This is a beautiful place.

The scenery is bright and the green grass is lush. You can see the green mountains, the floating clouds, and the beautiful mountains on the green hills.

Looking down on the villa, you can see not only the picturesque mountains and mountains, but also the Xiangyang City not far away, and the Hanshui River passing through the city.

The scenery here is beautiful, the terrain is good here, and the transportation is convenient here, but the villa on the mountain is ruined by the poor management of the original owner.

Fortunately, Mo Yeli bought it here two years ago and gave it to his closest brother, Ao Ziqing, as a wedding gift. He renovated it half a year ago, and within a few days, as Ao Ziqing, a core disciple of "Zhangkong Zhaojianmen", and Chu Qian's young lady Chu Qian, the famous family of Jingbei, are going to have their wedding ceremony here.

The wedding joy and the joy of housewarming will bring double happiness to the door, which will be held together in three days.

Mo Yeli was very excited about "the barren mountain and the old man". In order to have a decent gift, these days he went deep into the 100,000 mountains again, and hunted a 500-year-old white fox. The crystal nucleus was the second, but the white fox's hair But it is a priceless treasure, and making leather jackets absolutely makes all women ecstatic.

But also because of the slyness of this white fox, Mo Ye took a lot of effort, and the time was delayed by a few days. At this moment, Mo Yeli was transported to the extreme, carrying a small bag with a white fox skin. Galloping in the woods, instead of taking a long road around the mountain, it was changed to the "Dao Mountain Villa" which was inserted directly into the top of the hill.

"Dao's Villa" is the name he gave to Ao Ziqing and his wife, meaning to dominate the country, and also has a faint connection with Ao Ziqing's surname.

Through this grove. "Dao'an Villa" has been faintly watching.

Just after walking through the woods. When Mo Yeli looked up and looked at the villa not far away. But immediately panicked, terrified.

Right on the top of the mountain, where it should be "Dao's Villa", a huge fire was set off, the fire was very high, and the fire was extremely fierce.

Mo Ye's centrifugal head trembled suddenly, shouting badly, with extreme fear. Mo Ye was three points away from his feet, and he ran towards the "Dao'ao Villa" like a fate.

When he rushed to the place where the fire broke out, it really was Du'ao Villa.

The fire was fierce, but no one rescued the fire. Where did seven or eighty people go up and down in Du'ao Mountain Villa! ?

The Chu family is from the Jingbei family. As the married daughter of the gate family, of course, dowry is indispensable. The property, clothing and other items are not counted. There are sixty or seventy people who are close to girls and servants. . But apart from an old lady and a dozen servants, there is nothing to show off.

Just right now. Such a fire did not see a person appearing, and Mo Ye was even more disturbed in the centrifugation. When he rolled over and rushed into the fire, he immediately knew the answer.

"Dao's Villa" with men and women, more than 70 people, old and young, has become more than 70 dead bodies. The old lady's body is in the courtyard, the upper half lies in the courtyard, and the lower half is thrown into On the fire field, his eyes were so wide that he was astonished to death, as if he had seen an incredible scene before his death.

On the steps into the Ming Hall, Chu Huan, the twin brother Chu Qian, the eldest son of the Ao family and the bride, lay there, and usually regarded it as a treasured sword. At this time, he entered his chest and his The right hand was holding the sword's edge tightly, while the left hand was sideways, holding it equally tightly. The blue tendons on the back of the hand were like cyan dead snakes.

What makes him hold so tightly? Not willing to let go.

No one knows, and he will never say anything again, he will never stare.

Mo Yeli looked at the twisted and deformed face of Ba, and the eyes that had protruded with anger and horror, but felt that his heart was cramping and his stomach was contracting.

Chu Huan is also his brother. He is a happy young man at the turn of the year. Although martial arts is not the best of the younger generation, he is the most admirable person, without the pride of his family. He loves his younger sister, the one who admires most is himself, and the one who feels most worthy of contact is Ao Ziqing.

So for his sister's love of Ao Ziqing, he took the lead in following the family and fully supported his sister's choice.

But today, this young man who hopes that his sister and his friend will be married is dead here ...

He crouched down, gently closed his uncle's eyelids, and then pulled his hand again, but couldn't.

His hands were clenched too tightly, his blood had coagulated and his bones had hardened.

The fire was approaching, and Mo Yeli's pale face was roasted into red, and his hair was scorching.

Mo Yeli squeezed his grief, bit his teeth, and suddenly pulled his fingers desperately, even Chu Huan's fingers broke a few, before he opened the palm ...

It was a party jade, and there was a broken velvet rope at one end of the jade ...

Mo Yeli hastily hid this Fang Yupei in his arms!

This thing, maybe you can find the culprit here.


Mingtang collapsed, Mo Yeli jumped out of the flames at the critical moment, came to the courtyard, looked at Chu Huan's body engulfed by the fire, and Mo Ye was so sad that he wanted to cry.

Brother, walk slowly, brother will avenge you!

Mo Ye was roaring in the centrifugal, but he bit his lip tightly at this moment, not letting his crying out.

The fire devoured everything.

Is Ao Ziqing's body here? What about Chu Qian's body?

Thinking about this couple's death before they became a real couple, Mo Ye could not help but shed tears.

What the **** is this for? ?

The silent cry burst out from Mo Yeli's heart!

And suddenly, an ominous feeling came from behind ...

At this moment, he even felt that he couldn't find the answer here today, and even whether his life could be taken away was very questionable.

Mo Yeli didn't speak, and slowly turned around, three figures appeared in front of him.

Three swordsmen in blue-grey samurai robes, apricot sword spikes flying behind, and white beards flying in the wind. It's like three extravagant men who have n’t eaten fireworks for a long time.

All three were deacon-level elders in the sky. "Through the Cloud Sword" Suo Ranfeng. "Dingxiang sword" Jiang Zheng, "Absolute Sword" Song Zhongping.

It seems that these three people came to attend the wedding. They belong to the same group as Ao Ziqing, and they are all considered to be Ao Ziqing's elders. Of course, they will never be murderers.

Suo Ranfeng, the sword wearing the cloud, Jiang Zheng, the sword of Dingxiang, and Song Zhongping, the sword of the perfect circle, the relationship between the three is invincible. At the turn of the eight weeks, he has the reputation of "Three Friends in the Sky" on the rivers and lakes.

Although they are sky-swordsmen, they are rarely born. Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that they are not only highly skilled in swordsmanship, but also very fair. Many young men who learn swords use them as idols.

Especially for the young people in Yunzhou, before the Kunwu faction had risen, Changkong Zhaojianmen was the only well-known orthodox deity in Yunzhou Baidao Wulin.

"It's great that the three swordsmen are here. I asked three brothers to take charge of my brother's family!" Mo Yeli's face immediately showed great joy. Arched in excitement.

"Penetrating the sword" Suo Ranfeng, "Dingxiang sword" Jiang Zheng. "Zhongyuan Sword" Song Zhongping's complexion was as heavy as a haze over his eyes, but his eyes were sharp and cloudy like [Cloud Xia fog hidden twelve magic swords].

Mo Yeli's heart suddenly sank.

Because when he bowed to the end, he saw the broken velvet rope on the belt of Song Zhongping, the "absolute sword", exactly like the velvet rope on the jade in his arms.

"Zhongyuan Sword" Song Zhongping suddenly shouted, "Mo Yeli, you are so brave ..."

"Dingxiang sword" Jiang Zheng calmed his face, and then yelled, "Mo Zei, I know you have always acted arrogantly, but you still can't think you dare to do such a thing today."

"Through the Cloud Sword" Suo Ranfeng always said little.

At this moment, he was like a stone, but it was harder and colder than the stone. The dark shade in his eyes was strong, and there was no ridicule in it.

Mo Yeli knew the actions of the other three, but he still pleaded because he would leave here and tell the entire martial arts here. If the other party saw that he knew everything, he would face three well-known swordsmen. His attack was small and he could not avenge his brothers, so he pretended to be panic: "I didn't do these things. When I came, they had already been poisoned!"

"Zhang Yuan Sword" Song Zhongping appeared angry and said, "Dare you lie?"

Jiang Zhengli said: "It wasn't you who did it, who did it? The blood on your body wasn't wiped off, so dare to talk nonsense !?"

It was the blood stain that Mo Ye had just picked up when he was holding Chu Huan's body, but at this time it became the sword of this "three friends in the sky" to kill.

"This is really not what I did. They are my brothers. How could I do this killer !?"

Mo Yeli's expression panicked, but his heart became calm.

"Perhaps you are greedy for the beauty of Girl Chu. The new couple is getting married today, and you are jealous and mad, just the poisonous hand!"

I don't know the so-called excuse, so you already thought of excuses.

Mo Yeli suddenly had a desire to laugh up.

This group of arrogant assholes, who had started to do scum things, thought that the excuse was so insignificant and kind.

"Absolute Sword" Song Zhongping said, "What else do you have to say?"

Mo Yeli suddenly said: "I am wronged, I want to be judged by Wu Lin!"

For a moment, Jiang Zheng and Song Zhongping couldn't think of Mo Yeli making this request, and he couldn't help turning back and glancing at "Ran Yunjian" Suo Ranfeng.

However, Suo Ranfeng's pupil "through the sword" shrank sharply, and suddenly yelled, "Want to be beautiful, kill me!"

Together with the words, his sword has come out of the sheath, and his sword is faster than his voice. The words have not fallen. He has stabbed eighteen swords towards Mo Yeli.

"Crossing Cloud Sword" Suo Ranfeng moves fast, but not as fast as Mo Yeli!

Because he had been guarding against the opponent ’s sudden killer, he secretly condensed a huge amount of anger, and when he saw the other's shot, his fists smashed at each other in front of him, hum—

A huge power grid was formed in front of several people. Mo Yeli used the most powerful [Five Thunder Breaking Fist] to make a powerful move. The power grid instantly cut off the connection between the two parties. To "Three Friends in the Sky", while he was short, he wore it back into the fire field and plunged into the fiery flames.

As soon as Sword Ranfeng's sword potential touched the power grid, he felt a sudden numbness in the right hand meridian vein, and he could not sustain it.惶 Then yelled while yelling, "Come here. Can't let him go!"

"Dingxiang sword" Jiang Zheng and "absolute circle sword" Song Zhongping bypassed the power grid that has not yet dissipated. The rapid encirclement from both sides to the fire scene, and the surrounding sound of a ragged air sounded. Hundreds of former sky-lighted Jianmen masters appeared, encircling a ruin in the flames far away.

Even if Mo Yeli plugs his wings, don't even try to escape here.

Mo Yeli is not afraid of death, but he is unwilling to die like this.

He knew that as soon as he died, he would become the murderer of the "Dao'an Villa", and the infamousness with which he had been borne would never be washed away. And the true murderer who slaughtered Yizhuang will be free forever.

He also knew that "Three Friends in the Sky" would never let him escape, so he rushed into the flames.

"Crossing the Cloud Sword" Suo Ranfeng sternly said, "Life is to see people, death is to see corpses!" The paralysis that spread to the whole body made his roar even more stern.

"Zhongyuan Sword" Song Zhongping and "Dingxiang Sword" Jiang Zheng have also rushed into the flames. Although the fire is nearing its end, they are still very violent. Although they shield their flames with their breath, their hair It was still rolled at high temperatures, and there were still some parts of the body burning, giving off a scorching smell.

The life of "Three Friends in the Sky" has always been superior. Their manners have always been outstanding, except for losing some faces on Kunwu Mountain. They have never been so embarrassed.

But this time they were desperate.

But among the ruins, except for the high temperature, there was only the sound of the flames burning wood. Where could you find Mo Yeli.

"Dingxiang Sword" Jiang Zheng couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly jumped out of the fire, roaring: "Let's quit first, he can't run anyway."

Everyone readily agreed.

Hundreds of people surrounded the fire and watched the original neat and elegant "Dao'ao Villa" turned into ashes in the fire.

This kind of fire, such a tight siege, Mo Yeli really can't run.

If he escapes the fire, he cannot escape the sharp front of "Three Friends in the Sky"; if he stays in the fire, he will be burned to death.

"Three Friends in the Sky" looked at the fire and smiled.

The fire finally went out!

"Three Friends in the Sky" began to clear the ignition site, and all the bodies had been burnt.

"Crossing the Cloud Sword" Soran Feng asked: "How many corpses?"

Some disciples came forward and said, "Eighty."

"Piercing the Cloud Sword" Suo Ranfeng's face sank, and after a long time, he said, "Mo Yeli is not dead yet!"

"Absolute Sword" Song Zhongping nodded and said, "Yes, he is not dead."

Under the heavy complexion of the trio, the students in the sky began to search again.

Finally, an hour later, they found a burnt tunnel among the tiles.

"Absolute Sword" Song Zhongping's face was as ugly as he was ugly, and said ruthlessly, "He's just afraid that he has escaped from this tunnel."

"Dingxiang sword" Jiang Zhengdao: "He is the brother of Ao Ziqing, and the man who built this villa. He knows that there is a secret passage here, which is not surprising!"

"Through the Cloud Sword" Suo Ranfeng sighed and said, "But we can't help but know. If this thing can't be done, I'm afraid Elder Qu can't explain it!"

What they call the Elder Qu can only be one person, that is, the "foil sword" Qu Guihong, one of the four principal elders in the sky.

"Zhongyuan Sword" Song Zhongping said: "Chase, you must chase! Even if you chase to the ends of the earth, you can't let him escape."

"Piercing the Cloud Sword" Suo Ranfeng smiled in a yin and yin and said, "Put out a post! The whole martial arts offers a high reward, and Mo Yeli is wanted. Mo Yeli is so wicked that he killed his brothers and his family How can his doorman get him away? "

"Three Friends in the Sky" burst into laughter.

Fireworks in March is the most beautiful season in Jiangnan.

Tobacco willow shore, peach blossom like brocade.

Ye Qingxuan left Yangzhou at this time and rejected the goodwill of the Longjiang Society. He was alone in a passenger ship dedicated to transporting guests. He went up against the current and entered the boundary of Jingzhou for more than ten days.

Nothing happened, this day the passenger boat reached its own destination, Xiangyang City.

Sushang Palace is located in Yelan Mountain, Wuling County, in the middle and south of Jingzhou. Just from Xiangyang City to the south along the waterway, the scenery will reach Sushang Palace in a few days, thinking that I will see my sweetheart who has not seen each other for two years, Ye Qingxuan is anxious.

However, this passenger ship did not leave until Xiangyang. If Ye Qingxuan wanted to go south again, he would have to change to another ship.

The thousand-year-old city of Xiangyang City is extremely large, but Ye Qingxuan has no intention of viewing it. After hurriedly booking the tickets for tomorrow, he found a hostel, and after a simple bath, he found a lively restaurant in the city to eat. thing.

Just after noon at this time, the dozen or so large tables on the second floor were almost filled with people, both passing by business travelers and local people, and most of them were savage and armed hawkers, obviously They are all characters in the martial arts.

I ordered Dao Jiu's most famous "crispy carp", cut some braised meat, simply called some side dishes, accompanied by small wine, Ye Qingxuan ate it at his own discretion, and at the same time he had nothing to do. , Looking around.

When I went upstairs, I didn't pay much attention. At this time, Ye Qingxuan looked around, but found that the martial arts characters here accounted for 80%, one by one, looking fierce, looking around.

The next wave of characters who looked like merchants attracted Ye Qingxuan's special attention.

The head of the figure is a low-key, middle-aged fat man, dressed in extravagance, and even a little rich and rustic, with a harmless smile on his face, more like a boss than the owner of this restaurant;

And the boss who was sitting next to him was obviously the boss. This can be seen from her demeanor. Xiao Xiao or a **** would never dare to be more arrogant than the boss. In her early thirties, the most mature and **** charm of a woman is revealed, and the momentum is so strong that every man who has seen her must be impressed.

In fact, around this time, there were some warriors who did not know the depth and stared at the **** big beauty with a wolf-like look. Of course, their eyes were on her alone, and there was a big beauty at the same table. However, the other person's fair skin and brown hair indicate that the other party is not a Central Plains woman. This woman has thick lips, high nose, and round cheekbones. She is tall but still maintains exquisite and embossed lines. She has a unique and strange beauty. Although she is silent, she still has indescribable provocativeness. .

Most of the men's eyes in the audience turned around the two beauties at this time. The meaning in the eyes can be guessed with their feet.

And one of the last two characters on that table ~ ~ is a savage brave man, with a silvery sword across his leg, his eyes are like his blade, sharp There is light, as if desperately desperate at all times.

The last person was a middle-aged man with a very long scar on his face, his face complexion, staring at his feet with an inferiority complexion, without raising his head, without saying a word. But Ye Qingxuan knew that at this time his attention was fully unfolded, and as soon as someone stepped into his defense area, he would be immediately hit by his relentless and devastating blow.

In addition to them, there are obviously a table of martial arts masters in Tsing Yi who are their men, occupying two tables on the periphery, separating these five people from other people.

These five people are all masters!

When Ye Qingxuan glanced over them, although the five did not have any abnormal movements, Ye Qingxuan, who was super conscious, felt that the five were all staring at them, especially the fat boss who seemed to be the most incompetent. Terrible, even Ye Qingxuan has a bottomless feeling.

When I was about to look away, I suddenly saw the fat boss staring at him with a smile, raised the glass gently, and gestured to him. Ye Qingxuan kept raising the wine glass, and smiled arrogantly. Toasted with a glass of water and wine. (To be continued ...)

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