or even a tiger. This is not terrible. For familiar creatures, there is always a way to deal with it. This kind of completely unknown creature, Ye Qingxuan and others felt fear from the bottom of their hearts, especially the meeting ceremony that left deep claw marks on the broken dragon stone, and even made Ye Qingxuan and others choose caution and avoidance.

But when the two stepped back for about three or four steps, Ye Qingxuan's heart moved, he suddenly grabbed Meng Yuanzhang, then looked back in horror. Meng Yuanzhang felt a chill on his back, and looked back intently. Can't help but be surprised.

A half-height, weird lizard, standing bipedally not far behind, with a wolf-like head, a beak-like mouth split open, with disgusting slime, spooky eyes, with Snake-like pupils stared at the two.

Although this ghost was only half a person tall, it made Meng Yuanxu's heart cold.

"What is this tmd !?" (To be continued ...)

ps: the fourth more today.

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