The improvement is really obvious.

And if Lin Moyu can succeed in the third round, it will tie the record.

Level 27 Lower Careers challenge Level 42 Higher Careers is incredible to think about.

A level 42 archer appeared in the ring.

Wearing a platinum-level battlefield suit, he is extremely powerful.

There is a clear gap between senior and lower professionals.

After the second turn, the attributes are greatly increased, and various skills become stronger, and you can also master powerful advanced skills.

What’s more, starting from level 40, platinum-level equipment can be used.

Platinum-level battlefield suits are more powerful than ordinary platinum equipment.

A high-level professional above level 40 is enough to form a crushing trend against a low-level professional.0 In the eyes of everyone, Lin Moyu wants to win this game, it is not easy.

“You guys say, if the third round of the challenge is successful, will Lin Moyu continue to challenge the fourth round?”

“It’s hard to say, the reason why no one challenged the success in the fourth round is not so simple.

“How is it not easy?”

“I just heard that anyway, the fourth round of the challenge is unusual, different from the first three. Otherwise, no one would have succeeded for so many years. ”

Being there knows what the fourth round challenge is like, just that it’s very, very hard.

Lin Moyu didn’t know, he believed that he would see it soon.

He was also curious about why no one had ever successfully challenged the 417th round.

What exactly is the difficulty of the fourth round.

A level 42 archer, from the military, the rank of second lieutenant is also reached.

Like Lin Moyu, it is a three-star ensign.

The archer was silent, his gaze sharp as electricity, as if he had locked onto Lin Moyu.

The battle began, and in an instant, several arrows shot straight into the sky!

Skill: Tracking Arrow!

The arrow light turned a corner in the air and fell towards Lin Moyu’s head.

As the arrow fell, the skeleton mage’s spell also reached the archer.

The archer quickly retreats, and in the process of retreating, the body turns into three and avoids in different directions.

Skill: Lunge Doppelganger!

The skeleton mage suddenly lost his target.

Lin Mo mistakenly moved in his heart and let the skeleton mage attack at will.

At this point, the tracking arrow fell.

Several bangs fell on Lin Moyu.

Each blow was like a boulder falling with a deafening sound.

It’s like smashing in people’s hearts, depressing and uncomfortable.

Lin Mo’s words are about to end!

Most people think so.

A level 27 character, no matter how strong his skills are, will inevitably be killed in seconds if he endures the attack of a level 42 high professional head-on.

The bone armor on Lin Moyu’s body shone brightly, blocking the attack.

“This is … Defensive skills!

“Similar defensive skills to the mage’s magic shield.”

“To attack and attack, to defend and defend, this profession is invincible!”

“This armor is so cool!”

Everyone exclaimed!

The archer was obviously stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect that Lin Moyu actually had defensive skills, and it was very strong.

Chapter 193: The Fourth Round Archer and Assassin, who have never been beaten

, are the two classes with the highest agility.

At this time, he turned into three and ran in the ring.

Each speed is fast, almost turning into an afterimage, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

Skeleton warriors chased after them.

The archers were too flexible to catch up for a while.

Most of the Skeleton Mage’s skills are also avoided by them, and only the Electric skill can deal some damage.

However, the level difference is huge, and the platinum equipment on the archer’s body emits a shimmer, canceling out most of the damage.

Moreover, Lin Moyu found that every time an attack fell on them, their bodies would undergo strange distortions.

This distortion avoids most of the damage.

As a result, the mage can inflict very few attacks on him.

During the running process, the archers also continued to attack Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu’s agility was far inferior to them, knowing that he could not dodge, so he simply stood there and did not move.

Rely on the skeleton armor and eat the opponent’s attack hard.


Red light filled the ring.

Skill: Curse Slow!

The speed of the archer’s body and the doppelganger suddenly slowed down.

The Skeleton Mage also took the opportunity to launch a round of attacks.

The two doppelgangers exploded to pieces at the same time.

The archer’s body twisted strangely, and he ate a round of attacks hard.

At the same time, the bow and arrow were raised, the bow and arrow shone, and a pillar of light rose into the sky.

The slow curse is broken!

Skill: Purify!

Lin Mo was stunned, this is not a therapist’s skill!

The archer’s skill comes from the Platinum-level weapon in his hand.

Many Platinum-level equipment comes with skills, most of which are weapons-based.

There are all kinds of skills.

Unexpectedly, the skill attached to the weapon of the archer turned out to be purification.

The accompanying purification skills naturally cannot be compared with the purification of the therapist himself.

Some powerful curses cannot be broken.

However, it is more than enough to lift the curse of slow speed.

Lin Moyu used the slow curse again, the purification effect was still continuing, and the slow curse did not work.

The archer shuttles between skeletons, does not fight with skeletons, and his goal is only Lin Moyu.

Skill: Exploding Arrow!

Skill: Shock Arrow!

Skill: Silent Arrow!

Bursting skills again and again, constantly attacking Lin Moyu.

The bone armor blocked all attacks, whether it was stun or silence, it did not affect Lin Moyu, and someone saw the clue and found that the bone armor was terrifyingly strong.

After withstanding so many attacks in a row, it is still intact.

This is an attack from a level 42 high professional, if it were replaced by another level 27 professional, it would have been killed with one stone.

“What a strong defensive skill!”

“Can anyone tell me where the weakness of this profession is.”

“At the moment, there are no weaknesses, almost perfect!”

But looking at it now, it seems that the two sides have reached a stalemate, and no one can help the other” Yes, I don’t know how Lin Moyu will break the situation! The

archer did not say a word, constantly attacking Lin Moyu while dodging attacks.0 He believed that he could always break Lin Moyu’s turtle shell.

“What more skeletons to come out? Still…”

Lin Moyu thought for half a second and made a decision.

Target the archer, the fire flashes in the hand.

Skill: Soul Flame!

The archer who was running suddenly let out a shocking scream.

The whole person was unstable, stumbled two steps, and fell to the ground.

The skeleton warriors chased after them, and the skeleton mage’s attacks followed.

He struggled wildly to jump.

Now use the avatar skill, turn one into three, and shift the target.

His eyes as he looked at Lin Moyu changed and became frightened.

Lin Moyu sighed, he was just worried about this.

After all, this skill… It hurts so much.

It really hurts, except for Xu Yan, he has no one who can withstand it.

The off-site boiled!

“Something happened.”

“I don’t know.”

“I see that Lin Moyu seems to have used skills!”

“I also saw that the single attack skill, and it is a locked-type skill….

The tip of the iceberg has lifted again.

Surprises always come suddenly.

Lin Moyu sighed lightly, since he had already used it, he would not keep it again.

The palm slowly lifted, and the fire burned in the palm.



With two consecutive sounds, the two doppelgangers exploded one after the other.

Bad luck, did not choose the main lord!

Lin Moyu aimed at the archer’s true body again, and he was immediately enveloped by a creepy feeling.

Fear arises.

Flames flashed!

Screams broke through the sky.

The whole person fell to the ground again and shrunk.

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