Because he hated Zhao Qingting's clever arrogance, Ye Qingxuan and the gray wolf taunted him once, but let Zhao Qingting blast the feathers like a cockfight.

This even made the two laugh out loud, and did not care about Zhao Qingting's complexion changed.

The gray wolf smiled evilly and said, "How are you thinking? Join my evil wolf group, and I will let you be the fourth wolf. The status is only below me and my two brothers. Your brother still follows you. , To ensure that you are mixed in the 'holy place'. "

Too lazy to ignore Zhao Qingting's second situation, blindly pretending to be the second cargo, Ye Qingxuan turned around and continued to say to the gray wolf: "Your proposal sounds very attractive, and I think we will consider it. But not now ... "

"Time is tight, we have no time to wait ..."

"We have to discuss this matter. How can it not be unified now."

The gray wolf's expression turned cold, and the fool could see that Ye Qingxuan was delaying time, immediately released his arm, and said in a cold voice: "Young people always suffer great losses before they know they regret it, but I don't want to wait until you die. Go find someone for Crystal Shield. You better give it to me now ... "

"Well, can't cheat money be robbed?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at each other with a sneer, the atmosphere between them was suddenly tense.

At this time, the surrounding crowd was in chaos. A group of soldiers with bright armors and halberds pushed away the crowd and squeezed in. The leader was a silver-plated half-plate armored officer behind him. In his big red cape, his fortitude looks sharp. He strode in from the road separated by the soldiers, glanced at the situation in front of him, and immediately yelled, "Did you not know the regulations of the Port of Phoenix? As a warrior, it is forbidden to gather and fight. A "Crystal Shield", immediately rushed out of the city ... Do you want to get back to the killing land now. Then eaten by the headhunters or alien wolves? "

Sheriff ...

The surrounding martial arts had a lot of discussion, and Ye Qingxuan discerned the identity of the other party from the messy voice.

A congenital master is nothing more than a small captain inspecting the streets here. Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but lament that the innate master here is inferior to the dog.

This city is one of the five largest cities in the "Wulin Holy Land". The rest are some camps scattered in the vast wilderness. The smaller one is the stronghold, which will be attacked by strange animals or wild tribes at any time.

It's a reward in this place to put someone in jail because he doesn't have to worry about sleeping in the wild. Cut your throat, and do n’t have to worry about the harassing attacks of ubiquitous beasts, let alone inexplicably being shot to death in the jungle ...

Therefore, the most severe punishment against the martial artist is to directly abolish the hard-won time of entering the city and immediately drive people into the killing land.

"Take out your city card and let me see if you have enough time to fight and blackmail!" The sheriff roared loudly near the ears of the gray wolf. Do not take into account the identity of the opponent's innate power at all, not only because the sheriff is also an innate power. It should still be that the sheriff has absolute strength here before he can have an authority that cannot be disparaged in front of the soldiers.

At this time, the gray wolf also seemed to put on a dog face, and said charmingly to the sheriff who looks younger than him: "Yeah, it's Dias sheriff, haha, rest assured, we must never It's not a problem, it's just a misunderstanding with these new friends ... "

While talking, he pretended to pat Ye Qingxuan's shoulders kindly ...

"Now the misunderstanding has been lifted. We will go now, we will go now ..."

After that, the gray wolf pulled out with a younger brother.

As a result, the Dias sheriff smiled slightly, waved his hands, and clamored, and the elaborate guards around him pointed the halberds at the gray wolf and others.

"Master Dias, you are ..."

The gray wolf looked surprised. I do n’t understand how the sheriff who is not filial in this weekday will stop himself. Is he not paying enough this month? Or has he run out?

Dias sheriff turned around with a smile, and said, "Mr. Gray Wolf, I don't think you heard me, I said ... take your city card ... now!" Then Dias sheriff Putting his head over it, he said fiercely in the gray wolf's ear: "Don't let me repeat it again, you know?"

The gray wolf's attitude towards the Sheriff of Dias has become even more unclear. Therefore, he quickly lowered his voice and said in a tone that only two people could hear: "Master, hasn't you been too tight lately, brothers can give it again ... wow ... "

Dias slammed an uppercut, the light flashed, penetrated directly through the opponent ’s bodyguard, and slammed **** Wolf ’s lower abdomen, hitting his words completely back. He even spit a lot of blood.

The gray wolf was making smart words and talking about increasing bribery. He did not expect that the greedy sheriff would attack suddenly, because he was too close to the other party and was completely unprepared, and was seriously injured by a punch.

"Grey Wolf" fell to the ground with a grunt and was held by his men.

The Sheriff of Dias raised his head and shouted, "You people, the city card time is all null and void, immediately roll me back to the killing land, otherwise I will be punished for smuggling, but I will be sentenced to death."


Not only the gray wolf's men, but also the soldiers and the people watching around were uproar.

The most powerful gray wolf in the team was attacked by a sneak attack, so many warriors were driven into the killing area again. The strength of the evil wolf group was halved, and it was rushed into the killing area so hastily. Throw a bunch of fat sheep into the wolf's den.

Just in front of Ye Qingxuan and others, this evil wolf group still looks like a bad wolf, but at this time, his face turned mad immediately, his status instantly became a fat sheep, and they all showed incredible expressions.

"Do it now!"

With an order, the guards of the whole team held more than 20 warriors of the Wolf Team and began to go north. In the distance, a row of gray walls like the Great Wall are clearly visible. Under the walls that are more than 20 meters high, the grand iron gates stand there, looking like a hell's entrance.

Several warriors who wanted to run away were immediately chopped by the guard's halberd. He slashed the opponent's head mercilessly, took away all valuables from him, and threw the corpse beside the road. After a short time, there was a local aboriginal man with a brownish-red complexion who carried the corpse to the trash. Dispose of cars and trash.

And among the martial arts on the periphery, there are indeed spies who probe the news. Seeing such a major event happen, after confirming that they would surely be driven into the killing ground, they quickly turned away and reported this information to their respective power organizations.

All this was firmly fixed in Ye Qingxuan's eyes.

"If you novices, if you don't want to be a fat sheep, give me a good pack early and roll into the killing ground. Do you understand?" The Dias sheriff just shouted at Ye Qingxuan and others. Then he left with the remaining soldiers.

The people and warriors around looked at Ye Qingxuan and others with curiosity for a while, and all left. Each is busy.

Jiang Feiran walked to Ye Qingxuan and said softly, "It seems ... who is helping us?"

Ye Qingxuan looked around, frowning and said, "Help us? I don't think so ..." He greeted everyone to leave here, and said, "I'm afraid that someone doesn't want us to stay here, let's get into the killing sooner. Place, let us resolve it as soon as possible ... "

The hearts of the people were startled and became heavy. All Zhao Qingting's murderous eyes were staring at Ye Qingxuan's body.

Only Ruhua Monk grinned and smiled sillyly: "Let them come. A bunch of thieves, the family's Zen stick has long been hungry ..."

With abundant wealth, Ye Qingxuan and others found a well-set hotel to stay in. In the following days, Ye Qingxuan went out with flowers every day, and it looked like he was hanging around in this harbour city. But you are actually familiar with the city. At the same time, I was looking for several places that Uncle Murphy mentioned need attention.

The "Black Hammer" weapon shop is one of them.

The body looks like a beer barrel, but the arms of the blacksmith Okan, who is as strong as a beast, are now studying the claw fingers of a Tyrannosaurus Dragon Ye Qingxuan handed over to him, of course, with a blade about one foot long. Of nails.

A cloth towel was wrapped around his head, and the yellow beard on his chin was braided by the Okan blacksmith. Holding the talon claw finger on the test iron plate ...

With a squeak, it was like drawing a chocolate knife with a knife. A fine iron wire curled and curled into a ball, and a deep groove on the fine iron plate thicker than the palm appeared. Only the rest was left. The thin layer was not cut off, which was the result of Okan's effortless penetrating.

"Wow, howl ... good horny, just sharper than the Jiupin weapon, even a little more than ..." said Okan, surprised, and took out a small file With a little debris hanging from his nails, Ye Qingxuan shrank his eyelids and felt keenly that this small file had at least the same hardness as a soldier, otherwise it would not be possible to frustrate Tyrannosaurus's nails because Ye Qingxuan used " "Spirit Sword" failed to make a white mark on the nails.

As if he felt the change of Ye Qingxuan, Okan explained without raising his head: "Not surprisingly, the reason why this file tip is so sharp is because I spent a lot of money to get a little bit of magical soldier pieces, and it took my heart to learn it. It ’s made, and it ’s not as big as your nails, it cost me 60,000 coins, a whole 60,000 coins ... ”

"Broken magic soldier !?" Ye Qingxuan asked in amazement: "There are still such weapons here? And can the magic soldier be broken?"

"Of course it can, why not? The magic soldier is also artificial, otherwise do you think that the magic soldier is really a weapon for the gods?" Okangaga laughed twice, then said mysteriously: "If the materials and conditions are mature, here in this In the Holy Land, at least three people have the strength to create magical soldiers, can't think of it ... "

Ye Qingxuan was startled, and asked quickly: "Someone can build a magic soldier? Who is it?"

"Although it was a client you introduced by Murphy, I ca n’t tell you the news ..." Okan said with a smile. "These masters are not easily encountered, even people who know their names. Not many. Although some people have tried every means to find them, no one has achieved it for hundreds of years ... "

Ruhua said "Oh", "It turned out to be a legend, but the Sajia thought he was someone ..."

Okan looked up at the monk and sneered: "A lot of people originally thought like you when they were disappointed, but until the warriors of the European continent held a magical soldier and appeared in Tianlong City, arrogant This ancestral sword is called 'the first magic soldier in the world', and he searches for warriors with magic soldiers everywhere. After really finding two soldiers with magic soldiers, he used despicable means to force the other party to participate in his god. The battle between the two soldiers turned out to really smash the two magic soldiers.

At this time, a mysterious character suddenly appeared, and it took him only a few days to rebuild the two broken soldiers, not only intact, but also holding the two soldiers who had been defeated by the opponent. Challenge, with a wave of one hand, use one of the magic soldiers to chop the opponent's sword into two ends, and then use the other magic soldier to break the two swords into pieces, and then leave without a word. Now ... no one ever doubts anyone can build a magical soldier ... "

Ye Qingxuan snorted "Oh", and sighed that he had gained another insight.

"So what about these items? Is there a foundation for becoming a magic soldier?" Ye Qingxuan asked with some interest.

"The magic soldier is not so simple ~ ~ That person's ability is to restore the broken magic soldier, and improve the quality, but what is the difference between the magic soldier and the spiritual soldier or the treasure soldier, it is not me This kind of people can know, "Okan said with a sigh." Although I want to know the mystery, but obviously I haven't had such good luck ... "

"Then ... what do you think of these things?" Ye Qingxuan didn't know that someone could make a magic soldier, he immediately felt excited and thought he was lucky to be able to make these materials into a magic soldier, but still faced the reality, see What can be obtained.

"Jiupinbaobing, this is beyond doubt." Okan said easily: "Due to the material, this thing is more afraid of fire, but don't worry, as long as you don't throw it into the magma or it can be smelted In the temperature of steel, there will be no problem. However, those who practice the fire system will not use these weapons, and it will easily shorten their service life. "

Ye Qingxuan expressed his understanding.

Okan then asked, "I can make the claws of this Tyrannosaurus into a dagger, machete, or spear. I don't know what kind of weapon you want ..."

ps: second more.

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